Pixel Dungeon Wiki

[This wiki page describes the developer's most recent release "0.9.4 Testers' Party - The start", in which no changes were made in SPS-PD's armors. A new special tier 1 armor, named Leaf Armor, was the only addition of the directly previous version "Year Hunter".]


In comparison to Original PD, SPS-PD has two extra armor tiers (tier 0 and tier 6), so there are 7 tiers of armor and with almost all tiers apart from tier 0 and 1 having three different weights (light, normal, heavy) available - tier 0 has two weightless armors while tier 1 four armors with one being special. This makes the total amount of available armors in SPS-PD four times more than those of Original PD, 20 (3 * 6 + 2 of zero tier + 1 special = 21). Each weight differs in its Strength requirement, Dexterity (Evasion), Stealth and rate of Defense Scaling when upgraded in comparison to the armors of the same tier, and generally all armors have different starting stats, which can become even more different as they get upgraded. Unlike Original PD and most mods it is impossible to identify armors through use. All armors until the hero obtains the portable scarecrow container are stored in the main inventory, but afterwards they start getting stored there.


In the following list armors are ordered from lowest to highest tier and in each tier from light to heavy (with the exception of tier 0, which has only two armors and both with no weight). All armors also display an "Energy Base" stat, which is a unique feature of them in SPS-PD: each cooldown charge of the class-specific skill item is reduced by 1 after 20 game turns, without any armor equipped or with an armor with Energy Base 1. Nevertheless, if the armor's energy base value is higher than 1, the turns needed are divided by the number of the energy base value and become less. Optimally, with an armor of Energy Base 4, the recharging of skills will take 1/4 of the turns that would take with an armor of energy base 1. Obviously, players who like using special skills often should prefer armors with high Energy Base.

Tier 1[]


This is a cheap vest.
  • Strength: 9, Defense: 0-2, Scaling: +0/+1, Dexterity: 4, Stealth: 12, Energy Base: 1, Light armor
  • Starting armor of Fighter Warrior, Gnoll Warrior, Emcee Mage, Classic Rogue, Vtuber Rogue, Classic & Doctor Soldiers, and Protoss & Merchant Followers. It offers the highest Dexterity and Stealth but also the lowest Defense among all armors.

Cloth armor[]

Cloth armor
Cloth armor
This lightweight armor offers basic protection
  • Strength: 10, Defense: 0-4, Scaling +1/+3, Dexterity: 2, Stealth: 6, Energy Base: 3, Normal armor
  • Starting armor of Classic Mage, Undead Rogue, Classic & Archer Huntresses, Taurcen Hutress, Classic & Lion Dancer Performers and Classic Follower.

Wooden armor[]

Wooden armor SPS-PD
Wooden armor
A simple armor made by white birch bark. Because of it, this armor is uncomfortable.
  • Strength: 11, Defense: 2-6, Scaling: +2/+4, Dexterity: 1, Stealth: 1, Energy Base: 2, Heavy armor
  • Starting armor of Classic Warrior and Ninja Rogue.

Leaf armor (special)[]

Armors tier 3 Fuhigi No
Leaf armor
An armor from another world. It is alive.
  • Strength: 10, Defense: 0-0, Scaling: +1/+1, Dexterity: 2, Stealth: 5, Energy Base: 3, Special armor (ithe defense it offers and its scaling resemble more that of a light armor though).
  • It also replenishes the hero's HP after the passing of some turns.
  • It is only obtainable by putting in the Alfred, Abbey and Abeys NPCs' game window in Dolya Town two Nut Vines and 1 random Berry (its sprite and name are borrowed from Happy Alfred's mod Fushigi No PD, so it is an expectable offer from these NPCs). Its defense scaling is very low and it offers better defense only in comparison to the light Vest armor (slightly), while its other stats are very similar to the normal Cloth armor's, so it doesn't even have the high evasion and stealth of the Vest. It does have a self-healing attribute, which is unique among all armors, but that does not really compensate for its poor base stats. As a result, it is more a game novelty than an actually useful armor.

