Pixel Dungeon Wiki

Some bosses have minions but not all.

Stage Bosses[]

Goo (Depth 5)[]

Little is known about the Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, certainly dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.

Its gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If goo is able to attack with this energy, you won't live for long.

  • HP: 200
  • Damage: 2-12 calm, 5-30 pumped up (melee)
  • Accuracy: 15 (calm), 30 (pumped up)
  • Evasion: 12
  • Armor: 2
  • Speed: 1
  • Special: Pumps Up to increase its damage and accuracy, applies Caustic Ooze to the hero. Spawns 4 Poison Goos.
  • Resistant to: Grim enchantment, Scroll of Psionic Blast, Toxic Gas
  • Immune to: Rooting
  • XP: 10

The large black Goo in Sprouted has almost the same behavior with the Goo in the Original PD (heals by +1 with each turn in water, pumps up for its special attack, applies Caustic Ooze to the hero) but also spawns 4 smaller Poison Goos when it sees the hero in its lair. All goos heal in water, so the hero should avoid fighting especially the boss Goo with it standing on a water tile, but he/she should better be on a water tile, as it will wash off instantly the Caustic Ooze that the boss Goo will apply to him/her.

Poison Goo[]

Poison Goo Sprouted
Poison Goo
Little is known about the Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, certainly dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.

Its gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If goo is able to attack with this energy, you won't live for long.

  • HP: 50
  • Damage: 1-10 (melee)
  • Accuracy: 5
  • Evasion: 12
  • Armor: 2
  • Speed: 2
  • Special: Poisons the hero
  • Resistant to: Grim enchantment, Scroll of Psionic Blast, Toxic Gas. It is also Immune to Rooting.
  • XP: 10

These mini Poison Goos spawn in the cells adjacent to the Goo in a cross shape. Poison Goos also split when hit with physical attacks, but they will not do this after the Goo has been defeated. They will try to Poison the hero and then flee, leaving a trail of webbing that will Root the hero in place, if he/she tries to follow them. They also heal in water. The first four Poison Goos drop always Potions of Mending when they are defeated, but if they get divided the potions will not multiply. A detailed boss guide can be found here.


Upon defeat, the last goo (either big or small, poison or not) will drop the Skeleton key to the depth exit, and the boss Goo will also drop the Sokoban 1 Otiluke's Journal page. It also has a 50% chance to drop a rare grey Mr. Destructo and a 50% chance to drop a unique Bloodlust Chainsaw Hand (Mr. Destructos are also found in Tengu's Hideout and Dolyahaven, but the Chainsaw Hand can only be obtained this way). The Goo used to drop also an Egg in previous versions of Sprouted, but not anymore. Also Goo never drops a Lloyd's Beacon like it does in Original PD and the item is removed from Sprouted in general.

Tengu (Depth 10)[]

Tengu gif
Tengu are members of the ancient assassins clan, which is also called Tengu. These assassins are noted for extensive use of shuriken and traps.

  • HP: 300 in the first phase / 100 in the second phase
  • Damage: 15-18 (ranged and melee)
  • Accuracy: 20
  • Evasion: 30
  • Armor: 10 in the first phase / 15 in the second phase
  • Speed: 2 (this Tengu doesn't move from tile to tile, but only teleports around the room)
  • Special: Ignites, Slows and Paralyses the hero. Each time he teleports he activates one or more Poison traps.
  • Resistant to: Grim enchantment, Poison, Scroll of Psionic Blast, Toxic Gas
  • XP: 20 in the first phase / 0 in the second phase

Tengu uses ranged attacks that, in addition to direct damage, have a chance of setting on Fire, Slowing, and Paralyzing the hero. The hero encounters him in a room full of poison traps that start out inactive - triggered. If they get into melee range, the hero may get a few hits before Tengu teleports to another part of the room. Every time he teleports, some of the traps activate, making it more difficult for the hero to pursue him. After the hero defeats him the first time, Tengu will drop the depth's Skeleton key, and the exit of the room will be able to be unlocked as if the fight is over, but he will reappear instantly on the same tile. If the hero manages to defeat him a second time before he can teleport 5 times, he will flee to his Hideout, leaving a Portal Key to the Hideout behind. He very rarely teleports outside of the room, so the hero may need to search for him. If the hero is unlucky and Tengu manages to teleport before dropping the Hideout key, this key can still be dropped by a Gnoll Archer in the Ancient Sewers key depth (so unless the hero is in great need to upgrade their equipment with dew, this depth should not be visited before Tengu). A detailed boss guide can be found here.


