Pixel Dungeon Wiki

[This wiki page describes the current version "0.9.4 Testers' Party - The Start". There were no changes made to these types of weapons in SPS-PD in this version, and only a minor addition of the Red Packet holiday weapon in the previous version, which is currently only available in Oldnewstwist's shop in Dolya Town. The melee weapons of SPS-PD are described in their separate page.]


The ranged weapons of SPS-PD are 42 in total with 34 of them being new, in the sense that an item with their exact function doesn't exist in Sprouted PD (very few are borrowed from other mods, but most of them are totally original in the PD context). In this wiki page they are divided into four big categories:

  • 6 Missile weapons, which are all durable, enchantable, upgradeable, don't need reloading, and some of them are also enhancable with ammo (this description does not apply at all to the "quasi-missile" weapons Ryu's Hadoken and Wooden Shield).
  • 8 Guns which are all durable, enhancable with ammo, non-enchantable, upgradeable, and need reloading.
  • 15 Thrown weapons, which can't be improved in any way and are all destroyed with one use.
  • 13 Bombs, which follow the general concept of Sprouted PD's bombs but with the exception of 4 of them they are totally new in their effects.

All missile weapons and guns can be used as main weapons (in the sense that they can be the focus of most upgrades in end-game and the center of a ranged-based build) and heroes have a separate stat that affects their accuracy, Ranged Weapon Accuracy. Nevertheless, there are also many differences between them:

  • Missile weapons can't be equipped in the weapon slot and are available to shoot/get thrown by just being in the hero's inventory, whereas guns must get equipped in order to be available for shooting. There are two exceptions in this: the Mini Moai missile weapon has to get equipped in the weapon slot, and the Agent subclass of the soldier can shoot with guns also by just having them in the inventory.
  • All guns have a default amount of available shots that after they get spent the weapon needs reloading (lower tier weapons need 1 turn to reload, tier 3 and higher need 2 turns), while missile weapons don't have this drawback and they are always ready to shoot/get thrown.
  • At melee range all missile weapons just deal their regular damage and don't have an alternative "melee version" for their attack. In contrast guns can be used for a "melee type" hit, in which case they deal minimal damage, knock the enemies back and apply the Vertigo debuff. This is very useful in keeping enemies unable to attack, while the hero keeps shooting them. As the damage is minimal, melee hits with guns should only be used for increasing the distance between the hero and enemies.
  • Excess strength increases only the damage of thrown weapons (+1 for every every point of excess strength), without any bonus for the Huntress class in SPS-PD, while the damage of missile weapons and guns is not afffected at all by excess strength for any class.

Note that unlike many mods in SPS-PD there is no accuracy penalty for throwing missile weapons or shooting with guns at melee range.

Gun menu SPS-PD

Most missile weapons and all guns can be enhanced with the Ammo item with their Change Ammo option. Ammo is a type of "enchantment-like" enhancement for guns and for most missile weapons which adds a permanent special effect to their hits and can be erased only when replaced by another ammo. You can read details about all the available ammos and the way to craft them here.

Lastly, from all the items displayed in this page only one can be transmuted, the Mini Moai, but it will give back a random melee weapon. All the other missile weapons, and all thrown weapons and bombs without exception can't be transmuted at all, neither by transmutation items or by wells of transmutation.

Missile Weapons[]

While in the game code there is only a general category of "missile weapons", weapons like the escape knife, shuriken, tomahawk etc. cannot get enhanced with ammo or get upgraded and as a consequence they can only play an auxiliary role in the hero's attacks. For this reason the unupgradeable ranged weapons were here "renamed" to thrown weapons, for the purpose of distinguishing between them and the upradeable & enhancable with ammo missile weapons and guns. So, only the upgradeable missile weapons of the game code are featured in this section.

With the only exception of the Mini Moai, which is anyway sold only by Oldnewtwist in Dolya Town, none of these weapons is sold by any shop or found as loot in the dungeon. With the exception of the Hadoken and the Wooden Shield, which are always stored in the main inventory, after the hero obtains the portable scarecrow, they start getting stored there.

Boomerang - no tier[]

Boomerang: 10 Str.
Thrown to the enemy this flat curved wooden missile will return to the hands of its thrower.

Level 0: 3-6 damage

Damage scaling per level: +2 / +5

It is the starting ranged weapon of the Classic Huntress skin and is unobtainable by any other class or skin. Like Original PD and all mods it returns to the hands of its thrower. It does not belong to a specific tier, but its damage scaling with upgrades is equal to that of a tier 4 or 5 gun, +2 / +5. It is upgradeable and enhancable with ammo, but unlike guns it is also already reinforced and is enchantable. Note that it is the only ranged weapon that melee weapons can transfer their upgrades to it by using the Blacksmith's Reforge option, and also the Runic Blade can transfer its upgrades to it. It is also the only missile weapon that can get actually dropped and which might remain on the dungeon floor when thrown.

Centaur Bow - no tier[]

Centaur Bow SPS-PD
Centaur Bow: 10 Str.
A centaur bow used by taurcen.

