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The game – News and Announcements
Exactly what it sounds like. They didn't touch on much, but had one or two good words for it. The comments section, though...
[Gid gud m8s]
Read the article here .
Just Updated
Android Platform
Google Playstore
Nov 30th, 2015
- Improved Catalogus.
It displays the number of currently-owned identified potions and scrolls, and you can use them right fromthethere. - Improved tiles.
Nothing dramatic here, but the map should look a little less “regular” now. - New Berserker’s perk: “The more enemies surround the Berserker, the faster he performs his attacks.”
- Any wand can be merged with another wand of the same type.
It works roughly like Troll Blacksmith’s service, but wands don’t need to be identified. - Wand Of Flock spawns fewer sheep
, but they block line-of-sight and live longer.
It’s supposed to make this wand more useful. :)
For example, you can use it to get close to an enemy and perform a surprise attack. - Wand of Avalanche is buffed.
- Wand of Firebolt is slightly nerfed.
- Sacrificial
markfire gets propagated (inflicted/spread/procced) on (Hero/ine's) attack.
I.e. instead of luring enemies into sacrificial fire, you can step into it yourself and then attack them - they’ll become “marked for sacrifice”. - All
mobs on a levelenemies at a depth get beckoned when someone steps into sacrificial fire.
Together with the previous change, it should make the whole sacrificing thing faster. - More “scroll-like” behavio
ur of Scroll of Wipe Out.
Now, it burns and it can be stored in a scroll holder. - Some typos fixed.
and more…
- 1.9.2 for Android released! (Tumblr)
- 1.9.2 for Android released! (Twitter)
Additional Unannounced Changes (from 1.9.1 to 1.9.2)
1.9.2a Hotfix Released! (12.6.2015)
[Unannounced 1.9.2a changes]:
Steam Platform
Dec 23rd, 2015
We've (been) working hard to get you a new update for PD!
This update has been delayed more than we expected, due to unforeseen problems with Windows 10 and Mac OSX El Capitan, so if you have problems with those system versions (well, or any other :D) after this update, please give us a shout in the forums (marking it with [BUG], so we don't overlook it).
In any case, Merry Christmas to you all, and thanks for supporting us!
(Same changelist as for Google Playstore above, with one announced addition.):
- Shift+clicking a tile makes a character go to that tile without performing any other actions
Source: 1.9.2 hits Steam!
iOS Platform
Jan 6th, 2016
(Same changelist as for Google Playstore above, with one announced addition.):
- Background music issue fixed
- What's New in Version 1.9.2 (iTunes)
- 1.9.2 for iOS released! (Twitter)
[Editor's note:
Since the Desktop platform's update release will be released at a later time, I'll return to update this thread once the changelist for it has been released.]
Sept 4th, 2015
ANDROID Platform
Google Playstore
- Added: New armor enchantment - Auto-Repair
- Added: New vfx
- Changed: Wand of Avalanche "presses" affected tiles
- Changed: Scroll of Wipe Out
turns Shop goods and Mimics
into regular heaps
- Fixed: Several major and minor bugs
- Fixed: Typos
Source: Update 1.9.1 Released! (PD Playstore page)
Additional Unannounced Changes (from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1)
Unannounced Changes (from 1.7.5 to 1.9.1)
- Added: Unique description for dying to a Bomb
- Added/Changed: Coding for Highlighted text
- Added/Changed: Itemslot has a Warning for an item about to break
- Changed: Something about the Quest NPCs' code structure..(?)
- Changed: Bomb's code description
- Changed: Coding for Ring of Haggler & Ring of Thorns
- Changed: Coding for Wand levels
- Changed: Wand of Disintegration can now destroy Signposts, but can no longer destroy Barricades
- Changed: Coding for Enchantments' level
- Changed: Code structure for Missile Weapons
- Changed: Code structure for Depth/Tile layout
- Changed: Coding for Seed of Rotberry
- Changed: Coding for Depth Terrain
- Fixed: Seems like a bug for the All _ Identified badges have been fixed? (Happy End & "Champion" are visible too)
Amazon Appstore
STEAM Platform
Just so you know, we’ve not been sitting on our hands for the past few weeks!