After the very first time he gets defeated by any specific class, he drops always the Tome of Mastery of the class, and that Tome will be available in all the following runs from the the beginning on depth 1 for the specific class. If a Tome of Mastery had already been dropped by Tengu in a previous run for a class, Tengu will drop always an Egg instead, and after defeating him for the second time as described above he will also drop the Hideout Key, which the hero can use to follow him later, and obtain an Adamantite Ring. Regardless of the times he has been previously defeated, he always drops the depth's Skeleton key and the Sokoban 2 Otiluke's Journal page. Since many Poison traps will most probably still be untriggered, the hero will easily obtain a Violet Dragon by throwing the egg reward on them, and as a matter of fact it is better for the hero to wait until Tengu activates 5 poison traps before he/she finishes him off. Not visiting the Ancient Sewers Key depth has the extra advantage that the Violet Dragon can get power-leveled there, after it gets its first two levels in the Sewers, as in level 1 it will be too weak to survive the Vampire Bats and the Gnoll Brutes after getting released in the Caves.

DM-300 (Depth 15)[]

DM-300 gif
This machine was created by the Dwarves several centuries ago. Later, Dwarves started to replace machines with golems, elementals and even demons. Eventually it led their civilization to the decline. DM-300 and similar machines were typically used for construction and mining, and in some cases , for city defense.

  • HP: 500
  • Damage: 18-24 * Robot Printers undestroyed (melee and ranged)
  • Accuracy: 28
  • Evasion: 40
  • Armor: 10 + (4 * Robot Printers undestroyed)
  • Special: Releases cloud of Toxic Gas, Regenerates when standing on or passing from inactive traps.
  • Resistant to: Grim enchantment, Psionic Blast
  • Immune to: Terror, Toxic Gas
  • XP: 30

The DM-300 has a ranged lightning attack, and a fairly weak physical attack, especially after the Robot Printers are taken down. Destroying them also reduces its armor. It is surrounded by a cloud of Toxic Gas (if available a Potion of Purification and/or a Ring of Elements will be very useful while attacking DM-300 in melee range). When standing or just passing from one of the many inactive traps found on this depth, DM-300 will repair - heal itself, so the hero should try to get DM-300 above a non-trap tile before he/she starts attacking it in melee range, as it will stand still after that. Unlike Original PD, DM-300 also has two types of minions:

Robot Printers[]

Old Production Sprouted
Robot Printer * 2
Many years ago, Dwarves built a complete line of production, but their research on magic put this production line out of maintenance. At present, these devices are very old.

  • HP: 330-375
  • Damage, Accuracy, Evasion, Speed: 0, Non-attacking directly and Stationary
  • Armor: 10
  • Special: With each hit it sets on an alarm, attracting all enemies on the depth to its location to defend it. It also spawns 4 Broken Robots in a cross shape in its adjacent tiles, and 3 if it is located next to a wall.
  • Resistant to: Electricity/Lightning, Grim enchantment, Psionic Blast
  • Immune to: Confusion Gas, Terror, Toxic Gas
  • XP: 25

There are two Robot Printers. They are stationary and do not attack, but rather almost constantly spawn up to 4 Broken Robots at a time, in the spaces adjacent to them (3 if they are located next to a wall). Spaces occupied by any character (hero / pet / enemy) will not spawn a Broken Robot. When attacked, Robot Printers sound an alarm, alerting all enemies on the depth to its location. When destroyed, they always drop Red Dew.

Broken Robot[]

Broken Robot Sprouted PD
Broken Robot
A wandering robot, unfinished and broken down. You can feel its malice toward intruders.

  • HP: 127-180
  • Damage: 10-27 (ranged, death rays, so extra damage is dealt if multiple targets are hit with the same beam and also armor is ignored)
  • Accuracy: 33-35
  • Attack Delay: 3 turns per attack
  • Evasion: 26-27
  • Armor: 5
  • Special: Self-Explodes randomly, dealing damage to all characters to adjacent tiles and to itself.
  • Resistant to: Grim, Vampiric enchantments
  • Immune to: Terror, Toxic Gas
  • XP: 13

Broken Robots attack with death rays that ignore the hero's. They will attack indiscriminately, often damaging each other in the process, but as with a Wand of Disintegration, the damage of the beam is increased when multiple targets are struck, so this actually makes them more dangerous. It is wise for the hero to avoid getting surrounded and attacked by them in a large group. They also self-explode randomly, again dealing damage indiscriminately to all characters in adjacent tiles. A Broken Robot has a 50% chance to drop Red Dew and a 50% chance to drop a Scroll of Recharging.

In cases when the hero has already found a Ring of Frost or Disintegration and wants to upgrade them quickly (or just wants to be prepared for this possibility) farming Scrolls of Recharging from Broken Robots on the DM-300 depth is the most suitable way, by leaving a Robot Printer intact after DM-300 gets defeated and destroying the Broken Robots, which will spawn constantly around it (keeping both Robot Printers is not an equally good idea, as DM-300 will remain at full damage and armor, and also there will be many Broken Robots constantly spawning which might overwhelm the hero). Getting the 42 + 42 Scrolls of Recharging needed for both rings to reach +10 can be accomplished relatively soon as Broken Robots spawn endlessly, even before the previous quadruple gets defeated. Also, if the hero has still the Dew Charge buff in the previous depth active, after he/she meets the goal moves, he/she should better gather the dew dropped quickly and move down to depth 15 or even fall from a chasm if available (dew won't evaporate in this case), as the Broken Robots will drop immense amounts of dew wth the Dew Charge buff active, if the aforementioned method about farming Scrolls of Recharging is applied. A strong pet (for example a Bunny or any dragon of level 10 or above) can be also power-leveled on this depth following the same method, but attention should be given to its health, while DM-300 and both Robot Printers are still active. A weaker pet can be quickly obliterated though by the barrage of death rays from the Broken Robots. A detailed boss guide can be found here.


