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Pixel Dungeon Wiki

A badge is an achievement that is not lost between game sessions.

Some badges have several levels; once a higher level badge is achieved, the corresponding lower-level ones are replaced.
Most badges are obtained by doing actions in a single given game session, but there are some badges that are obtained by doing actions in multiple game sessions, which are specified below (because doing all the required actions in one session is technically impossible).

Image Badge Explanation/tips

10es 10 enemies slain Slay 10 enemies in a single run.
50es 50 enemies slain Slay 50 enemies in a single run.
150es 150 enemies slain Slay 150 enemies in a single run.
250es 250 enemies slain Slay 250 enemies in a single run.
100gc 100 gold collected Gather 100 Gold in a single run. Buying items does not reduce the count.
500gc 500 gold collected Gather 500 Gold in a single run. Buying items does not reduce the count.
2500gc 2500 gold collected Gather 2500 Gold in a single run. Buying items does not reduce the count.
7500gc 7500 gold collected Gather 7500 Gold in a single run. Buying items does not reduce the count.
L6r Level 6 reached Reach level 6.
L12r Level 12 reached Reach level 12.
L18r Level 18 reached Reach level 18.
L24r Level 24 reached Reach level 24.
Api All potions identified Identify every Potion in a single run (including Potion of Might). You can farm potions from dwarf warlocks to find unidentified potions (excluding Potion of Strength and Potion of Might). If only one potion is remaining, then it will automatically be identified.
Asi All scrolls identified Identify all Scrolls in a single run. You can farm scrolls from gnoll shamans to obtain unidentified scrolls (excluding Scroll of Upgrade). If only one scroll is remaining, then it will be automatically identified.
Ari All rings identified Identify 10 out of 12 Rings in a single run. Playing as Rogue may help a bit as the Ring of Shadows will be already identified. Note: This badge is hard to get but not impossible.
Awi All wands identified Identify all Wands in a single run. Playing as Mage may help a bit as the Wand of Magic Missile will already be identified. Note: This badge is hard to get but not impossible. If only one wand is remaining, it will automatically be identified.
Idall All potions, scrolls, rings & wands identified Note: This badge is hard to get but not impossible.
Abb All bags bought Buy the seed pouch, scroll holder and wand holster in a single run.
Dff Death from fire The Hero’s final damage must be from Fire. Get your health low, then find a spot where you can die without being attacked by an enemy. This badge should be attempted at low levels.
Dfp Death from poison Get your health low, then find a spot where you can die without being attacked by an enemy. This badge should be attempted at low levels.
Dftg Death from toxic gas Get your health low, then find a spot where you can die without being attacked by an enemy. This badge should be attempted at low levels.
Dfh Death from hunger Get your health low, then find a spot where you can die without being attacked by an enemy. This badge should be attempted at low levels.
Death by enchantment badge Death from an enchantment Die by receiving the killing blow from the glyphs of multiplicity, potential or viscosity. Get your health low, then find a spot where you can die without being attacked by an enemy. This badge should be attempted at low levels.
Death from falling down Death from falling down Die by falling into a chasm. Get your health down to 5 % and walk into a chasm. This badge should be attempted at low levels.
Dall Death from fire, poison, toxic gas & hunger Not in the same run (obviously)
1bs 1st boss slain Slay Goo.
2bs 2nd boss slain Slay Tengu.
3bs 3rd boss slain Slay DM-300.
4bs 4th boss slain Slay the King of Dwarves.
1eswmr 1st boss slain by Warrior, Mage, Rogue & Huntress Slay Goo with each class.
3eswmr 3rd boss slain by Gladiator, Berserker, Warlock, Battlemage, Freerunner, Assassin, Sniper & Warden Eliminate DM-300 with each sub-class.
Rho Ring of Haggler obtained Get the Ring of Haggler.
Rto Ring of Thorns obtained Get the Ring of Thorns.
13psa 13 points of Strength attained Reach 13 points of Strength. You should play as Warrior because that class gives you a 1 strength boost, so the strength potions needed are decreased.
15psa 15 points of Strength attained Reach 15 point of Strength. You should play as Warrior because that class gives you a 1 strength boost, so the strength potions needed are decreased.