Tier 2[]

Rubber armor[]

Rubber armor SPS-PD
Rubber armor
Clothes for cosplay.
  • Strength: 11, Defense: 0-9, Scaling: +0/+1, Dexterity: 3.6, Stealth: 10, Energy Base: 2, Light armor
  • Starting armor of Maid Huntress

Leather armor[]

Studded Armor YAPD
Leather armor
Armor made from tanned monster hide. Not as light as cloth armor but provides better protection.
  • Strength: 12, Defense: 0-12, Scaling: +1/+3, Dexterity: 1.8, Stealth: 5, Energy Base: 3, Normal armor
  • Starting armor of Explorer Mage, Plumber Soldier and Builder Follower.

Ceramic armor[]

Ceramic armor SPS-PD
Ceramic armor
It is made by clay and fire.
  • Strength: 13, Defense: 4-18, Scaling: +2/+4, Dexterity: 0.8, Stealth: 0.5, Energy Base: 3, Heavy armor
  • Not a starting armor of any class skin.

Tier 3[]

CD armor[]

CD armor SPS-PD
CD armor
It is made from scrap CDs and DVDs. What does it mean?
  • Strength: 12, Defense: 0-15, Scaling: +0/+2, Dexterity: 3.2, Stealth: 8, Energy Base: 3, Light armor
  • Not a starting armor of any class skin.

Disc armor[]

Disc armor NNYPD
Disc armor
This armor is made of a metal disc sewn on top of a cloth (hence the name). It's pretty durable, but bulky.
  • Strength: 14, Defense: 0-20, Scaling: +1/+3, Dexterity: 1.6, Stealth: 4, Energy Base: 4, Normal armor
  • It is the starting armor of the Heavy Infantry Warrior and Samurai Rogue.

Stone armor[]

Stone armor SPS-PD
Stone armor
This armor is just a combination of clothes and stone.
  • Strength: 15, Defense: 6-26, Scaling: +2/+5, Dexterity: 0.6, Stealth: 0, Energy Base: 4, Heavy armor
  • Neither this nor any other of the armors that follow are starting armors of a class skin.

Tier 4[]

PVC armor[]

PVC armor SPS-PD
PVC armor
It is hard to know how was this armor made, but you can see PVC in the bottom.
  • Strength: 15, Defense: 0-22, Scaling: +0/+2, Dexterity: 2.8, Stealth: 6, Energy Base: 4, Light armor

Mail armor[]

Mail armor NNYPD
Mail armor
Interlocking metal links make for a tough but flexible suit of armor.
  • Strength: 16, Defense: 0-28, Scaling: +1/+3, Dexterity: 1.4, Stealth: 3, Energy Base: 4, Normal armor

Double Mail armor[]

Double mail armor SPS-PD
Double Mail armor
This armor is made from two mail armors.
  • Strength: 17, Defense: 8-36, Scaling: +2/+5, Dexterity: 0.4, Stealth: -0.5, Energy Base: 3, Heavy armor
  • From this armor and on, all heavy armors have negative values for stealth, which means that they decrease the hero's stealth when he/she equips them and make him/her more easily detectable than normal.

Tier 5[]

Protective armor[]

Protective armor SPS-PD
Protective armor
It is some kind of protective clothing for workers.
  • Strength: 17, Defense: 0-30, Scaling: +0/+3, Dexterity: 2.4, Stealth: 4, Energy Base: 3, Light armor

Scale armor[]

Scale armor
Scale armor
The metal scales sewn onto a leather vest create a flexible, yet protective armor.
  • Strength: 18, Defense: 0-36, Scaling: +1/+3, Dexterity: 1, Stealth: 2, Energy Base: 3, Normal armor

Bullet armor[]

Bullet armor SPS-PD
Bullet armor
A normal flak jacket.
  • Strength: 19, Defense: 10-46, Scaling: +2/+6, Dexterity: 0.2, Stealth: -1, Energy Base: 2, Heavy armor

Tier 6[]

Phantom armor[]

Phantom armor SPS-PD
Phantom armor
Special technology in the future.
  • Strength: 19, Defense: 0-35, Scaling: +0/+3, Dexterity: 2, Stealth: 2, Energy Base: 2, Light armor

Plate armor[]

Plate armor
Plate armor
Enormous plates of metal are joined together into a suit that provides unmatched protection to any adventurer strong enough to bear its staggering weight.
  • Strength: 20, Defense: 0-44, Scaling: +1/+3, Dexterity: 1.2, Stealth: 1, Energy Base: 3, Normal armor

Machine armor[]

Machine armor SPS-PD
Machine armor
This is a machine, not a simple armor.
  • Strength: 21, Defense: 15-60, Scaling: +3/+8, Dexterity: 0  Stealth: -2, Energy Base: 1, Heavy armor
  • It is the direct opposite of the Vest armor as it offers the highest Defense among all armors but also it is the only armor that offers no bonus to Dexterity and that has the highest Steatlh penalty among all of them.