Upon defeat, the DM-300 drops the depth's Skeleton key, the Sokoban 3 Otiluke's Journal page and also has a 33% chance of dropping the Cape of Thorns (this artifact can't get obtained otherwise). As mentioned just before, the hero can farm Scrolls of Recharging from the Broken Robots on this depth.

Dwarf King (Depth 20)[]

Dwarf King gif
King of Dwarves
The last king of dwarves was known for his deep understanding of processes of life and death. He has persuaded members of his court to participate in a ritual, that should have granted them eternal youthfulness. In the end he was the only one, who got it - and an army of undead as a bonus.

  • HP: 500
  • Damage: 20-38 (melee)
  • Accuracy: 32
  • Evasion: 25
  • Armor :14
  • Special: Regenerates randomly his health in a small amount and when standing on a pedestal in a big amount. As his HP decreases, he summons Undead Dwarves up to 5 active on the depth at the same time. Upon defeat he summons 4 Dwarf Liches in a cross shape around his tomb.
  • Resistant to: Grim enchantment, Psionic Blast
  • Immune to: Terror, Toxic Gas
  • XP: 40

The Dwarf King himself is not very dangerous, but if allowed, he will go back and forth between his pedestals, summoning Undead Dwarves and regenerating most of his health. If the hero has an upgraded Tier 5 weapon with a Lucky enchantment and/or a Ring of Furor (the Haste buff of the dew vial also helps) and can take down the Dwarf King before he manages to do that, this is the quickest way to finish this part of the battle. Nevertheless, if the hero is not quick enough in their attacks, he/she should leave the Dwarf King to visit the pedestals and summon 5 Undead Dwarves, as he will stop visiting the pedestals and regenerating after all 5 Undead Dwarves have spawned (the pattern "the hero kills some Undead Dwarves and deals some damage to the Dwarf King - the Dwarf King summons new Undead Dwarves and regenerates his health - the hero kills some more Undead Dwarves and deals some more damage to the Dwarf King etc." can make this part of the battle last forever). Unlike Original PD, the Dwarf King in Sprouted has one extra type of minions: when he dies, 4 Dwarf Liches will appear at the north end of the chamber around the Tomb, which will also become vulnerable to hits.

Dwarf King Tomb[]

Dwarf King Tomb Sprouted
Dwarf King Tomb
The tomb of the undead dwarf king. It radiates a sickening power.

  • HP: Invulnerable until the Dwarf King is defeated, 600 HP afterwards, which is relative, as it is destroyed by 4 pickaxe hits
  • Damage, Accuracy, Speed: 0, Passive and Stationary
  • Evasion: 5
  • Armor: 8, which is also relative, as it is destroyed by 4 pickaxe hits
  • Resistant to: None
  • Weakness: Extremely vulnerable to pickaxe hits, after the Dwarf King is defeated.
  • XP: 10

The Tomb is present on the depth from the start of the fight, but it will not take any damage before the Dwarf King is defeated. Essentially it is the second / final boss of the depth, and destroying the Tomb will instantly destroy all the Dwarf Liches and Undead Dwarves that are still alive and will complete the fight. It is highly recommended for the hero to have the pickaxe in the inventory and equip it to hit the Tomb, as it will destroy it with only 4 hits (it will deal minimal damage against all the other enemies of the depth though).

Undead Dwarf[]

Undead Dwarf gif
Undead Dwarf
These undead dwarves, risen by the will of the King of Dwarves, were members of his court. They appear as skeletons with a stunning amount of facial hair.

  • HP: 50
  • Damage: 12-16 (melee)
  • Accuracy: 16
  • Evasion: 15
  • Armor: 5
  • Special: Paralyses the hero
  • Immune to: Grim enchantment, Paralysis
  • XP: 0

Only dangerous in large numbers (up to 5 can spawn and be at the same active on the depth), their attack has a chance to paralyze the hero. They give no XP and drop nothing.

Dwarf Lich[]

SproutedPD dwarf lich
Dwarf Lich
A powerful wizzard sacrificed to sustain the undead Dwarf King. The wizzard calls on the power of death to damage opponents.