We’ve cooked an awesome release that we hope you’ll enjoy. :)
Here is a list of changes, in case you’re wondering:
- Added: Tome of Remastery
- Added: New Sad Ghost's quest
- Added: New Old Wandmaker's quest
- Added: Auto-targetting for missile weapons and wands
- Added: Sacrificial chamber
- Changed: Wand of Telekinesis is replaced with Wand of Reach
- Changed: Degradation system
- Changed: Durability of all items increased
- Changed: Burnt tiles may be flooded
- Changed: Some vfx
- Changed: Some in-game texts
- Changed: Wand of Avalanche "presses" affected tiles
- Fixed: Incorrect dungeon layer name on the start screen
- Fixed: Crash when Scroll of Challenge affects the Shopkeeper
- Fixed: Final score formula
- Fixed: Typos
Source: 1.9.1 released! (Steam PD Announcements)
iOS Platform
- Added: Tome of Remastery
- Added: New Sad Ghost's quest
- Added: New Old Wandmaker's quest
- Added: Auto-targeting for missile weapons and wands
- Added: New room - Sacrificial chamber
- Added: New armor enchantment - Auto-repair
- Changed: Wand of Telekinesis is replaced with Wand of Reach
- Changed: Degradation system
- Changed: Durability of all items increased
- Changed: New badges screen
- Changed: Burnt tiles may be flooded
- Changed: Gamelog improved
- Changed: UI graphic assets
- Changed: Improved Wand of Regrowth visuals
- Changed: Scroll of Challenge applies Rage debuff
- Changed: Background music, podcasts, et c., are now enabled
- Fixed: Final score formula
- Fixed: Typos
Source: 1.9.1 is out! (iTunes Appstore PD page)
DESKTOP Platform
(Main website & Itch.io)
T.B.A. (at a later date)
Aug 22nd, 2015
The next Pixel Dungeon update for Steam and iOS, with a lot of new features and improvements (no new levels/classes though :P), will be released on September 4th.
You may wonder why we announce it so much in advance?
The reason is, this time we are going to try to release for several platforms at the same time, and it requires some serious planning.
And since we have plans, why not
For the first time in the (not so long) history of Pixel Dungeon, the versions for all supported platforms will become equal, in athe sense of game mechanics!
To commemorate this event, we are starting a 2-weeks long promotional sale on Steam, right 'till the date of the release.
Don’t miss it! :)
- The Android version will also receive a small update at the same day.
- The desktop version on http://Itch.io will be updated later.
NEWS Sources:
Aug 5th, 2015
"Initially, these features were meant to be a part of the previous update, but I was afraid to jam too many of them into a single release. So, it’s more like '1.8.0, Part 2' ":
- Added: New room - Sacrificial Chamber
- Added: Auto-targeting for wands and missile weapons
- Added: Read animation (*Scroll-reading* animation added to Hero/ine spritesheets)
- Changed: Degradation system
- Changed: Durability of all items is slightly increased
- Changed: Wands of Telekinesis are replaced with Wands of Reach, with a different effect on enemies
- Changed: The way score is calculated
- Fixed: Bugs and typos
...and more...
"About changes in the Degradation System:
When durability of an item decreases to zero, it doesn’t degrade now.
Instead, it keeps its level, but it breaks.
For example, if you had a +3 Venomous Sword, it becomes Broken +3 Venomous Sword.
Broken items can be used as normal ones, but of course, they perform worse.
For fixing them, the same means are used as for restoring durability: Scrolls of Upgrade, Scrolls of Enchantment etc."
