Pixel Dungeon Wiki
Pixel Dungeon Wiki
Vital statistics
Type Misc
Effects Resurrects Hero upon death
Source Shops only
Cost to buy depth 6 = 500g

depth 11 = 750g depth 16 = 1000g depth 21 = 1250g

Cost to sell 50g

The Ankh is an item that automatically resurrects the Hero upon death. Note: You can BLESS it with 20 waterdrops and it will make it BLESSED (Glowing) giving u the ability to keep ALL items.


The ancient symbol of immortality grants an ability to return to life after death. Upon resurrection all non-equipped items are lost.


If the Hero dies with Ankh in their inventory, they will resurrect at the depth they died at, losing all gold and all unequipped items, except Dew vial, Lloyd's Beacon, the Armor Kit, and the Amulet of Yendor.

When the Hero dies at a boss depth, the depth will be reset. However, if they die at any other depth, they will be resurrected on the same depth; and it will remain the same.


The Ankh can be bought in every Shop, in the quantity of one. It costs 500 gold on depth 6, and its price increases by 50 % (250 gold) in each subsequent Shop.


  • You are able to buy more than 1 Ankh, but this is not recommended, as only 1 Ankh will be used while the other(s) get destroyed. However, if you are very close to death, and have multiple Ankh, it is recommended you drop/throw the spare, so you can pick it up later.
  • If death is imminent due to starvation or poison and the Hero is out of potions, consider splurging in the shop (especially if there’s another Ankh), then dropping all non-equipped items except for one Ankh. The death will then return you to full health and satiety, and you can just pick up the rest of your items again.


  • The Ankh is based off of the Egyptian ankh.
  • The Ankh is one of the most expensive items in the Shop.
  • If you use the Ankh after death during a boss depth, the boss will respawn with a different name.
  • There is an option to fight or give up with the Ankh. Choosing to give up will erase the game.


Update Change
0.3 ADDED to the game
0.4.3 Fixed: Bugfix eliminated the "Ankh-farming" exploit.