Tier 0[]

Base armor[]

Body armor SPS-PD
Base armor
It is not an armor, but just some kind of body.
  • Strength: 6 (Demon) or 8 (Slime and Mech), Defense: 0-0, Scaling: +0/+0, Dexterity: 1, Stealth: 1, Energy Base: 4, No weight
  • Starting armor of Demon Warrior, Slime Performer, and Mech Soldier. It is an armor only in name, as it offers no defense and upgrading it has no effect in increasing its defense. It never spawns in the dungeon as loot or gets sold in its shops.

Error armor[]

Body armor SPS-PD
Error armor
This is an error.
  • Strength: 0, Defense: 0-0, Scaling: +0/+0, Dexterity: 1, Stealth: 1, Energy Base: 10, No weight
  • Very rare drop of the Robot Heart artifact. It offers no defense even after getting upgraded, but applies randomly a huge variety of debuffs to attackers. For some tips on how it can be useful in late-game (but not in early game), visit the Tips page of SPS-PD.

When the armors are still unidentified, they only display their tier, strength requirement and expected damage absorption at level 0, and not any of their other stats.

Some armors are made from materials that in the real world would absorb minimal damage (CDs, rubber) or would obstruct movement (clay, stone, wood), or are even described as errors, but that does not affect in any meaningful way the armor's attributes or the hero's speed, so players should just check their stats and attributes and not bother with the armor's names, when they have the hero equipping one. Light armors of all tiers have lower strength requirements and grant higher dexterity (evasion) and stealth but also have lower defense and upgrade scaling, heavy armors give the exact opposite results, and normal armors have the more balanced stats between defense/strength/upgrade scaling and dexterity/stealth. This distance becomes greater as tiers get closer to one of the two tier extremes from 1 to 5: for example the unupgraded tier 1 Vest offers 0-2 defense, +0/+1 scaling, 4 dexterity and 12 stealth, while the unupgraded tier 6 Machine armor 15-60 defense, +3/+8 scaling, 0 dexterity and -2 stealth (to compare, the tier 3 disc armor offers 0-20 defense, +1/+3 scaling, 1.6 dexterity and 4 steatlh). In contrast, the Energy Base values are distributed almost totally randomly across armors, with the only constant existing in that both tier 0 armors have high energy base. Heavy armors of any tier after getting upgraded will be offering better defense than light armors even of two tiers higher, and also than the normal armor of the next tier. In contrast light armors offer the higher dexterity and stealth the lower their tier is (the best dexterity and stealth stats are offered by the tier 1 Vest). The Warrior class has the strength requirement of all armors reduced by -2 when he equips them, but when they are unequipped, they keep showing their normal strength requirement.

Class Special Skills (formerly Epic Armor skills)[]

There is no Epic Armor in SPS-PD anymore, and the Armor Kit that the Dwarf King was dropping is renamed to Skill Kit, is dropped by the second chapter bosses, but retains the same sprite.

Armor kit
Skill Kit
Using this small kit will give the user a special ability depending on his class. No need for skills in tailoring or leatherworking.

After its use, it produces a "skill item" with a sprite resembling the familiar epic armor of Original PD and most mods and having in most of the cases the name of each class' starting armor in YAPD (apart from the Follower, Performer and Soldier, who don't exist in other mods, so they have a new sprite and new name for their skill items). This item cannot get equipped and instead activates 4 unique skills for each class and also without any HP loss (similarly to drinking a potion or reading a scroll) but instead needs charging. For details about the special skills you can visit the SPS-PD classes and subclasses page.

Armor Glyphs[]

Most of the "traditional" armor glyphs of Original PD and other mods are decomposed and reshuffled in SPS-PD to become parts of totally new glyphs, with none of the original glyphs still existing with its full attributes and name in SPS-PD. Although enchanted weapons are a rather common drop or loot in the dungeon, armors are never found or dropped enchanted and can only become such by using a scroll of Magical Infusion or an arcane stylus. Like in Original PD and Sprouted PD the chance of a glyph to proc is increased with the armor's upgrades, but the amount of increase also depends on the specific glyph. The chance of any armor glyph to proc is also very much increased when the hero has the Foul-Leaf Mint Necklace equipped, a unique drop by the Plant King in the Bossrush challenge. 