NEWS Sources:
1.9.0 for Android released! (Tumblr)
1.9.0 for Android released! (Twitter)
Additional Unannounced Changes (from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0)
- Added: Journal entry for the new Special Room, Sacrificial Chamber
- Added: New "Marked for Sacrifice" Buff/Debuff, obtained from Sacrificial Chamber (Duration: 1-3 turns)
- Added: New Blob - Sacrificial Fire
- Added: "Swap" mechanism for the Wand of Reach
- Added: New Scroll - Scroll of Wipe Out, obtained from the new Sacrificial Chamber, after slaying a number of enemies that have received the Marked for Sacrifice buff/debuff.
- Added: Code description for Sacrificial Chamber is "Altar"
- Added: 2 New Signpost tips!
- Signpost 18 - "Weapons and armors deteriorate faster than wands and rings, but there are more ways to fix them."
- Signpost 19 - "The only way to obtain a Scroll of Wipe Out is to receive it as a gift from the dungeon spirits."
- Added/Changed: Wand of Reach can now also open
Gravestones (Tombs) &
Skeletal Remains
- Changed: Item Entropy (Degradation → "Breaking")
- Changed:
- Ring Degradation buffed (80 → 100)
- Wand Degradation buffed (5 → 6)
- Melee Weapon Degradation buffed (4 → 5)
- Boomerang Degradation buffed (7 → 8)
- Further intel pending!
July 26th, 2015
"It's been half a year since the last Android update?
Ok, then it's time for a new one":
- Added: New quest from the Sad Ghost -
Curse-Personified Quest
- Added: New quest from the Old Wandmaker -
Phantom Fish Quest
- Added: Tome of Remastery
- Changed: Badges screen layout
- Changed: Scrollpanes display scroll position
- Changed: Improved game log
- Changed: Scrolls of Challenge apply Rage debuff.
and more...
NEWS Sources:
1.8.0 for Android released! (Tumblr)
1.8.0 for Android released! (Twitter)
Additional Unannounced Changes (from 1.7.5a to 1.8.0)
- Added: New Summoned Quest Enemy - Curse Personification
- Added: New Food item - Phantom Fish; 2 turns to eat; applies Invisible Buff when eaten
- Added/Changed: Tengu drops the Tome of Remastery
- Further intel Pending
July 8th, 2015
- Added: Landscape orientation
- Fixed: iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Plus resolution issue
- Fixed: Window shadows
- Fixed: Background scrolling
- Fixed: Flare effect
- Fixed: Wrong icon on iPad
NEWS Source: iOS 1.7.6 Released! | iTunes/Pixel Dungeon
Additional Unannounced Changes
- Pending
Update 1.7.7 Released!
July 25, 2015
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash.
Watabou tweeted:
iOS version of Pixel Dungeon finally hits the AppStore:
Compatibility: iOS 6, or later; iPhone, iPad, & iPod touch; optimized for iPhone 5
Version: Update 1.7.5
Price: $2.99
Watabou tweeted:
We just released the first update for the Steam version of Pixel Dungeon:
The list of improvements is relatively short, but it's only (the) beginning. :)
Arcnor wrote:
Hi there!
We've been in radio silence mode for the past month or so, but we've been working hard on improving the game!
Besides patching those pesky bugs, we've tried to add some new things as well; the most useful of all is partial controller support (and better mouse support as well)!
With 'partial', we mean that you can bind mouse/controller buttons (and only buttons) to actions in the game.
So you can't yet navigate through menus, or select a particular cell, using only your controller, but we are working on full controller support.
Here is the full list of improvements:
- Changed: Slower character movement when navigating using a keyboard
- Added: Shortcuts for throwing items, drinking potions, reading scrolls, zapping wands, and planting seeds
- Fixed: No auto-descend/ascend when navigating a Hero/ine using the keyboard
- Fixed: No "running into a wall"
- Added: Mouse and game controller buttons as bindable keys
- Added: "Scrollbars"
- Fixed: "Miraculous revival" bug fixed
If you see one of your issues listed here, please check that everything works as intended.
If you continue to see any bugs, please report them on the discussion forum on Steam!
Watabou wrote:
Steam Greenlight :: Pixel Dungeon (PD page on Steam)
We* are happy to announce that Pixel Dungeon is now on Steam Greenlight!
