This is another small update; hopefully, it will be the last one before the next content update (0.5).
Here is the list of changes from Google Play:
- Added: New type of items - seeds
- Added: Wand of Disintegration
- Added: New badges
- Added: New sounds
- Changed: Ring of Haggler and Ring of Thorns are not needed for unlocking “all rings" badge
- Changed: Wands can’t have more than 9 charges now
- Changed: The chance of looting a Ring of Thorns is increased
- Fixed: Several bugs fixed (incl. critical ones)
Source: 0.4.5 Released!
0.4.5a Hotfix Released! (07.05.2013)
Here is a link to the latest version of the app: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/92095832/pixeldungeon.apk