  • HP: 190-240
  • Damage: 20-32 (ranged). Always flees melee range, and when blocked in melee range it has no attack and spawns Red Wraiths instead.
  • Accuracy: 45-46
  • Evasion: 32-34
  • Armor: 16
  • Speed: undetectable in the game code, practically 2-3
  • Special: Paralyses the hero
  • Resistant to: Poison, Vampiric enchantment
  • XP: 14

Just like the Dwarf Liches of the Metropolis, their ranged attack is similar to the Wand of Avalanche's effect, doing physical damage with a chance of paralysis. Dwarf Liches have a 20% chance to drop Black berries and a 20% chance to drop Potions of Healing, and might also spawn Red Wraiths, which drop yellow and red dew and have a 4% chance to drop a Ring of Wealth. The hero can chase them around, but if he/she has a good armor, he/she can splash him/herself for the Haste buff, equip the Pickaxe and destroy the Tomb with 4 hits, while the Liches will attack him/her with their bolts for a few turns. After the Tomb is destroyed they will dissolve as well. Heroes with an upgraded Ring of Frost can also freeze them for many turns, and can get afterwards occupied with destroying the Tomb without any disturbances. A detailed boss guide can be found here.


Destroying the Tomb will yield the depth's Skeleton key, 4,900 - 10,000 gold, and the Armor Kit. The Dwarf King will have already dropped the Sokoban 4 Otiluke's Journal page.

Key Depth Bosses[]

Skeleton King (Ancient Prison Key)[]

SproutedPD skel king
Skeleton King
This ancient giant skull belongs to the king of skeletons.

  • HP: 550
  • Damage: 20-40 (ranged)
  • Accuracy: 25
  • Evasion: 30
  • Armor: 25
  • Immune to: Fire damage and Burning
  • Special: Causes the Weakness debuff (50 % chance); if so, he will flee.
  • XP: 10

Skeleton Hands[]

Skeleton Hand X 2
This ancient giant hand belongs to the king of skeletons.

The two hands are identical in their stats, except that one inflicts the Rooted debuff while the other inflicts the Burning debuff.

  • HP: 300
  • Damage: 10-30 (melee)
  • Accuracy: 25
  • Evasion: 30
  • Armor: 15
  • Immune to: Fire damage and Burning
  • Special: One causes the Burning debuff and the other the Rooted debuff (50 % chance); if so, they will both flee.
  • XP: 10

This battle is accessible via the Inscribed Bone, a portal item which is dropped by a Moss Covered Skeleton on the Ancient Prison depth sometime after 50 kills. Upon the hero's arrival the message: "War drums and fire..." is displayed. The hero must burn the shrubbery to get access to the main chamber. The Skeleton King is accompanied by two Skeleton Hands, one of which sets the hero on Fire and the other Roots him/her. None of the enemies on this depth is really dangerous, so they can be killed in any order. Players should just have in mind that all enemies on this depth are immune to all fire-related damage, so a Mage with a Wand of Firebolt as his only main weapon should not visit this depth before he finds an alternative main weapon. The King himself is straightforward until he applies his Weakness debuff to the hero, but afterwards the hero will have to chase him. If the hero gets Rooted, he/she can use a Potion of Levitation or just wait for the effect to pass, as most probably two of the three enemies of the depth will wander around trying to keep away from him. The Skeleton King always drops the Adamantite Weapon when he dies, an essential item for the hero, if he/she will reinforce her main weapon (the Chainsaw Hand, Spork, and all Tier-6 weapons do not need that though). All enemies on the depth have a 10% chance to drop a Potion of Liquid Flame and the Skeleton King drops always 1,900 to 4,000 gold. The hero will use the Inscribed Bone again to teleport back to the dungeon.

Tengu (Hideout Key)[]

Tengu gif
Tengu are members of the ancient assassins clan, which is also called Tengu. These assassins are noted for extensive use of shuriken and traps.

  • HP: 400
  • Damage: 15-25 (ranged)
  • Accuracy: 28
  • Evasion: 30
  • Armor: 20
  • Speed 2: (this Tengu moves from tile to tile, and also teleports all around the depth)
  • Special: Ignites, Slows and Paralyses the hero. Every 5 turns, he will teleport away to a random location on the depth; he also spawns Shinobis up to 7 active at the same time on the depth
  • Resistant to: Grim enchantment, Poison, Psionic Blast, Toxic Gas
  • XP: 20

This battle is accessible via the Hideout portal key, which the hero can obtain on Depth 10 after defeating Tengu for the second time or on the Ancient Sewers key depth later if it hasn't been visited until Tengu has been defeated and the hero visits it without having the Hideout portal key. Upon the hero's arrival the message: "Entering Tengu's Hideout..." is displayed.


SproutedPD assassin
Shinobi are members of the Tengu assassin clan. They fight with ranged attacks at high speed.

  • HP: 35-50
  • Damage: 10-23 (ranged)
  • Attack Delay: 0.75 turns to attack
  • Accuracy: 25
  • Evasion: 15
  • Armor: 5
  • Speed: 2
  • Special: Slows the hero.
  • Resistant to: Grim enchantment, Poison, Psionic Blast, Toxic Gas
  • XP: 10

This fight consists mainly of chasing Tengu around, while fighting off the Shinobis that spawn every time he teleports. A ranged attack with battle wands or missile weapons and using the Splash function of the dew vial for the Haste buff can be helpful here.