(*Watabou, in collaboration with Arcnor)
Source: Steam Greenlight Pixel Dungeon
Watabou wrote:
Pixel Dungeon has been greenlit!
Good news, everyone!
Pixel Dungeon has been greenlit in just a week and a half.
Many thanks to everyone who voted for us; *we'll try not to disappoint you. :)
We* are going to publish a list of additional features for the Steam version later this week.
Stay tuned!(*Watabou, in collaboration with Arcnor)
Source: Good News!
Plans for the first release of Pixel Dungeon on Steam
Hello, everybody!
Today we present a list of additional features we are planning for the first release of Pixel Dungeon on Steam, comparing to both the latest Android version (1.7.5a) and the latest desktop version from itch.io.
- Steam integration - Achievements.
- Steam integration - Stats.
- New GUI optimized for desktops.
- Legacy play mode - no degradation! (but also no badges and no rankings).
- Improved keyboard support.
- Stereo sound effects.
- A lot of mostly small visual improvements.
This list is not final, so feel free to share your ideas with us!
Also, we have more plans for future releases, from game controller support and additional Steam integration, to a new sountrack and multilingual support.
Arcnor wrote:
Our final (Steam) announcement
Hi again!
Sadly, this is our last announcement here... but it's just because Pixel Dungeon will be released in a few hours!
We're very grateful to all of you and want to thank you again for your support.
We really hope you enjoy the game as much as we enjoyed working on it!
If you've played the original Android version, you'll notice some changes, and some of them you won't see (because they are bugs we squashed!), but instead of telling you the little details, we prefer if you discover them yourself.
So, just visit our Steam page in a few hours and show us your support!
One last note:
There is more to come!
So, don't worry; we listen to every piece of feedback and we'll make some changes in the future, so stay tuned!
Watabou tweeted:
Pixel Dungeon Trailer
Pixel Dungeon Official Trailer (Steam Platform)
Of particular note here was Arcnor's comment (in the Discussions tab on PD's Steam page) regarding Degradation (in reply to a question regarding the differences between the Android & Steam versions):
The first released version will be pretty much the same as the Android one, plus obvious desktop changes:
- (like keyboard/mouse support, etc)
- Steam Achievements & probably Leaderboards,
- and maybe switches for some stuff (like the dreaded, or loved, degradation system). : )
Share your thoughts on the matter, in the comments below! =)
January 22nd, 2015
- Added: New enemy type - Mimic
- Added: New sounds - [Bee, Mimic, & Degrade]
- Added: Durability indicators in the inventory window (3 green 'lights' at the bottom-left corner of an item slot; each one turns red as the item degrades)
- Changed: Scrolls of Enchantment replace Arcane Styli
- Changed: Using a fully-charged wand as a melee weapon, precipitates its degradation.
- Changed: Both quickslot items are displayed in the Ranking window
- Fixed: Numerous bugs & typos
"I'm going to publish the source code of this version by the end of the week (skipping 1.7.3 & 1.7.4)."
NEWS Source: 1.7.5 Released!
Source Code: https://github.com/watabou/pixel-dungeon/tree/1.7.5
Additional Unannounced Changes (from 1.7.2 to 1.7.5)
- Visual changes
Changes which are for visual appeal only. No change to game play
- Title screen banner gets blue glow
- Some demon halls tiles changed
- Changed launcher icon (removed border outline)
- Rankings record amount of wins
- "Death from a glyph" renamed to "Death from an enchantment"
- Renamed challenges
- "No food" → "On diet"
- "No armor" → "Faith is my armor"
- "No healing potions" → "Pharmacophobia"
- "No dew, no seeds" → "Barren land"
- "Darkness" → "Into darkness"
- Doesn't show death from glyph text???