Level 0: 4-8 damage

Damage scaling per level: +3 / +5

It is the starting ranged weapon of the Archer and Taurcen Huntress skins and is unobtainable by any other class or skin. This upgradeable (but not enchantable with weightstones, only with scrolls of Magical Infusion) ranged missile weapon shoots arrows and gets charged with each shot. After 8 charges are gathered, the player can choose among the options of an Armor Break (40%) arrow, Fire arrow, Ice arrow, Poison arrow and EMP Bolas arrow, and the next arrow shot will have this main effect and will consume 8 charges. Note that if the player does not do that, when the counter reaches 9/8 the bow will shoot by default an Armor Break special shot and the counter will go back to 1/8. Some of the special arrows' names are a bit misleading, so read the paragraph below for details about their effects. At level 0 it deals 4-8 damage and has a very good scaling of +3/+5 damage with each upgrade, and while it does not belong to a specific tier, its damage scaling with upgrades is higher even than that of the tiier 4 and 5 guns. This weapon is also already reinforced. Also, most probably due to all the debuffs it can apply by default it is non-enhancable with ammo, and also unlike guns it does not need reloading. Like the Shovel it fills a main inventory slot, but cannot get dropped or thrown.

Apart from their primary type of damage, shooting each type of different special arrow causes also an additional positive secondary effect to the Archer/Taurcen or a negative to the enemy, while three of the arrows' names are a bit misleading as far as their damage and effect types are concerned, so some extra details should be mentioned here. The Armor Break arrow deals regular damage and causes 40% Armor Break for 5 turns (so if the Taurcen keeps shooting with this arrow, her target will almost constantly have the Armor Break debuff, as no enemy is resistant or immune to it). The Fire arrow deals half damage and Ignites. The Ice arrow deals half damage, causes the Slowed and Wet debuffs for 5 turns, but does not chill or freeze. The Poison arrow deals damage/4, applies Caustic Ooze, but does not poison. The EMP Bolas arrow deals damage/3 and causes Electrostatic Turbulence for 3 turns while it also grants a +30% Attack Up the Taurcen for 3 turns, but does not root.

Lzayoi's Thousand Knives - no tier[]

Lzayoi's Thousand Knives SPS-PD
Lzayoi's Thousand Knives: 10 Str.
It is made by lots of throwing knives and can use special ammo.

Damage: 3-6 [Level +1]

Damage scaling per level: +1 / +2 [but has also an attack delay of 0.25 so it is actually +4 / +8 per attack turn.]

It is the starting ranged weapon of the Maid Huntress skin and is unobtainable by any other class or skin. It is similar to a gun in most aspects, as it is upgradeable but not enchantable with weightstones (only with scrolls of Magical Infusion), it gives the Shoot and not the Throw option and can also get enhanced with ammo, but it has the difference that it does not need reloading. This weapon is very quick, with a delay of 0.25, which means it can shoot four times per attack turn without any attack speed bonus from a ring or buff. It is already upgraded to +1 and reinforced with adamantite. At level 1 it deals 3-6 damage (which is actually 12-24 per attack turn due to its 0.25 delay) and gains +1/+2 damage with each upgrade (again, actually +4/+8 per attack turn). Each of its hits also has a chance to make an Escape Knife drop from the target enemy. It does not belong to a specific tier, but its actual damage scaling with upgrades is better than that of a tier 4 or 5 gun. Like the Shovel it fills a main inventory slot, but cannot get dropped or thrown.

Mini Moai - tier 1[]

Mini Moai: 10 Str.
An Easter egg from Easter land for Easter day.

Level 0: 1-10 damage

Damage scaling per level: +1 / +1

It is a holiday weapon meant to be sold during the Easter season at the depth 1 shop and randomly by Oldnewstwist at any time. It returns to the hands of its thrower and it Charms the target for 3 turns. Currently it is only available randomly in the Oldnewstwist's shop. It is upgradeable but non-enhancable with ammo and like all holiday weapons and guns it can't be upgraded by scrolls of Magical Infusion or receive an enchantment by a weightstone. It has the lowest damage scaling available for missile weapons and like almost all holiday weapons, by the time the hero is able to buy it, it is not worth getting bought.

Ryu's Hadoken - no tier[]

Ryu's Hadoken SPS-PD
Ryu's Hadoken
This is not a simple hadoken, it will deal more damage on a full health enemy, and will charge by melee attacks. After using BREAK OUT, if you don't have melee weapon, you will have new power for fighting.

It is a starting item of the Figher Warrior skin, unavailable to all the other classes and skins, which after it gets charged (1 hit against enemies - 1 charge, max 20) gives two options: a) with 10 charges a "Down right attack", a ranged attack that can't get evaded and its damage against all enemies not with full health is low (2-5 at hero's level 1 and increases by +1/+2 with each level up), but it is enemy's max HP/2 against full health regular enemies and much increased against Miniboss and Boss type enemies with full health and which in all cases also causes Vertigo to them, and b) with 20 charges a "Break out" option a +100% Attack Up buff for 50 turns but also a +50% Armor Break debuff for 100 turns, but only if the hero is unarmed. After choosing "Break Out" for the first time the Fighter also gains special finishing moves after successive successful hits - combos, very similar to the Gladiator's finishing moves of Shattered PD, that appear at the right of the game screen as swords of different colors (visit the Classes and Subclasses SPS-PD page for details). Its high damage against enemies with full health makes it eligible for the missile weapons category, but its need to get charged with hits in order to get used makes it more an auxiliary item than an actual weapon. As expected, it can't be upgraded with scrolls, enchanted or enhanced with ammo. Like the Shovel it fills a main inventory slot, but cannot get dropped and always returns back when thrown.