Players should have in mind that the version of Tengu in the Hideout has 100 more HP, more accuracy and armor, deals 40% more damage, teleports almost constantly in a much bigger area and also spawns almost constantly up to 7 Shinobis (meaning that up to 7 Shinobis can be active on the depth, not that he only spawns 7), who can deal decent damage as a group along with Tengu. So beating easily Tengu on depth 10 does not mean that the hero will beat him as easily on the Hideout depth immediately after. Players are advised to check if the hero manages at least rather easily the enemies of the Caves, before the hero teleports to the Hideout (also before the hero is able to upgrade items with dew up to the max level of +13/+14, which happens at the end of the Demon Halls, reinforcing a ring with adamantite is totally unnecessary anyway). The hero will use the portal key again to teleport back to the dungeon.


When finally defeated, Tengu drops always one of the two Adamantite Rings, which are needed if the hero wants to reinforce rings for upgrading above +15 and also 1,900 - 4,000 gold. The Rat King is also hiding somewhere on this depth, and the chests in the room he is hiding can have some decent loot: Phase Pitcher or Starflower seeds / Eggs / grey Mr. Destructos / Seeking Cluster bombs / common Berries / 1-5 gold. The chests generate these items radomly without a specific percentage for each, so a lucky hero might get 2 Mr. Destructos and 2 Phase Pitchers and an unlucky hero 25 gold and 2 Black berries in sum (the room also does not have fixed dimensions so in one run it can be a 2X3 room with 4 chests and in another run a 3X5 room with 10 chests). The hero will still get the Spork if he/she hasn't opened the Rat King's chest on depth 5 as the Rat King most probably considers this depths' chests to belong to Tengu and not to him.

Crab King (Ancient Caves Key)[]

Crab King
The crab king collects protective magical items to make himself stronger. He is hiding himself in a powerful suit of armor.

  • HP: 300
  • Damage: 20-50 (ranged)
  • Accuracy: 35
  • Evasion: 30
  • Armor: 10
  • Resistant to: Grim enchantment, Poison, Psionic Blast, Toxic Gas
  • XP: 20

This depth is accessible via the Conch Shell, which is dropped by an Albino Giant Piranha on the Ancient Caves depth sometime after 50 Piranhas are killed. Upon the hero's arrival, the message: "A rushing of water..." is displayed.

The Crab King's lair is one of the more dangerous places in the dungeon before the Dolyahaven Mines, because the power of the lightning attacks from the Lightning Shell and the Hermit Crabs is amplified by the fact that the hero will be standing on water, unless he/she uses constantly Potions of Levitation. Even though it is one of the Crab King's minions, the Lightning Shell is by far the most dangerous enemy on this depth.

Lightning Shell[]

Lightning Shell
The lightning shell crackles with electric power. It's powerful lightning attack is drawn to all living things in the lair.

  • HP: 600
  • Damage: No fixed damage, as the Shell gets charged by the attacks against all enemies of the depth and zaps Lightning bolts of relevant damage, which is multiplied if the hero is standing on water and not levitating. It deals also Shock damage with every succesful hit in melee range.
  • Accuracy: 100
  • Evasion: 0
  • Armor: 10
  • Resistant to: Electricity/Lightning, Grim enchantment, Psionic Blast
  • Immune to: Terror, Toxic Gas
  • XP: 25

Hermit Crabs[]

Hermit Crab X 4
Minions of the crab king, these tough crabs absorb all but the weakest attacks with their shells. The damage they absorb is used to charge the lightning shell.

  • HP: 20
  • Damage: 10-20 (ranged, Lightning bolts, of which the damage is multiplied if the hero is standing on water and not levitating).
  • Accuracy: 25
  • Evasion: 22
  • Armor: 4
  • Resistant to: Electricity/Lightning
  • XP: 6

There is a detailed guide about three possible ways for heroes to survive the Lightning Shell and get from all loot to at least the Adamantite Armor in the Book and Key depths page of the wiki. As the guide is rather detailed, it will not be repeated here, just follow the link of the previous sentence.

When the King dies, he drops the Adamantite Armor and 1,900 - 4,000 gold. The four Hermit Crabs also drop a Golden Skeleton Key each (4 in sum) that can open any Crystal Chest in the dungeon that has remained unopened. They also have a 33% chance to drop a common berry (although it is the most dangerous enemy on the depth, the Lightning Shell drops just one red dewdrop). The hero will use the Conch Shell again to teleport back to the dungeon.

Thief King (Ancient City Key)[]

Thief King
The king of all dungeon thieves.

  • HP: 500
  • Damage: 20-70 (ranged and melee)
  • Accuracy: 25
  • Evasion: 28
  • Armor: 14
  • Special: Poisons and Slows the hero.
  • Resistant to: Electricity/Lightning
  • XP: 16

This depth is accessible via the Ancient Coin, which is dropped by a Crazy Gold Thief on the Ancient City key depth some time after 50 Thieves are defeated. Upon the hero's arrival the message: "Coins spilling..." is displayed. Apart from the Thief King the hero also encounters here two Shadow Bandits, who might be alIready familiar to him/her from the Spork quest on depth 9. This fight isn't really demanding, as long as the player keeps in mind that the "Countdown" debuff of the Shadow Bandits deals decent damage after 5 turns and will not keep the hero on low health with the debuff still active.