Note that in the case that an enemy attacks the hero from afar and the glyph has a harmful effect to enemies, it is applied normally to the enemy at the tile it is located, even when located on a tile out of the hero's sight. Most armor glyphs also offer immunities or resistances to specific types of damage. This is the list of SPS-PD's armor glyphs along with their effects: 


Adapt glyph SPS-PD
[Type of armor] of Adapt
This glyph can help the user survive in battle, based on his eenvironment.

It radiates a deep green glow. It is the most complicated in its effects.

  • If it gets activated with the hero standing next to a chasm, it grants the Levitation buff.
  • If it gets activated with the hero standing on high grass, it grants the Invisibility buff (this part is similar to the Camouflage glyph of Shattered PD).
  • If it gets activated with the hero standing on trampled grass, it grants the Imbued with Earth buff.
  • If it gets activated with the hero standing on an inactive trap, it grants the Recharging buff (this part is similar to the Potential glyph of Original PD).
  • If it gets activated with the hero standing on a water tile, it grants the Haste buff (this part is similar to the Flow glyph of Shattered PD).


Breakrock glyph SPS-PD
[Type of armor] of Breakrock
This glyph can make you resistant with earth magic. It can also improve your defense and stun your enemies on hit.

It radiates a light white glow. It grants 20% Defense Up and 50% Herbal Armor (this part is similar to the Entanglement glyph of most mods), and creates a rock Avalanche on the attacker, which can also Stun it. It also grants immunity to the Caustic Ooze, Dry, Poison, and Rooting debuffs. Note that in the case that an enemy attacks the hero from afar, the enemy can still get damaged and stunned, even when located on a tile out of the hero's sight.


Change glyph SPS-PD
[Type of armor] of Change
This glyph has a chance to create a mirror image from user, or help him get away from danger.

It radiates a deep purple glow. It is similar to the glyph of Adapt, but simpler.

  • If it gets activated with the hero standing on water, it creates a Mirror Image (this part is similar to the Multiplicity glyph of Original PD),
  • If it gets activated with the hero standing on dry land, it Teleports the hero nearby (this part is similar to the Displacement glyph of Original PD) and grants the Invisibility buff (this part is similar to the Camouflage glyph of Shattered PD).


Crystal glyph SPS-PD
[Type of armor] of Crystal
This glyph can give a glass shield to the user.

It radiates a light lavender glow. It grants the Glass Shield buff, which gets activated with each successful enemy hit but is not displayed in the hero's tab like its regular version. This is a very strong Shield buff that reduces damage to the hero to a flat 10, no matter how strong the received hit was. It doesn't have a time duration, but gets away only after damage is taken.


Electricweb glyph SPS-PD
[Type of armor] of Electricweb
This glyph can shock your enemies on hit and give you lightning resistance. It can also give a small amount of charge to the wearer's wands.

It radiates a bright white glow. It Stuns the attacker and randomly grants the Recharging buff (this part is similar to the Potential glyph of most mods), also grants high resistance to electricity damage to the hero (this part is similar to the Stormward glyph of YAPD). It also grants resistance to the attacks of the Gnoll Shaman and Lightning Shell and immunity to Electricity, Electrostatic Turbulence, Lightning, Locked damage or debuffs. Note that in the case that an enemy attacks the hero from afar, the enemy can still get stunned, even when located on a tile out of the hero's sight.


Firecover glyph SPS-PD
[Type of armor] of Firecover
This glyph can burn your enemies on hit and decrease damage from fire. It also can improve your damage sometimes.

It radiates a bright orange glow. It Ignites the attacker (this part is similar to the Flameward glyph of YAPD) and grants the Attack Up buff to the hero. It also grants high resistance to fire damage to the hero (this part is similar to the Brimstone glyph of Shattered PD and the Flameward glyph of YAPD). It also grants resistance to the attacks of the Burning Fist and Fire Elemental and immunity to Burning, Fire, Hot, Tar damage or debuffs. Note that in the case that an enemy attacks the hero from afar, the enemy can still get ignited, even when located on a tile out of the hero's sight.