Slime - no tier[]

Slime SPS-PD
Slime can dominate or confuse an enemy. It may cause slowness in system.

It is a unique starting item of the Slime Performer skin, which is charged with melee hits. It has 50 max charges and already from 10 charges it will give the option to Cast which will either Dominate (Corrupt) regular enemies or cause at the same time 35% Attack Down, 35% Armor Break and Vertigo to enemies of the Boss and Miniboss type. Dominated enemies will get the cyan hue that otherwise colors frozen characters and will be wandering around the depth and attacking other enemies, but will also be losing 1 HP per turn (they can't die from that though, and they get stuck at 1 HP until they get killed by another enemy). Note that dominating an enemy is not only useful for creating allies to fight against the other enemies, but also for handling difficult regular enemies: the dominated enemy can still be hit by the hero, and won't fight back - get "freed", so using the Slime item is an alternative way to take down enemies still difficult for the hero's level, like Living Mosses in the sewers, Gnoll Brutes in the caves etc. Tip: any enemy which is not a Boss or Miniboss with the only exception of the two piranha types (they are the only enemies in SPS-PD immune to corruption) will get dominated by the Slime item, no matter how strong they are or how much their HP are. This fact is particularly useful in two cases: a) the Clockwork Scarecrow and Test Mob in Dolya Town, which in addition will be losing 1,500 HP per turn instead of the expected 1 HP after they get dominated, and b) the Year Beast "miniboss" which in both of its versions (Yog-Dzewa and Spring Festival Town depths) is not assigned to any enemy type and so it is considered neither a beast or miniboss by the game, with the positive part in this being that the Slime performer can dominate it, and not bother with it hitting or febuffing him at all (unlike the scarecrows its HP loss is mediocre though, 5 HP per turn). Although its dominating / debuffing abilities are very useful, it deals no direct damage and also needs 10 weapon hits in order to get charged for a single use, so it is essentially an auxiliary item and not an actual missile weapon. As expected, it can't be upgraded with scrolls, enchanted or enhanced with ammo. Like the Shovel it fills a main inventory slot, but cannot get dropped and always returns back when thrown.

Wooden Shield - no tier[]

Round Shield YAPD
Wooden shield: No Str. req.
A simple wooden shield. It can be thrown. You can also use it to reduce damage.

It is a starting item of the Classic and Heavy Infantry Warrior skins, and also unavailable to all the other classes and skins, which after it gets charged (1 turn per charge) it can either be thrown like a boomerang to Stun an enemy for two turns and also damage it to a small amount like the Ankh shied by choosing its "Cast" option, or can be used to switch to "Defense" mode, that reduces the warrior's damage by 50% for 4 turns and also grants an Alien Shield armor buff that is equal to the warrior's current level. Its attack option makes it eligible for the missile weapons category, but the damage it deals is min. (1 + hero's level/6) and max. (1 + hero's level/3) and also needs charges to get used, so even at rather high hero's levels like level 30 it will be dealing 6-11 damage, which is an insignificant amount, so it is more an auxiliary to attacking item than an actual weapon. As expected, it can't be upgraded with scrolls, enchanted or enhanced with ammo. Like the Shovel it fills a main inventory slot, but cannot get dropped and always returns back when thrown.


All guns apart from the Sling and the Toy Gun are always sold in the regular dungeon shops, 1 in each shop and following the order of their tier (the Type A Gunslinger pistol always on depth 1, the Type B Pistol always on depth 6 etc.), but they are never sold in the Dolya Town shops or found/dropped as loot, with the only exception of the Elder Avatar chapter boss, who has a low chance to drop one of these. In contrast the Toy Gun is currently only sold by Oldnewstwist in Dolya Town, and the Sling does not spawn at all in the dungeon as merchandise or loot. This means practically that in most of the runs only one regular gun of each tier will spawn, so be totally sure before you sell them.

The amount of Ammo mentioned for each gun in their game descriptions refers to the amount of shots that are available before reloading is required and it is how the game window names them. It should not be confused with the special ammo that can be added to them, even though they share the same name.

Apart from the Sling, no gun can be upgraded by scrolls of Magical Infusion or receive an enchantment via the weightstone. Due to his class-specific and subclass-specific buffs they are very good main weapons for Soldiers, and the tier 4 and 5 Fusil and Mortar are excellent end-game weapons for this class. In addition, all classes can use the two high tier guns as their end-game weapon with very good results, especially if they have also found a ring of Sharpshooting. With the exception of Pulse Pistol, which is always stored in the main inventory, after the hero obtains the wand holster, they start getting stored there.

Pulse Pistol - no tier[]

Pulse Pistol SPS-PD
Pulse Pistol
It will harm the target based on how much damage it has already taken.

It is more an auxiliary item with a gun name than a proper gun, as it has the peculiarity that it deals no damage against enemies with full health but heavy damage against enemies with low health. It gains 2 charges per turn and when fully charged (225 charges) it can shoot 3 times in a row (so 1 shot = 75 charges). This item is a little tricky in its use, but it is still a useful auxiliary offensive item. Like the Shovel it fills a main inventory slot, but cannot get dropped or thrown.