Shadow Bandits[]

Shadow Bandit X 2
Deeper levels of the dungeon have always been a hiding place for all kinds of criminals. Not all of them could keep a clear mind during their extended periods so far from daylight. Long ago, these crazy thieves and bandits have forgotten who they are and why they steal.

  • HP: 200
  • Damage: He does not deal exactly direct damage, but applies the "Countdown" debuff, that damages the hero after 5 turns, and then flees.
  • Accuracy: 25
  • Evasion: 20
  • Armor: 20
  • Speed: 2
  • Resistant to: None
  • XP: 10

In the Thief King's Lair, the hero can obtain one of the two Adamantite Rings as a drop from the King and also the Shadow Bandits have a base 33% chance to drop a Master Thieves' Armband artifact, and when a highly upgraded Ring of Wealth is equipped, it becomes a 100% chance. The Thief King also drops 1,900 - 4,000 gold and has a 33% chance to drop a common scroll. The hero can also obtain various types of loot by falling repeatedly into one of the holes on the depth's floor and landing on the Thief King's basement, that generates new loot with each fall. Players should have in mind that normally (that is without an upgraded Ring of Wealth equipped or favorable RNG) the Thief King's Basement generates only gold, common potions, common scrolls, weapons and armor. Still, if the hero has not already obtained a Plate Armor to upgrade it to +13/+14 and apply the Armor Kit to it, this is the depth that he/she will find one for sure. Nevertheless, if the hero equips a highly upgraded Ring or Rings of Wealth before falling into one of the holes, and the player has the patience to repeat many times this process, the hero will leave the depth with a huge amount of gold, many rings and wands, and probably most of the artifacts that had not spawned until this point of their run (nevertheless this depth never spawns Scrolls of Magical Infusion and Potions of Might, even when a highly upgraded Ring of Wealth is equipped, like the Book of Heavens does). The only enemy in the Thief King's basement is the occasional mimic, but if a hero as a Master Thieves' Armband, he/she can use the mimic to their advantage, by letting it to make him/her drop gold, pick it up, and charge the Armband in this way. The hero will leave the Thief King's Lair by using again the Ancient Coin.

Other Mini-Bosses[]

Rat Boss (Depth 1)[]

Rat Boss
Larger and stronger than other Marsupial Rats, the Rat Boss can summon a pack of Rats from the shadows of the Dungeon.

  • HP: 14-17
  • Damage: 3-9 (melee)
  • Accuracy: 12
  • Evasion: 5
  • Armor: 1
  • Resistant to: Grim enchantment, Poison, Psionic Blast, Toxic Gas
  • XP: 20

It spawns rarely and on depth 1 only (has a 0.7% chance to spawn). It summons Marsupial Rats upon sighting the hero (heroes of level 1-2 will face real difficulty in surviving, if they gut surrounded by the Rat Boss and his rat minions). It has a 50% chance to drop a common berry, and a 10% chance to drop a Scroll of Regrowth.

Fetid Rat (Depth 2)[]

Fetid Rat
Something is clearly wrong with this rat. Its greasy black fur and rotting skin are very different from the healthy rats you've seen previously. Its blood red eyes make it seem especially menacing.

The rat carries a cloud of horrible stench with it, it's overpoweringly strong up close. Dark ooze dribbles from the rat's mouth, it eats through the floor but seems to dissolve in water.

  • HP: 20
  • Damage: 1-7
  • Accuracy: 12
  • Evasion: 5
  • Armor: 2
  • Special: It is surrounded by Stench Gas that Paralyzes and applies the Caustic ooze debuff to the hero.
  • Resistant to: Stench Gas
  • XP: 4

It spawns on depth 2 and only if the Sad Ghost gives this quest to the hero. Its attack is weak and its most dangerous aspect is the debuff that it causes and might make the hero Paralyzed for many turns. It doesn't drop any loot, but killing it makes the Sad Ghost offer to the hero a possibly upgraded from +1 up to +3 weapon or armor of Tier-1 up to Tier-5.

To defeat the Fetid Rat on depth 2 the hero should stand diagonally to the rat while fighting it and step away from it every few turns in order to keep out of the cloud of its Stench Gas. He/she should also step in water to wash the Caustic Ooze away. If the hero was lucky enough to have already found a Potion of Purification, he/she can drink it to temporarily become immune to the gas and fight the rat while standing in water.

Gnoll Trickster (Depth 3)[]

Gnol Trickster
A strange looking creature, even by gnoll standards. It hunches forward with a wicked grin, almost cradling the satchel hanging over its shoulder. Its eyes are wide with a strange mix of fear and excitement.