Holy Guard[]

Holyguard glyph SPS-PD
[Type of armor] of Holy Guard
This glyph can make you resistant with light magic. It also manipulates the mind of attackers, charming them temporarily.

It radiates a bright yellow glow. It Charms (this part is similar to the Affection glyph of Original PD), Amoks or causes Terror to the attacker. It also grants immunity to the Blinded, Charmed, Hot and Vertigo debuffs. Note that in the case that an enemy attacks the hero from afar, the enemy can still get debuffed, even when located on a tile out of the hero's sight.


Recoil glyph SPS-PD
[Type of armor] of Recoil
This glyph rebounds force against attackers, sending them flying back and causing them to slowly bleed based on the damage they deal.

It radiates a deep orange glow. It Knocks Back (this part is similar to the Bounce glyph of Original PD) and causes Bleeding to the the attacker (this part is similar to the Thorns glyph of Shattered PD). Note that in the case that an enemy attacks the hero from afar, the enemy can still get knocked back and damaged, even when located on a tile out of the hero's sight.


Revival glyph SPS-PD
[Type of armor] of Revival
This glyph may save you from death with a certain chance.

It radiates a bright red glow. It has a small chance to Block a deadly hit (this part is similar to the Tenacity glyph of YAPD) while also Healing the hero.


Snowhouse glyph SPS-PD
[Type of armor] of Snowhouse
This glyph is able to store damage dealt to the wearer, dealing it to them slowly rather than all at once. It also can freeze your enemies on hit and make you resistant to frost.

It radiates a deep blue glow. It Freezes the attacker, and Defers damage for the hero (this part is similar to the Viscosity glyph of Original PD), and grants high resistance to cold / freeze debuffs to the hero (the ice parts are similar to the Frostward glyph of YAPD). It also grants immunity to the Chilled, Cold and Frozen debuffs. Note that in the case that an enemy attacks the hero from afar, the enemy can still get frozen, even when located on a tile out of the hero's sight.


Shadow glyph SPS-PD
[Type of armor] of Shadow
This glyph can make you resistant with dark magic. It also can harm your enemies on hit and provide a boost of healing to you.

It radiates a grey glow. It causes a Thorns and Vampiric effect, damaging the attacker on hit and healing the hero (the first part is similar to the Thorns glyph of Shattered PD) and can also apply the Terror debuff. It also grants resistance to the attacks of Dwarf Liches, Fiends and Warlocks and immunity to the Count Down, Dead Raise, Silenced and Weakness debuffs. Note that in the case that an enemy attacks the hero from afar, the enemy can still get damaged, even when located on a tile out of the hero's sight.


Testpaint glyph SPS-PD
[Type of armor] of Testpaint
This glyph has a chance to create some dangerous gases for the enemy on hit.

It radiates a bright green glow. It produces various Harmful Gases with their debuffs, and grants the Immune to Gases buff to hero (it is similar to the Stench glyph of Original PD, but due to the Immune to Gases buff, it is never harmful to the hero). Note that in the case that an enemy attacks the hero from afar, the blob of harmful gas spawns around the tile of the enemy.

Glyphs from Original PD and Shattered PD existing partially in SPS-PD[]

  • Anti-entropy, Anti-magic, Metabolism, Obfuscation, Stone, Swiftness: No.
  • Affection: part of the Holy Guard glyph by default.
  • Bounce / Repulsion: part of the Recoil glyph by default.
  • Brimstone: part of the Firecover glyph by default.
  • Camouflage: part of the Adapt glyph, when the hero os standing on high grass.
  • Displacement: part of the Change glyph, when the hero is standing on dry land.
  • Entanglement: part of the Breackrock glyph.
  • Flow: part of the Adapt glyph, when the hero is standing on an water tile.
  • Multiplicity: part of the Change glyph, when the hero is standing on dry land, but without damage dealt.
  • Potential: part of the Adapt glyph, when the hero is standing on an inactive trap, and of the Electricweb glyph by default, but without damage dealt in both cases.
  • Stench: the Tespaint glyph applies a similar effect, but with the harmful gases of SPS-PD, and also granting the Immune to Gases buff, unlike Original PD.
  • Thorns: part of the Recoil and Shadow glyphs by default.
  • Viscosity: part of the Snowhouse glyph by default.