Sling - tier 0[]

Sling: 8 Str
A simple sling, made out of a several leather straps. With it, simple lead bullets can be turned into much deadlier projectiles. ConsideredHamster

Level 0: 3-7 damage

Damage scaling per level: +3 / +4

Ammo: 1/1. Turns needed to reload: 1

Its sprite is borrowed from YAPD, but is not very similar with YAPD's sling in its details. It is the starting weapon of the Classic Soldier skin and is unobtainable by any other class or skin. Slings obviously are not considered guns in the real world, but the Sling functions in exactly the same way as the other guns of SPS-PD and is also considered a gun by the game code, so the item has been positioned in this section. Note that although the sling of YAPD is a very weak ranged weapon which needs bullet items to be also equipped for it to function, in SPS-PD it needs no bullets, has a rather good damage scaling, higher than all the guns below tier 3, and is somewhat similar with that of the tier 4 and 5 guns, as the median value of its scaling (3-4 > 3.5) is the same with the median value of theirs (2-5 > 3.5)

Gunslinger Pistol - tier 1[]

Gunslinger pistol SPS-PD
Type A - Gunslinger pistol: 10 Str
An improvised firearm made from spare parts left from other guns. Mostly used by farmrs and petty criminals. The only good things about it is its low price and light weight. Juh9870

In fact the weapon was made based on this introduction. The Tower has tested it in the Sewers.

Level 0: 5-8 damage

Damage scaling per level: +2 / +4. Turns needed to reload: 1 Ammo: 3/3

This first part of its description is copied from Moonshine PD, from which the concept of this gun has been borrowed. One is always sold in the depth 1 Sewers shop. It is also the starting weapon of the Vtuber Performer skin, upgraded to +2, and of the Doctor Soldier skin in level 0.

Toy Gun - tier 1[]

Toy Gun SPS-PD
Toy Gun: 10 Str
A simple toy. Happy new year 2019 and Spring Festival.

Level 0: 1-10 damage

Damage scaling per level: +1 / +3

Ammo: 6/6. Turns needed to reload: 1

It is the older existing gun of SPS-PD. It is a holiday weapon meant to be sold during the Spring Festival season at the depth 1 shop and randomly by Oldnewstwist at any time. It is already reinforced but like all holiday weapons and guns it can't be upgraded by scrolls of Magical Infusion or receive an enchantment by a weightstone. Although with its old stats it used to be a ranged weapon even suitable for end-game, with its current stats it is not reasonable to spend the 2,500 gold pieces needed for buying it (the Type B Pistol is cheaper, is accessible to get bought earlier and has a better damage scaling with upgrades).

Pistol - tier 2[]

Type B - Pistol: 12 Str
A well-known short-barreled firearm. One of the most popular guns in the Kingdom and beyond due to its reliability, double barrel, and relatively decent price. Juh9870

In fact the weapon was made based on this introduction. The Tower has tested it in the Prison.

Level 0: 6-10 damage

Damage scaling per level: +2 / +4

Ammo: 3/3. Turns needed to reload: 1

This first part of its description is copied from Moonshine PD, from which the concept of this gun has been borrowed. It also uses the sprite of Moonshine PD's pistol. One is always sold in the depth 6 Prison shop.

Blunderbuss - tier 3[]

Type C - Blunderbuss: 14 Str
Originally from the Southern Gulf, these firearms use shots. This is what makes them perfect for sea battles or small spaces. Juh9870

In fact the weapon was made based on this introduction. The Tower has tested it in the Caves.

Level 0: 7-14 damage

Damage scaling per level: +2 / +4

Ammo: 4/4, Turns needed to reload: 2

This first part of its description is copied from Moonshine PD, from which the concept of this gun has been borrowed. It also uses the sprite of Moonshine PD's blunderbuss. One is always sold in the depth 11 Caves shop.

Fusil - tier 4[]

Type D - Fusil: 16 Str
A smoothbore weapon atraight from the royal manufactories. Its high accuracy makes up for the fair amount it takes to recharge as well as for its rarity. Pride of the soldiers! Juh9870

In fact the weapon was made based on this introduction. The Tower has tested it in the City.

Level 0: 7-20 damage

Damage scaling per level: +2 / +5

Ammo: 5/5. Turns needed to reload: 2

This first part of its description is copied from Moonshine PD, from which the concept of this gun has been borrowed. It also uses the sprite of Moonshine PD's fusil. One is always sold in the depth 16 Metropolis shop. Due to its good damage scaling (+2/+5) it is eligible to be picked and get highly upgraded for end-game, especially by the Soldier class, which has the Target Shoot buff easily available and also gun-related special skills, but any class with a highly upgraded ring of Sharpshooting can make good use of this gun also.

Mortar - tier 5[]

Mortar Moonshine PD
Type E - Mortar: 18 Str.
Mortar deals huge damage and pushes enemies back, but also takes very long to reload. Juh9870

In fact the weapon was made based on this introduction. The Tower has tested it in Hell.

Level 0: 9-28 damage

Damage scaling per level: +2 / +5

Ammo: 5/5. Turns needed to reload: 2

This first part of its description is copied from Moonshine PD, from which the concept of this gun has been borrowed. It also uses the sprite of Moonshine PD's mortar. It is slightly misspelled in-game as Mortair. One is always sold in the depth 21 Ambitious Imp shop. It is also the starting weapon of the Mech Soldier skin (with no strength penalty due to the Mech's starting strength of 18. Due to its good damage scaling (+2/+5) what was mentioned already about the Fusil in the previous paragraph applies also to the Mortar in exactly the same way.