There is a large collection of poorly made darts in its satchel, they all seem to be tipped with various harmful substances.

  • HP: 40
  • Damage: 4+ (Its attacks are only ranged and always flees from melee range. The Gnoll Trickster''s attacks deal more damage the more the hero gets hit by them, like the Combo buff of the Gladiator. If the Gnoll moves, the combo resets.)
  • Accuracy: 16
  • Evasion: 5
  • Speed: 1.5
  • Special: Its ranged attacks Poison and set the hero on Fire.
  • XP: 5

It spawns on depth 3 and only if the Sad Ghost gives this quest to the hero. It drops always a Curare Dart, but the most important loot is that killing it makes the Sad Ghost offer to the hero a possibly upgraded from +1 up to +3 weapon or armor of Tier-1 up to Tier-5.

To defeat the Gnoll Trickster on depth 3 the hero should avoid using missile weapons or wands, unless the wand or ranged weapon is reasonably powerful. This is because the Gnoll Trickster will shoot at the same time that the hero will be attacking it, and its attacks have a Combo buff similar to the Gladiator's, so their damage will increase, while they will also randomly aplly the Poisoned or Burning debuff to the hero. Getting Splashed with the dew vial and chasing the Trickster is the safer approach.

Great Crab (Depth 4)[]

Great Crab
This crab is gigantic, even compared to other sewer crabs. Its blue shell is covered in cracks and barnacles, showing great age. It lumbers around slowly, barely keeping balance with its massive claw.

While the crab only has one claw, its size easily compensates. The crab holds the claw in front of itself whenever it sees a threat, shielding itself behind an impenetrable wall of carapace.

  • HP: 50
  • Damage: 3-10
  • Accuracy: 16
  • Evasion: Infinite / 0. The Giant Crab blocks all attacks originating from the hero if it is alerted and gets always hit if it is surprised.
  • Speed: The Great Crab moves one tile every two turns or even slower, but this does not impact its detection speed or attack speed.
  • XP: 6

It spawns on depth 4 and only if the Sad Ghost gives this quest to the hero. It has a 50% chance to drop Mystery Meat, but the most important loot is that killing it makes the Sad Ghost offer to the hero a possibly upgraded from +1 up to +3 weapon or armor of Tier-1 up to Tier-5.

To defeat the Great Crab on depth 4, the hero should hide around corners and doors to perform surprise attacks, which are guaranteed hits (the Crab will block any melee weapon, missile weapon or wand attack that will not surprise it). Stunning, paralyzing, burning, or poisoning it via planted seeds can be also effective, and Rogues will have the big advantage of Invisibility on command + surprise attacks with their Cloak of Shadows.


Yog-Dzewa (Depth 25)[]

Yog Dzewa gif
Yog-Dzewa is an Old God, a powerful entity from the realms of chaos. A century ago, the ancient dwarves barely won the war against its army of demons, but were unable to kill the god itself. Instead, they then imprisoned it in the halls below their city, believing it to be too weak to rise ever again.

  • HP: 2,000
  • Damage, Accuracy, Speed: 0, Non-attacking directly and only teleporting away without moving
  • Evasion: 25
  • Armor: 10 + (30 * Number of alive Fists)
  • Special: Spawns one God's Larva with each hit, teleports away when in low health.
  • Immune to: Amok, Burning, Charm, Grim enchantment, Scroll of Psionic Blast, Sleep, Terror, Toxic Gas, Vertigo
  • XP: 50

Upon the hero's arrival, the message: "Prepare to meet doom..." is displayed. The ancient god himself does not attack the hero, but whenever he is hit for physical damage, a larva spawns beside him. These can be dangerous in large numbers. In addition, any damage the hero does to Yog-Dzewa is dramatically reduced for every one of his Fists that are still alive. When Yog-Dzewa's health goes down to 12,5% of his max HP, if the hero does not eat some Moon berries at this point and finish him quickly, he will teleport away from the hero, spawning 2-4 Evil Eyes, and respawning all of the Fists if they are dead at that point, but none of the Evil Eyes of the Fists, if even one of the Fists are still alive.

In many web pages it is advised to destroy the Fists first, as Yog takes less damage the more Fists are alive. Nevertheless, it is probably even better to leave only one Fist alive, as when Yog reaches 12.5% of his max HP, he will not respawn any minions, if even one Fist is still alive.

Gods Larva[]

God's larva gif
God's Larva
Same message with Yog.

  • HP: 25
  • Damage: 15-20
  • Accuracy: 30
  • Evasion: 20
  • Armor: 8
  • Resistant to, Immune to: None
  • XP: 0

Burning Fist[]

Burning fist gif
Burning Fist
Same message with Yog.

  • HP: 1,000
  • Damage: 40-52 (ranged)
  • Accuracy: 36
  • Evasion: 25
  • Armor: 25
  • Special: It is surrounded by a cloud of Fire which can apply the Burning debuff to the hero. Its shadow bolts apply the Weakness debuff.
  • Resistant to: Grim enchantment
  • Immune to: Amok, Fire damage and Burning, Scroll of Psionic Blast, Sleep, Terror, Toxic Gas, Vertigo
  • XP: 0

It uses Shadow Bolts at any range, with a chance to cause Weakness to the hero. It is surrounded by a fire cloud, which can burn all characters that get inside it (hero, pet, enemies).