- "Sniper's mark" → "Zeroed in"
- Green text for obtaining a Potion of Might and Scroll of Enchantment (previously was just for upgrade and strength)
- Camera shakes when the Hero/ine is damaged by more than 1/4 of total health
- Camera shakes when trying to move when rooted
- Camera shakes when Goo hits while pumped up
- Drops items on death
- Huntress perks typo: "weapons and get damage bonus" -> "weapons and get a damage bonus"
- When resetting boss floors with the ankh, bosses names change:
- "Goo" -> "Spawn of Goo"
- "Tengu" -> "memory of Tengu" (I think lower case "m" is typo)
- "DM-300" -> "DM-350"
- "King of Dwarves" -> "Undead King of Dwarves"
- "Yog" -> "echo of Yog-Dzewa" (lower case typo again?)
- Imp dialogue: "For bounty of course" -> "For a bounty, of course"
- Enchanted armor displays "It is enchanted" instead of "It is insribed"
- Viscosity enchant death message: "Glyph of viscosity killed you..." -> "The enchantment of viscosity killed you..."
- Couple of commas added Potion of Frost description
- Potions only display shatter effect when visible
- Applying scroll of enchant (instead of scroll of weapon upgrade) message changed: "your <weapon> certainly looks better now" -> "your <weapon> glows in the dark"
- Using a upgrade scroll emits specks before upgrade badge appears (doubt this actually changes anything)
- Trying to wear more than two rings at once pops up a selection window
- Game play
- Added no scrolls Challenge, "Forbidden runes"
- Replaced Scroll of Weapon Upgrade with Scroll of Enchantment
- belongings identified on win (didn't that always exist?)
- Shocking replaces Wild and Piercing
- Vertigo used to always move character somewhere (if it was possible).
Now it will sometimes not move them at all because it can try to walk them into a wall - All characters start with a keyring
- Goo attack altered (this is untested - I may be wrong about this):
- When attacking pumped up, it will jump to the Hero/ine if not adjacent to him/her already
- A normal attack has a accuracy of 15 (same as before)
- A pumped up attack has an accuracy of 30 (same as before)
- A pumped up attack with a jump has an accuracy of 15
- King of Dwarves is now immune to Vertigo
- Amoked enemies ignore Terror in target selection
- Enemies won't target-select dead enemies to target except the Hero/ine.
(Only applies to non-Amoked enemies, so I think this is to stop fringe cases when an Amoked Animated Statue with an Eldritch weapon terrifies an enemy, and then the statue dies, but the terrified enemy still tries to run away.) - Succubus' Charmed effect lasts from 3-7 turns, instead of 2-5 turns
- Charmed from armor enchantment (Affection) lasts from 3-7 turns, instead of 2-5 on enemy.
On Hero/ine, it lasts between half as long to the same amount of time. - Yog-Dzewa is immune to Vertigo
- Added Bee/Honeypot
- Slightly lower level generation on armors given by Sad Ghost - only 3 armors compared, instead of 4
- Potions only get identified when shattered where the Hero/ine can see them
- Instability can be applied to the boomerang
- Bug fixes
- Target of the Zeroed-in buff gets saved
- Terror debuff tracks source correctly through a save
- Cannot interrupt a dead Hero/ine (correcting the resurrected Hero/ine bug?)
- Can't pick up an item unless it can be seen
- Enemies do more check, to see if they don't have a null enemy before doing operations on them (might have fixed some crashes)
- Snapping out of Frozen doesn't snap the Hero/ine out of Paralysis (and vice versa)
- Number of hits needed before an item is identified is saved
- Code related
Under the hood changes that most people won't care about
- min sdk version increased to 9
- Maybe changed lighting system:
- Added LightMap class (seems to be unused)
- Added ShadowBox (also seems to be unused)
- Re added scroll of debugging (unused in game)
- Slight change to who Bandits apply Blind debuff to. I don't think it affects anything, since the enemy is always the Hero/ine (note that this section of code cannot be applied while Bandit is Amoked)
Additional Unannounced Changes (from 1.7.4b to 1.7.5)
- Pending
1.7.5a Hotfix Released! (1.24.2015)
[Unannounced 1.7.5a changes]:
- Pending
2nd Anniversary Edition!