The first paragraph of all game descriptions is copied and pasted from Monshine PD and so it contains some info that is inaccurate (the Blunderbuss, Fusil and Mortar all take 2 turns to reload without any difference between them, the Fusil isn't more accurate, the Mortar doesn't knock back with its shots). Apart from the Toy Gun all gun sprites were also borrowed from Moonshine PD, and the Sling sprite from YAPD, but their actual function in SPS-PD is rather different n comparison to Moonshine and YAPD.

Guns' and Missile Weapons' Damage Comparison[]

For a general comparison of all SPS-PD's weapons you can visit the the Tips for End-game page. The weapons are listed in order of max damage scaling from lowest to to highest, while also taking their starting damage at level 0 into account.

Weapon Tier Dam. L. 0 Damage scal. Shots Reloading Enchantable
Wooden Shield - 1-1 - - 10 turns full No
Ryu's Hadoken - 2-5 +1 / +2* - 20 hits full No
Mini Moai 1 1-10 +1 / +1 Infinite not needed No
Toy Gun 1 1-10 +1 / +3 6/6 1 turn No
Gunslinger Pistol 1 5-8 +2 / +4 3/3 1 turn No
Pistol 2 6-10 +2 / +4 3/3 1 turn No
Blunderbuss 3 7-14 +2 / +4 4/4 2 turns No
Boomerang - 3-6 +2 / +5 Infinite not needed Yes
Sling 0 3-7 +3 / +4 1/1 1 turn Yes
Fusil 4 7-20 +2 / +5 5/5 2 turns No
Mortar 5 9-28 +2 / +5 5/5 2 turns No
Centaur Bow - 4-8 +3 / +5 Infinite not needed Yes
Thousand Knives - 3-6


+1 / +2

[+4 / +8]**

Infinite not needed Yes

* The Ryu's Hadoken and Wooden Shield need to get charged with hits or the passing of turns and do not need reloading. Also they get upgraded by the hero's levelling up and not with scrolls of Upgrade. The Wooden Shield's damage has very low scaling of min. (1 + hero's level/6) and max. (1 + hero's level/3), while the Hadoken gains +1/+2 damage per hero's level. The Pulse Pistol deals damage only to enemies in low health and only if a considerable amount of charges is gathered, so it was omitted from this list.

** As it was already mentioned in description of the Thousand Knives their attack delay of 0.25 makes their actual damage and scaling quadruple. The damage displayed is for the Knives at level +1, as they spawn already upgraded.

Thrown weapons[]

As it was already mentioned previously, while in the game code there is only a general category of "missile weapons", weapons like these cannot get enhanced with ammo or get upgraded and as a consequence they can only play an auxiliary role in the hero's attacks. In addition they are not durable and get destroyed after one use. For this reason they were here "renamed" to thrown weapons, for the purpose of distinguishing between them and the durable, upgradeable & enhancable with ammo missile weapons and guns.

Without any exception after the hero obtains the portable scarecrow, all thrown weapons start getting stored there. They do not belong to specific tiers, but have various strength requirements, mostly 10. Unlike bombs, thrown weapons are not craftable, but with the only exception of the Error Ammo they are all infrequently found/dropped as loot and sold in the main dungeon shops and in the bottom shop in Dolya Town.

Strength 10[]

EMP Bola[]

EMP Bola
EMP Bola
Bolas are mostly used for hunting and they usually don't do much damage but they can ensnare the target leaving it helpless and motionless for some time.

This missile weapons deals 5-10 damage.

This weapon's sprite is borrowed from YAPD along with its game description, which not accurate at all in SPS-PD. EMP Bola does not root enemies, but applies to them the Crippled and Electrostatic Turbulence debuffs for 5 turns, potentially also Disarming them, and if the enemy belongs specifically to the Mechanical type, it does not deal its expected damage but enemy's max HP/3. 7 of them are starting items of any Spring Festival Skin (Heavy Infanntry warrior, Emcee mage, Samurai Rogue, Archer Huntress, Lion Dancer perfromer, Doctor soldier, Merchant follower).

Escape Knife[]

Throwing knife YAPD
Escape knife
These simple metal blades are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist.

This missile weapons deals 5-10 damage.

This weapon's sprite is borrowed from YAPD along with its description. It stuns enemies for 4 turns but with the Holy Stun debuff, which can not end prematurely for any reason (the enemy receiving damage etc.)

Holiday weapon - Red Packet[]

Red Packet
You can use gold to solve many problems in Spring Festival. Happy 2020 Spring Festival!!!

This missile weapons deals 1-1 damage.

This is holiday thrown weapon recently introduced in the directly previous than the current "Testers' Party" version named "Year Hunter", in celebration of the Spring Festival of 2020 then, but currently like all the other "off-season" holiday weapons it is sold randomly in Oldnewstwist's shop in Dolya Town in a packet of five. When the hero has no gold it deals the minimal damage of its game description, but when the hero has a lot of gold it will deal the maximum damage against the enemy against which it is thrown which will be needed to insta-kill it, but will also subtract an amount of gold equal to the damage it dealt. When the hero has some gold, but not enough for the packet to deal its maximum possible damage, the packet will deal damage equal to the available gold. As no enemy (including bosses) has any type of general immunity to its damage, you should definitely consider spending the 2,500 gold needed for a packet of five when you find them in Oldnewstwist's shop, just a) save them only for very strong enemies, and b) have an inventory full of gold when you do that, to maximize its effect.