17psa 17 points of Strength attained Reach 17 point of Strength. You should play as Warrior because that class gives you a 1 strength boost, so the strength potions needed are decreased.
19psa 19 points of Strength attained Reach 19 point of Strength. You should play as Warrior because that class gives you a 1 strength boost, so the strength potions needed are decreased.
10poe 10 pieces of food eaten Eat 10 pieces of food.
You should buy all food items and slay any food-dropping enemies (sewer crabs, cave spinners, dwarf monks, giant piranhas and scorpios) if necessary.
20poe 20 pieces of food eaten Eat 20 pieces of food.
You should buy all food items and slay any food-dropping enemies (sewer crabs, cave spinners, dwarf monks, giant piranhas and scorpios) if necessary.
30poe 30 pieces of food eaten Eat 30 pieces of food.
You should buy all food items and slay any food-dropping enemies (sewer crabs, cave spinners, dwarf monks, giant piranhas and scorpios) if necessary.
40poe 40 pieces of food eaten Eat 40 pieces of food.
You should buy all food items and slay any food-dropping enemies (sewer crabs, cave spinners, dwarf monks, giant piranhas and scorpios) if necessary.
Iocl1 Item of level 3 acquired Get or upgrade an item to level 3. Transferring items through the Hero's remains may help.
Iocl2 Item of level 6 acquired Upgrade an item to level 6. Transferring items through the Hero's remains may help.
Iocl3 Item of level 9 acquired Upgrade an item to level 9. Transferring items through the Hero's remains may help.
Iocl4 Item of level 12 acquired Upgrade an item to level 12. Transferring items through the Hero's remains may help.
Arms All rare monsters slain Slay all mutant enemies.
There is no need to slay them all during the same session.
7hc 7-hit combo Get 7 consecutive hits with the Gladiator. Having an accurate weapon is very helpful for this.
3pc 3 potions cooked Cook 3 potions, using seeds in alchemy pots. A Wand of Regrowth and Ring of Herbalism greatly helps in getting the required seeds.
6pc 6 potions cooked Cook 6 potions, using seeds in alchemy pots. A Wand of Regrowth and Ring of Herbalism greatly helps in getting the required seeds.
9pc 9 potions cooked Cook 9 potions, using seeds in alchemy pots. A Wand of Regrowth and Ring of Herbalism greatly helps in getting the required seeds.
12pc 12 potions cooked Cook 12 potions, using seeds in alchemy pots. A Wand of Regrowth, Ring of Herbalism, and being a Warden greatly helps in getting the required seeds.
Lcwkam Level completed without killing any monsters Cannot be obtained on depth 21
Mkbgw Monster killed by a Grim weapon Slay something with the Grim enchantment.
Piranha 6 piranhas killed Slay 6 giant piranhas during the same session.
You don’t necessarily have to slay the piranhas right away.
Instead, skip the depth until you have the right equipment for battle and then return.
Or you can strategically place Seed of Fadeleaf to slay them faster.
Or use a Wand of Amok, or a Wand of Teleportation.
Nighttime Badge 15 monsters killed at nighttime Slay 15 enemies in a single run between midnight and 7 a.m. (device time).
10 games played 10 games played
100 games played 100 games played
500 games played 500 games played
2000 games played 2000 games played
Amulet of Yendor obtained Amulet of Yendor obtained Pick up the Amulet of Yendor. You do not need to end the game through it.
Ayowmrh Amulet of Yendor obtained by Warrior, Mage, Rogue & Huntress Note: This badge is hard to get but not impossible.
Happy end Happy end Get the Amulet of Yendor and return to the start.
Challenge won Challenge won Obtain the Amulet of Yendor with at least one challenge activated.
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Update Change
0.4.3 ADDED to the game
0.4.4 Added: New Badges


  • Badges visualization is corrected a little
  • Some badges criteria
0.4.5 Added: New Badges

Changed: Ring of Haggler & Ring of Thorns are not needed for unlocking "All Rings" badge

0.5 Added: New Badges
0.5.1 Added: New Badges
0.5.2 Added: New Badges
0.5.3 Added: New Badges
0.5.4 Added: New Badges
1.6.1 Added: New Badges
1.6.4 Changed: The "Death from a glyph" badge can now be obtained by dying from the Viscosity glyph/Damage Deferred debuff.


  • A crash with the 4 single "All _ Identified" badges is corrected.
  • A bug with the "1st/3rd Boss slain by all (Sub-)Classes" badges is corrected.
1.7.0 Added: Happy End badge
1.7.3 Added: Badges synchronization across multiple devices (This one may be potentially buggy.)
1.7.2-1.7.5 Changed: "Death by Glyph" badge renamed to *Death by Enchantment*

Fixed: Potion of Might with Strength badges bug

1.8.0 Changed: Badges screen layout