- Added: New item - Bomb
- Added: New item - Honeypot
- Added: New enchantment - Shocking weapon (replaces Wild & Piercing enchantments)
- Added: New enchantment - Tempered weapon (replaces Wild & Piercing enchantments)
- Changed: Upgradable items degrade when used
- Changed: Scrolls of Enchantment replace Scrolls of Weapon Upgrade
- Changed: Items, dropped into chasm, can be found on the next level.[sic]
(*Items that are dropped into a chasm, can be found at the next depth.*)
NEWS Source: 1.7.4 (2nd Anniversary Edition) Released!
Additional Unannounced Changes (from 1.7.3c to 1.7.4)
- Added: New N.P.C.! - Golden Bee
- Changed: Scrolls of Enchantment & Weightstones repair weapons
- Changed: Arcane Styli repair armor
- Further details Pending
1.7.4a Hotfix Released! (12.12.2014)
[Unannounced 1.7.4a changes]:
- Changed: Scrolls of Enchantment can be obtained as world drops
- Fixed: Class Armor are not upgradable, thus they can't downgrade
- Further details Pending
1.7.4b Hotfix Released! (12.15.2014)
[Unannounced 1.7.4b changes]:
- Added: New item - Key Ring
- Further details Pending
- Added: Better landscape orientation support
- Added: Badges synchronization across multiple devices *
- Added: New challenge - Forbidden runes
- Added: Numerous UI improvements incl. the second quickslot
- Changed:
Goo's behaviour[sic] & visuals (slightly)
- Changed:
Wands get auto-identified after a number of usages[sic] (zap 40 times)
- Changed:
King of Dwarves &
Rotting Fist are now immune to
- Changed: Challenges are renamed
- Changed:
"Sniper's Mark" is replaced with "Zeroed-In"
- Fixed: Several minor bugs
and more...
*This one may be potentially buggy.
NEWS Source: 1.7.3 Released!
Additional Unannounced Changes (from 1.7.2a to 1.7.3)
- Pending
1.7.3a Hotfix Released! (10.20.2014)
[Unannounced 1.7.3a changes]:
- Pending
1.7.3b Hotfix Released! (10.20.2014)
[Unannounced 1.7.3b changes]:
- Pending
1.7.3c Hotfix Released! (10.21.2014)
[Unannounced 1.7.3c changes]:
- Pending
"Desktop version is now available!" - Watabou
Desktop Version Link: pixeldungeon.watabou.ru/desktop.html
NEWS Sources:
Tumblr - Pixel Dungeon Desktop Version
Twitter - PD Desktop is now available, thanks to @Arcnor!
"Desktop version of Pixel Dungeon is[sic] updated to 1.7.2...
...and now is[sic] hosted on http://itch.io/." - Watabou
[Sic 1 - *has been*; Sic 2 - *is now*]
NEWS Sources:
Tumblr - Desktop version of Pixel Dungeon is updated to 1.7.2
Twitter - Desktop version of Pixel Dungeon is updated to 1.7.2
[New Select Your Hero screen image]
- Added: Immersive mode (switched off by default)1
- Added: Synchronous mobs movement
- Added: Challenges (options for New Game+)2
- Added: New item - Weightstone
- Changed: Poison mechanisms
- Changed: Toxic gas (slightly)
- Changed: Blindweed is replaced by Dreamweed (uses same assets)
- Changed: Keys are no longer stackable (in the Backpack)
- Changed: Mirror Images are now immune to Toxic gas & Fire
- Changed: Inscriptions increase armor DR (Damage Reduction)
- Fixed: Unresponsive error windows
- Fixed: Wand charging exploit
and more...
1 Immersive mode is only available on Android 4.4 and higher.
2 Currently implemented challenges look impossible. Maybe they ARE impossible. Feel free to send me your ideas for more adequate ones.
Source: 1.7.2 Released!
Additional Unannounced Changes (from 1.7.1c to 1.7.2):
- Changed: Decorated Wall asset, updated from lava-colored panels, to RGBY-colored stained glass windows.