Note also that the Red Packet is not effective against the bosses of the BossRush challenge, as its damage is also greatly decreased to the flat 10-20 damage of all the other weapons against them. Hence using it in the BossRush challenge is actually wasting it. For the bosses of the BossRush challenge this also applies to the other two weapons that can deal big/huge amounts of damage, the Empty Bomb and the Red Packet, as their damage is also decreased to a flat 10-20.

Incendiary dart[]

Incendiary dart
Incendiary dart
The spike on each of these darts is designed to pin it to its target while the unstable compounds strapped to its length burst into brilliant flames.

This missile weapons deals 3-5 damage.

It is the familiar type of dart from Original PD but with increased damage. It Burns the target and Ignites flammable tiles.

Lucky throwing knife[]

Lucky Throwing Knife SPS-PD
Lucky throwing knife
These simple metal blades are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist.

This missile weapon deals 6-14 damage.

This is the only thrown weapon that SPS-PD has kept from the original additions of Sprouted PD, but changing its damage, retexturing and renaming it. It is still only available only as a plentiful drop from Gnoll Archers in the Sewers challenge. It deals increased damage (min. * 5, max. * 8) against enemies of the following types: Beast, Boss, Gnoll, Human, Orc, Plant. It also has the attribute of the Lucky enchantment, which is otherwise withdrawn from SPS-PD and can deal to all other enemy types up to double its regular max. damage.

Poison dart[]

Poison dart SPSPD
Poison dart
These little evil darts don't do much damage but they can paralyze the target leaving it helpless and motionless for some time.

This missile weapons deals 1-5 damage.

This weapon's sprite, name and game description have been borrowed from YAPD, which were accurate for YAPD, but are now sort of inaccurate for SPS-PD. It does Poison its target but does not stun it. The duration of the Poisoned debuff it applies is ten times the regular duration that the debuff would have in the current depth. 7 of them are starting items of any Spring Festival Skin (Heavy Infanntry warrior, Emcee mage, Samurai Rogue, Archer Huntress, Lion Dancer perfromer, Doctor soldier, Merchant follower).

Rice ball[]

Corpse dust
Rice ball
It is some kind of pet food.

This missile weapon deals 1-2 damage.

It has very low base damage but also an attack delay of 0.25, meaning that 4 can be thrown in one turn. In addition, it can apply the Drowsy debuff to the following enemy types: Boss, Demonic, Elemental, Mechanical, Unknown, Undead (many of them are immune to it though) and also can randomly teleport the hero. Not to be confused with Corpse Dust, with which they share the same sprite.


It is an evil weapon.

This missile weapon deals 1-4 damage.

It applies the Soul Mark debuff to enemies for 10 turns, which is otherwise only available to the Warlock subclass. The healing and hunger satisfaction gained is calculated in the same way with the regular Soul Mark buff for warlocks, 25% of the number of the damage dealt by the hero's hit for healing, and 50% of the number of the damage dealt by the hero's hit for hunger satisfaction. 5 of them are a starting item of the Undead Rogue skin.


Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades that share smoke when they hit a target.

This missile weapon deals 2-4 damage.

It shares the same sprite with Original PD's shuriken, but deals less max damage than it, does not have quicker attack speed, and instead releases Darkness gas and causes Blindness or 3 turns. In short, they just share the same sprite. 7 of them are starting items of any Spring Festival Skin (Heavy Infanntry warrior, Emcee mage, Samurai Rogue, Archer Huntress, Lion Dancer perfromer, Doctor soldier, Merchant follower).

Shatttered Ammo[]

Shattered ammo SPS-PD
Shattered ammo
It is small but dangerous.

This missile weapon deals 10-30 damage.

It deals very high damage compared to most of the other thrown weapons and also applies the 30% Armor Break debuff for 10 turns.


Wraith Breath
It is a wave weapon.

This missile weapon deals 1-3 damage.

Amoks for 10 turns and Blinds for 2 turns its targets. Not to be confused with the unique drop Wraith Breath melee weapon, with which they share the same sprite.

Strength 13 []

Huge Shuriken[]

Huge shuriken
Huge shuriken
Huge star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades do significant damage when they hit a target.

This missile weapon deals 2-6 damage.

It applies a 30% Attack Down debuff for 10 turns. Its sprite is borrowed from Moonshine PD.

Strength 16 []


This throwing axe is not that heavy, but it still requires significant strength to be used effectively.

This missile weapon deals 70-140 damage.

It shares the same sprite with Original PD's tomahawk and applies the same effect, Bleeding, but deals immensely more damage than it.

Strength 0[]

Empty Bomb[]

Empty bomb SPS-PD
Empty Bomb
How did this work?

This missile weapons deals 1-1 damage.

It is an item that despite its name is actually a thrown weapon, as it explodes immediately after getting thrown and it's stored in the portable scarecrow bag. It also cannot be crafted by alchemy, like all the other bombs do. Despite the incorrect in-game description, it deals max HP/2 damage against enemies of the Boss type (which includes big Bosses and Chapter Bosses along with their most powerful minions but not Minibosses like the Gnoll Trickster), and regular bomb damage against all the other enemies, so never damage as low as 1-1 like the game description says. Note that its damage is max HP/2 and not current HP/2 so just two will take down any boss (including Zot), unless the boss has a damage reducing or negating buff. They can be very useful in completing the big boss fights with Yog-Dzewa and Zot in less than 1 minute, Despite their effectiveness, they are found/dropped as loot as often as the rest of the previous thrown weapons, and can be also sold in the main dungeon shops and in the bottom shop in Dolya Town, but always in the amount of just 1.

