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Pixel Dungeon Wiki

When one actor (Hero, Rat, Goo, etc.) attacks another, two stages take place:

  1. Test if the attack was successful
  2. Calculate damage

Test for successful attack[]

Hit probability graph
Derivative hit probability graph
  • The attacker generates a random real number between 0 and its accuracy stat, uniformly distributed.
  • The defender generates a random real number between 0 and its dodge (also called evasion) stat, uniformly distributed.
  • If the attacker's number is greater than or equal to the defender's number, the hit is successful.

The general formula here is:

- accuracy, - evasion.


A level 5 Berserker with strength 15 carrying a +0 War hammer attacks a Gnoll scout

  • The Hero's accuracy depends on his level. At level 5, his accuracy is 14. This accuracy is then multiplied by the weapon's accuracy, which s 1.2, so his accuracy = 14×1.2 = 16.8.
  • The Hero generates a real number between 0 and 16.8; lets say he got 8.6
  • The Gnoll scout has a dodge stat of 4, so he generates a real number between 0 and 4; lets say he got 2.5.
  • Since 8.6 ≥ 2.5, the hit is successful.
  • An attack using magic (eg. Dwarf warlock, Gnoll shaman) will multiply the generated accuracy by 2. Note that Hero's wands never miss.
  • The Hero's accuracy is decreased when using weapons with a required strength higher than the Hero's strength. The weapons' accuracy is divided by 1.5requiredStrength-heroStrength. In this case, the required strength is 18, and the Hero's strength is 15. So the weapon's accuracy should have been 1.2/(1.518-15) ≈ 0.356; so the Hero's accuracy should have been 14×0.356 ≈ 4.98, instead of 16.8.

Graphs above show the dependence between accuracy / evasion ratio and successful hit probability (and its derivative). The dependence is linear as long as attacker's accuracy is lower than defender's evasion, and turns reciprocal after this threshold, therefore the lower the ratio is, the more impactful its changes are.


Hero's accuracy is 10, evasion of the enemy is 10. Successful hit probability is 50%. After increasing accuracy by 2, the probability has changed to 58.(3)%, the increase is 8.(3)%.

Hero's accuracy is 20, evasion of the enemy is 10. Successful hit probability is 75%. After increasing accuracy by 2, the probability has changed to 77.(27)%, the increase is only 2.(27)%.

In code
  float acuRoll = randomFloat(attacker.accuracy);
  float defRoll = randomFloat(defender.dodge);
  if (attacker.usingMagic) {
    acuRoll *= 2.0F;
  if (acuRoll >= defRoll) {
    // successful hit
  } else {
    // unsuccessful hit

Calculate damage[]

On a successful hit:

  • The attacker generates a symmetrically triangularly distributed random integer between its minimum and maximum hit values.
  • The defender generates a uniformly distributed random integer between 0 and its armor stat.
  • The defender takes damage equal to the attackersNumber-defendersNumber, or 0 if the subtraction is negative.
An example

Our level 5 Berserker with strength 15 and +0 War hammer attacks the Gnoll scout:

  • The Hero's min/max hit is taken from his weapon which for the War hammer is 5 to 25 (15 ±4.3).
  • The Hero generates a random integer between 5 and 25, let's say it equals 18.
  • The Gnoll scout has an armor stat of 4, so it generates a damage reduction randomly between 0 and 4; let's say 2.
  • The Gnoll scout then takes 18-2=16 damage points. Since the Gnoll scout only has 12 HP, it dies.
  • If the Sniper is attacking with her ranged weapons, the damage reduction is 0.
  • A Furious Berserker damage attack will be multiplied by 1.5 (rounded down if the result is not an integer).
  • If the Hero has excess strength when using a weapon, then they gain an extra random damage 0 to HeroStrength-weaponStrength when attacking with ranged weapons (only Huntress) or melee weapons (all except Huntress).
In code
if attacker is Sniper {
 absorption = 0;
} else {
 absorption = randomInteger(0, defender.armor);
damage = max(attacker.damageRoll() - absorption, 0);
// attackProc applies additional effects like debuffs, defenseProc applies resistances and immunities
effectiveDamage = defender.defenseProc(attacker, attacker.attackProc(defender, damage));

Surprise attack[]

A surprise attack is an attack that can be made by the Hero. Surprise attacks can't miss (but can still deal 0 damage).

The Assassin sub-class will get 50 % more damage from surprise attacks.