- Changed: Demon Halls stage signpost asset updated, from normal floor background, to hexagonal floor background
- Further details still Pending
1.7.2a Hotfix Released! (8.11.2014)
[Unannounced 1.7.2a changes]:
- Changed: Demon Halls stage signpost asset updated, from purple text to green text.
- Changed: Demon Halls stage signpost interaction/text changed from "The text is written in demonic language", to an orange notification text at the bottom-left corner of the screen, saying "As you try to read the sign[sic] it bursts into greenish flames."
- Further details still Pending
Watabou/Oleg Dolya:
"For those who missed my tweet two days ago, and who is interested in this kind of news:
I hope to see a full-fledged mod of Pixel Dungeon one day! :) "
Source: Open Source
Hello, Everyone!
(Apologies to those who already know this, but) Before you create a new thread, please first check & make sure that a thread does not already exist, which addresses what you intended to post a new thread for. (Swatting multiple duplicate threads of a specific thread/topic gets old really fast, especially if it's already been addressed.)
[I believe the only time it's acceptable to create a "duplicate"/new thread, is when an already-existing thread has grown to the point that, there are too many replies to sift through, to find the information one is looking for. (The veteran admins can correct me on this.) ]
Examples: (Apologies for putting you guys on blast/putting you in the spotlight, but it had to be done.)
[First Thread]
[Duplicate Threads]
Most recent examples:
[First Thread]
[Duplicate Threads]
Thanks, everyone! And happy posting!
"This is a really small update. Probably this is the smallest update of Pixel Dungeon ever! It was supposed to be a hotfix, but while working on it, I've added a couple of new features, so it cannot be counted as a hotfix. :) Anyway, here is the list of changes:"
- Added: Shake effect (Purely aesthetic; see Source Code)
Appears when:- firing Wand of Avalanche
- getting struck by Rotting Fist
Glyph of Entanglement procs
Glyph of Potential damages the Hero/ine
- the Hero/ine steps on a Lightning trap
- the player accidentally zaps the Hero/ine with Wand of Lightning
- the Hero/ine steps onto an Earthroot plant
- the Gnoll Shaman
zaps the Hero/ine with electricity
- using the Warror's Epic Armor's Special Ability - Heroic Leap
- hitting the ground after falling into a chasm
- DM-300
is in sight & moves/uses its avalanche ability
- rubble falls behind the Hero/ine immediately after entering DM-300's chamber
- opening a Tomb
- trying to move while rooted
- Added: New room type(s - Collapsed Floor [jump room - room directly above Pit] & Pit [landing room - room directly below Collapsed Floor] )
- Changed: Inventory improved
- Changed: Class armor usage is restricted* (See Additional Unannounced Changes below)
- Changed: Leaving the dungeon at night
- Changed: Some visuals are modified
- Fixed: Several bugs
"Usually, I add 'and more...' here, but this time, that's actually all." - Oleg Dolya/Watabou
Source: 1.7.1 released!
Additional Unannounced Changes (from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1):
- Changed: The special ability of a class armor cannot be used anymore if said class armor is not equipped (it was a flaw, I didn’t even know it was possible),
- Changed: Class armors cannot be equipped anymore by other classes (when transmitted through Hero's remains),
- Changed: Unstable boomerang cannot proc piercing and wild anymore.
1.7.1a Hotfix Released! (5.29.2014)
[Unannounced 1.7.1a changes]:
- Changed: Hero/ine’s blood is darker (changed from #CC0000 to #BB0000).
- Fixed: first correction try about pit room generation.
1.7.1b Hotfix Released! (6.1.2014)
[Unannounced 1.7.1b changes]:
- Fixed: second (and final?) correction try about pit room generation.
1.7.1c Hotfix Released! (6.8.2014)
[Unannounced 1.7.1c changes]:
- Fixed: apparently, another bug about weak floor room/pit room generation is corrected,
- Fixed: the grammar at the end of the tomb description is corrected.
A looooooong time ago Watabou announced this was going to happen. Isn´t it exciting that he finally gave out a date? :D
What do you guys expect from this amazing happening?