Note also that the Empty Bomb is not effective against most of the bosses of the BossRush challenge, as its damage is also greatly decreased to the flat 10-20 damage of all the other weapons against them. Hence using it in the BossRush challenge is actually wasting it. For the bosses of the BossRush challenge this also applies to the other two weapons that can deal huge amounts of damage, the Error Ammo and the Red Packet, as their damage is also decreased to a flat 10-20.

Unique drop - Error ammo[]

Error ammo
Error Ammo
This is an error

This missile weapon deals 10000-10000 damage .

This is a very rare thrown weapon. It is only available as a probable drop, after the "Chaos error" message is randomly displayed by the Robot HEART artifact and that might happen only at +10 level of the artifact. The "Error ammo" comes in a bundle of three items and deals 10,000 damage (not a typo, and due to its requirement of 0 strength and to other possible factors, it can deal even more damage, possibly reaching even +1,000 more). Although it has the sprite outline of the boomerang, each piece is single-use and breaks after a hit. Throwing it at Yog-Dzewa or Zot can also complete these fights in less than 1 minute. Unlike the Empty Bomb, it is never found/dropped as loot from any other source other than the Robot HEART artifact and it is never sold in any dungeon shop. 

Note: In the game code the Lantern of Soul Collect that is used for storing pets is also considered a thrown weapon, and is for this reason stored in the Portable Scarecrow container, but it has no effect when thrown at enemies (it just falls on their tile) and as a consequence no details about it were mentioned here.


Since the changes to the bomb group, SPS-PD's bombs have little resemblance to Sprouted PD's bomb items.

8 totally new bomb items were added, in addition to 2 bombs inherited from Sprouted PD and renamed (Dumpling bomb → Fishing bomb, Holy Hand Grenade → Holy bomb). The rest of Sprouted PD's bombs have been removed.

The damage of all bombs that deal direct damage assumes the target is sharing a tile with the bomb when it explodes. Nearby characters in the area of effect will receive less damage. All bombs need 2 turns to explode, after the hero lights and throws them (with the sole exception of the Empty Bomb, which basically behaves as a thrown weapon).

All bombs can be found in the dungeon or sold randomly in shops (commonly in the Fruit Cat shop in Dolya Town). Additionally, almost all of them can be crafted; only the Build Bomb and the Huge Bomb have a recipe with a predictable outcome, however. All others are random results of combining the Build Bomb with 2 seeds. Apart from crafting, regular bombs can be dropped by Dwarf Musketeers. All bombs, including the special craftable bombs can be also found rarely as loot, especially in the Rat King's chests in Tengu's Hideout.

Unlike thrown weapons all bombs are stored in the Potion Bandolier.

Acid Bomb[]

Dizzy Bomb
Acid Bomb
It will cause acid and regrowing explosions.

It causes the Rooted debuff for 5 turns to enemies and applies Caustic Ooze to them, while it also has the same effect on floor tiles that the wand of Regrowth has in Sprouted. It cannot break flammable tiles or walls.


A fairly hefty black powder bomb. An explosion from this would certainly do damage to anything nearby [the message sometimes continues: "and destroy walls"] .

It looks like the fuse will take a couple rounds to burn down once it is lit.

The non-wall-breaking version deals good damage against enemies, which depends on their type and max HP points: It is max HP/10 - HP/5 against enemies of the Boss and Miniboss type, and max HP/5 - max HP/4 for all the rest. It turns flammable tiles into embers and might have the ability to break walls, in which case that will be also mentioned in its game description. It is the most common bomb as it is often sold in the shops of the regular dungeon and found as loot. It is also often dropped by Dwarf Musketeers.

Two Bombs[]

Two bombs SPS-PD
Two Bombs
A stack of two hefty black powder bombs, looks like you get one for free!

Similarly to YAPD it is a stack of two bombs and so it deals double damage. As soon as it gets stored, it will be divided into two bombs with the sprite and name of the regular bomb in the inventory, but they will still be considered different items by the game and so they will be stored separately.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Players should note that after the Two Bombs item is put into the hero's inventory, the only way to distinguish between the two identical in appearance and name bomb items is to pay attention to their game description, as the "previously Two" bomb item will also include "and destroy walls" to its description:

Bomb [regular]
A fairly hefty black powder bomb. An explosion from this would certainly do damage to anything nearby.

It looks like the fuse will take a couple rounds to burn down once it is lit.

Bomb [separated from a stack of Two Bombs]
A fairly hefty black powder bomb. An explosion from this would certainly do damage to anything nearby and destroy walls.

It looks like the fuse will take a couple rounds to burn down once it is lit.

Dark Bomb[]

Dark Bomb
Dark Bomb
It will cause a dark explosion and it is harmful to living creatures.

It deals 200 - 400 damage against enemies of the following types and also applies the Terror debuff: Beast, Boss, Dwarf, Elf, Human, Goblin, Miniboss, Orc, Plant, Troll. It deals 50 - 100 damage to the rest types of enemies and also applies the Terror debuff to them. It cannot destroy flammable tiles or walls.