An attack becomes surprise if the target enemy doesn't see the Hero at the moment of attacking. This can happen under following conditions:

  • The Hero wasn't in the field of view of the enemy before it moved the last time. Field of view updates for mobs happen at the start of their turn, rather than at the end, which makes common surprise attack tactics possible:
    • Doors: closing a door will make you leave the enemy's field of view, the enemy loses the Hero and moves to the tile where it saw them last (the door) behind which the Hero is waiting
    • Corners: sharp tunnel corners, that allow characters move around them in Λ pattern, can be used the same way as doors, when the Hero moves behind the corner, the enemy loses them, heads to the last tile where it saw the Hero and gets caught
    • Some of the trickshots
  • Enemy is sleeping
  • Enemy is paralyzed
See also: Door Strategies


FORMULA NEEDED: This is the formula that determines whether or not the Hero can see an enemy. Specifically of interest is seeing around corners.


The Scrolls of Psionic Blast, Terror, and Lullaby, and the Huntress Cloak’s Spectral Blades ability, will affect all enemies within your Hero's field of view. When combined with the Potion of Mind Vision, they will affect all enemies currently at that depth.


The code that governs projectiles is Here. Sadly, there is no formula to tell us where to tap in order to hit an enemy at position 42, as it depends on the terrain between you and that enemy. However, for all the sharpshooters out there, a formula exists that shows which tiles are visited along the projectile's flight towards a tile that you tap.

  • Imagine you have a rectangle of cells with size (A=16 columns) x (B=9 rows).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127
128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
  • Cells are labeled from 0 (your position) to 143 (target cell where you tap)
  • Cell numbers increase first in the longer axis (rows are longer, so the first row contains cells 0-15, 2nd row contains 16-31 and so on). If columns were longer, then the 1st column would contain cells 0-15 ...
  • In this case you will travel through 16 cells Cells(0-15)
  • The formula for the i-th cell that you will visit on the way is, where "" means integer division (up to a whole number), e.g., so you disregard the remainder
  • Cell(0)=0+16*((15/2+0*8)/15)=16*(7/15)=16*0=0
  • Cell(1)=1+16*((15/2+1*8)/15)=1+16*((7+8)/15)=1+16*(15/15)=1+16=17. This is the 2nd cell on row 2
  • ...
  • Cell(14)=14+16*((15/2+14*8)/15)=14+16*(119/15)=14+16*7=126
  • Cell(15)=15+16*((15/2+15*8)/15)=15+16*(127/15)=15+16*8=143
  • If there is an obstacle somewhere along the yellow path, the projectile will stop in the previous yellow cell
  • Since  can be hit from different positions behind it, it depends what obstacles there are.

Here's how you can understand the formula intuitively:

  • The 1st part "i" gives the column position
  • The 2nd part A* .... gives the row position
    • A-1 = column distance to target
    • B-1 = row distance to target
  • An intuitive way to decide when you go to the next row is to start with (A-1)/2 (7) and add B-1 (8)  at every step. Then you see if the result is greater or equal to A-1 (15) - if it is, then you go to the next row and subtract A-1 (15). If it isn't, then you stay on the same row and continue adding B-1 (8) ...
  • So the movement above will look like this: (row 1)7 => +8=15=0(row 2) => +8=8 => +8=16=1(row 3) => +8=9 => 17=2(row 4) => +8=10 => +8=18=3(row 5) => +8=11 => +8=19=4(row 6) => +8=12 => +8=20=5(row 7) => +8=13 => +8=21=6(row 8) => +8=14 => +8=22 = 7(row 9) => +8=15=0(row 10) ...
  • We can continue and reach rows 10 and bigger. This shows how the projectile continues in the case of a wand.

Here is a table I made while trying to figure out the formula. This shows the path of 15 projectiles, all targeting 15 tiles away from your character, who is at position (1,1):

Targeting table

For all math geeks, all other directions should be obtainable from flipping this table symmetrically with respect to the X, Y axis, or the diagonals, as well as by rotating it by 90°, or by using central symmetry with respect to the middle of the cell (1,1).

How to use the table, someone might ask?

  • For example, if you have obstacles at (7,4) and (5,4), you can still hit (8,5) by targeting A, because A goes through (6,4) and (8,5).

It was seen somewhere, that Watabou has stated, that if an enemy is visible, then it can be hit with a ranged weapon or wand by tapping at the appropriate tile; and that, sometimes, the tile with the visible enemy is not the tile you need to tap to hit it.

Actually, it might be impossible to hit the enemy if there isn't enough space behind it(i.e. the map ends right after the enemy so you can't tap further).

Given that you're next to an enemy, you can also tap its image on the right side of the screen to hit it.

Ranged-hitting an enemy positioned just behind a corner: http://i.imgur.com/k5YjhIl.png
