Shadow Automaton wrote:
LoL Ethaniel might be able to answer that. (I think he was the main force behind it..?)
Oops, I’ve been caught! :Þ
And while I don't know the exact reason(s) behind it, I have some good guesses as to why:
It’s exactly that:
If, in a future game version, Watabou decides that an armor will then be identified after 15 successful hits instead of 10, the same correction would need to be applied on the 5 articles. One would say that 5 is small enough for manual correction, and I’d agree, but what if the 12 potions articles should be changed the same way? Or the 17 standard enemies? Better factorize the data and correct it only once.
BTW the armor example is really good, because I just realize that it should now read “Hero/ine”: It took me only a few seconds to correct it in the 5 armor articles.
Nope, I didn’t have that in mind. In fact it’s even easier to vandalize, because a single change affects all related articles (which is intended) and because editions of templates don’t appear on the activity page (fortunately in can be found easily on the recent changes page, one just has to uncheck all namespaces but “Template”).
There's probably other reasons, but that's all I can come up with at the moment.
No other reason that I’m aware of. ;)
Again, a Wiki Syntax List/Tutorial page on templates would be of immense help here.
Ouch, I’m pretty bad at documentation… ^^"
Mdsimmo wrote:
First, as for the "/data" pages, KILL THEM WITH MOTHERF***ING FIRE(bolt)! Those things are pains in the bum in every aspect.
Hehe. I too want to get rid of them but still keep the ability to share data between pages (makes maintenance so much easier) by merging them into the actual page. Actually, Ethaniel has been planning the same thing. Would you like that?
As {{Article armor}} is used only 5 times, I’ll use it as a sandbox/POC.
Mdsimmo wrote:
First, as for the "/data" pages, KILL THEM WITH MOTHERF***ING FIRE(bolt)! Those things are pains in the bum in every aspect.
Hehe. I too want to get rid of them but still keep the ability to share data between pages (makes maintenance so much easier) by merging them into the actual page. Actually, Ethaniel has been planning the same thing. Would you like that?
Mmmh… “had been” would be more accurate, as I don’t really have time and motivation anymore for the game and the wiki, as you should have already figured out by yourself ^^" (plus, I cannot play v1.7.4+ as my Android is 2.2, it’s a big motivation killer too >_<).
The /data
subpages are clearly my greatest mistake here, even though it’s not entirely bad as it replaced something that was worse (data duplication): I should have thought longer on that in order to reach directly the better design (i.e. data in the articles); Now updating everything is an Herculean task, sorry for that… :/
Mdsimmo wrote:
I've been wanting to rewrite the info boxes in Lua for a while now
InfoboxBuilder is activated on the wiki: Is it too far to what you have in mind?
Mdsimmo wrote:
What you you think?
Option 2 too: Designing a template intended to be used only once is a bit overkill, let’s use the simplest option (until a more general design requires a dedicated {{Article shopkeeper}}
… :Þ But we have months/years ahead of us. ^^")
Thanks for the report. Some questions/requests:
For an unknown reason, the code allows endless generation of floors until some conditions are met, but ensuring a suitable room for the blacksmith is strangely not one of those conditions.
The King of Dwarves is not the final boss anymore since 2013-08-18 (check the dates of the posts), with Update 0.5.
Unfortunately the “you” you’re talking about probably doesn’t read the current thread.
Considering the thread date, I assume that OP was playing Update 1.7.3. 3 hotfixes have then been released, you should probably want to use the latest one.
The code for Update 1.7.2 has been published some days ago. It seems that we ave to wait for version N+1 in order to have code of version N…
can somebody explain how remaisn works exacly?or there is a post on this wiki already?regardless what is the 'drop rate' or whatever?
It’s straightforward: Hero's remains.
It depends:
But if it’s run by fans, will they accept to move here? Better ask them the question: Maybe do they already have their dedicated wiki!
CJTC wrote: ... ... ... How did I miss this as a title! HOW!!!
Title changed (as you can’t do it by yourself).
SuperSaiyan99 wrote: Yes, you drop your stuff on the floor above and die on the boss depth. Then you go back up and pick your stuff up and battle the boss again.
Only if a slave died at the boss’s floor, thus his remains will appear as soon as the master dies and resurrects there.
I voted “No”, because I prefer a/some forum thread/s (in “The wiki – News and Announcements”) rather than a wiki article.
Ah, concerning selling, I don’t know, sorry.