Fire Bomb[]

Cluster Bomb
Fire Bomb
It will cause a fire explosion.

It deals decent direct damage against enemies, which depends on their HP points: HP/12 - HP/7, but it also releases Fire and Tar gases in a 7x7 radius, so it can deal much more damage than that. It turns flammable tiles into embers, but does not break walls.

Fishing Bomb[]

Fishing Bomb SPS-PD
Fishing Bomb
It can send a mob to a dry place.

It deals no direct damage against enemies, but insta-kills all piranhas as it teleports them to dry land. It also teleports all the rest of the enemies when standing on water, but without dealing any damage to them. It has no effect on friendly characters, as all NPCs resist teleportation. It cannot destroy flammable tiles or walls.

Holy Bomb[]

Holy Bomb
Holy Bomb
It will cause a light explosion, and it is harmful to abiotic creatures.

It deals 50 - 100 damage to most enemies and applies the Blindness debuff fpr 10 turns. Damage is increased to 200 - 400 against enemies of the following types: Boss, Demonic, Dragon, Elemental, Mechanical, Miniboss, Undead, Unknown. It cannot destroy flammable tiles or walls.

Huge Bomb[]

Seeking Cluster Bomb Sprouted PD
Huge Bomb
It will cause a huge explosion and it will destroy walls.

It is the only bomb other than the Build Bomb that has its own recipe (2 Build Bombs) and its crafting does not depend only on RNG. It deals decent damage, which depends on their max HP points: max HP/8 - max HP/4. It turns flammable tiles into embers and destroys walls.

Ice Bomb[]

Smart Bomb Sprouted PD
Ice Bomb
It will cause an Ice Explosion.

It deals low damage against enemies, which depends on their max HP points: max HP/20 - max HP/10. It is mostly used for the Freezing gas it releases. It cannot destroy flammable tiles or walls.

Mini Bomb[]

Minibomb SPSPD
Mini Bomb
It can deal damage.

It deals from low to decent direct damage against enemies, which depends on their max HP points: max HP/15 - max HP/6. It turns flammable tiles into embers but does not destroy walls.

Storm Bomb[]

Seeking Bomb Sprouted PD
Storm Bomb
It will cause a storm explosion.

It deals no direct damage to enemies but has a strong DoT effect especially for enemies on water tiles as it creates a Storm blob with a 7x7 radius that deals Shock damage. It cannot destroy flammable tiles or walls.

Other bombs - only summoned[]

There is one last bomb item existing in SPS-PD, which is neither found/sold in the dungeon nor can be crafted in an alchemy pot and it can only be summoned. This can happen in two ways: by the "Moving Bombs" special skill of the Soldier as the Bombing Robot, and by a special ablity of three bosses, the Prison Warden (depth 10), the Lich Dancer, (depth 20) and the Killing Machine in the BossRush challenge, as Hunting Bomb /Seeking Bomb./ (plain) Bomb. It has the same sprite with the Seeking Bomb of Sprouted PD and functions in a very similar way in most of its versions, with some minor differences when it is summoned by the hero or by a chapter boss.

Bombing Robot[]

After the Bombing Robot is summoned by the Soldier it starts searching for enemies, follows them when it detects them and explodes upon touching them, dealing moderate damage while the game also displays a "Kaboom" message, so the player will always know if the robots have found a target, even when they not in the hero's field of vision. It also has the same sprite with SPS-PD's Storm Bomb, but the Bombing Robot can never spawn in the inventory, so it can't get confused with the Storm Bomb. It turns flammable tiles into embers and destroys walls, and unlike all the other bombs of this page it can also be hit by the hero and explode. For this reason the Soldier can also use it alternatively as a wall breaking item, that is stand by a wall, summon the Bombing Robots and immediately afterwards hit them, as they will explode and destroy the adjacent wall tiles. Note that the hero in this case will receive moderate damage, so this should not be done in low health.

Seeking Bomb Sprouted PD
Bombing Robot
Warning: It will explode soon.

Hunting / Seeking Bomb / (plain) Bomb[]

Seeking Bomb Sprouted PD
Hunting Bomb / Seeking Bomb
!!!No text found!!! / Seeking Bomb
Seeking Bomb Sprouted PD
Watch out, it will explode!

It has the same sprite with the Bombing Robot (and also the Storm Bomb), but it appears with three names and with two behaviors: as Hunting Bomb when summoned by the Killing Machine in the BossRush challenge, as Seeking Bomb when summoned by the Prison Warden in depth 10, and as (plain) Bomb when summoned by the Lich Dancer in depth 20. The Seeking bombs are dumber than the bombing robots because they do not actively search for the hero most of the times, but just wander around the depth and basically harm the hero by accident. In contrast the Hunting Bombs are more clever, always notice the hero and head to their direction. On the other hand, the (plain) bomb in contrast is stationary and explodes at its tile of spawning after 3 turns. All these bombs like the bombing robots can also get hit and destroyed, so a hero with a missile/thrown or a ranged melee weapon can easily not receive any damage from them.

Empty Bomb[]

Despite its name, the empty bomb actually functions as a thrown weapon. It is described in the thrown weapons section above.

Empty bomb SPS-PD
Empty Bomb
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