Infecting Fist[]

SproutedPD infecting fist
Infecting Fist
Same message with Yog.

  • HP: 2,000
  • Damage: 44-86 (melee)
  • Accuracy: 36
  • Evasion: 25
  • Armor: 35
  • Special: It is surrounded by a cloud of Toxic Gas. It Poisons the hero and then flees.
  • Resistant to: Grim enchantment, Scroll of Psionic Blast
  • Immune to: Amok, Poison, Sleep, Terror, Toxic Gas, Vertigo
  • XP: 0

It has a melee attack, but also deals damage with the cloud of Toxic Gas that surrounds it. It will attempt to Poison the hero and then flee.

Pinning Fist[]

SproutedPD pinning fist
Pinning Fist
Same message with Yog.

  • HP: 1,000
  • Damage: 30-42 (ranged)
  • Accuracy: 36
  • Evasion: 25
  • Armor: 25
  • Special: It Roots the hero.
  • Resistant to: Grim enchantment, Toxic Gas
  • Immune to: Amok, Fire damage and Burning, Scroll of Psionic Blast, Sleep, Terror, Vertigo
  • XP: 0

It has a ranged attack, which also Roots the hero. If successful, it may flee.

Rotting Fist[]

Rotting fist gif
Rotting Fist
Same message with Yog.

  • HP: 2,000
  • Damage: 44-86 (melee)
  • Accuracy: 36
  • Evasion: 25
  • Armor: 35
  • Special: It applies Caustic Ooze to the hero. It also Regenerates its health above water.
  • Resistant to: Grim enchantment, Scroll of Psionic Blast
  • Immune to: Amok, Poison, Sleep, Terror, Toxic Gas, Vertigo
  • XP: 0

It has a Melee attack and on hit, it has a chance to cover the hero with Caustic Ooze. It Regenerates its health above water. A detailed boss guide about how the hero can manage to kill Yog-Dzewa quickly enough, for Yog not to be able to respawn any of his minions when he reaches low health can be found here. Just leaving one Fist alive is a more simple way to achieve the same result though.


Upon defeat, Yog-Dzewa drops the depth's Skeleton key, which leads the hero down to depth 26 and to the Amulet of Yendor. If the player will choose not to "Call it a day" but to continue playing after that, the hero will use the End Boss portal key again to teleport back to the dungeon.

Shadow Yog (Depth 35)[]

Shadow Yog-Dzewa X 10
Yog has retreated to his den in Shadow form. The legion of Yog is being fed strength from the mobs in the den.

  • HP: 50 * Number of hero's Level (for example Hero's level 70 > HP: 3,500)
  • Damage: 45-125 (melee)
  • Accuracy: 50
  • Speed: 2
  • Evasion: 32
  • Armor: 35
  • Special: Teleports away when at low health.
  • Immune to: Amok, Burning, Charm, Grim enchantment, Scroll of Psionic Blast, Sleep, Terror, Toxic Gas, Vertigo
  • XP: 100

This depth can be accessed by using the whole Sanchikarah after the Troll Blacksmith forges the three Sanchikarah parts, and apart from the Shadow Yog bosses it is also riddled with hidden Summoning Traps, that spawn Shadow Rats and/or Grey Onis, so the hero should better use from the beginning a Magic Mapping scroll or a Blue berry. A Potion of Mind Vision will also reveal a big part of the depth, as it gets crowded with enemies, especially after the hero exits the room in the center that he/she initially spawns (Huntresses with a rather highly upgraded melee weapon with a Vampiric enchantment and the Mind Vision buff can clear this depth within seconds, as the vampiric effect will replenish their lost HP, and can spam all the enemies of the depth with Spectral Blades successively). Upon the hero's arrival the message: "Entering Shadow Den..." is displayed.

Shadow Yogs depth Sprouted PD

Spectral Rat[]

Spectral Rat
This shadowy rat is phasing in and out of this plane. It's eyes burn with an uncanny hatred.

  • HP: 150-255
  • Damage: 17-35 (ranged, Shadow Bolts)
  • Accuracy: 50
  • Speed: 4
  • Evasion: 32
  • Armor: 10
  • Special: Causes the Weakened debuff to the hero with Shadow Bolts.
  • Resistant to: None
  • XP: 1

Upon arrival, even before leaving the vestibule in the center, the hero will get attacked by Spectral Rats and Grey Onis. It is best for the hero to stand behind the doorway and let them come to him/her one by one until they thin out. Spectral Rats have a nasty Shadow Missile attack, but are weak in melee (they have a 50% chance to drop meat but give only 1 XP).

Grey Oni[]

Grey Oni
Oni are wicked trolls who dwell in places of great power. The grey variety are vicious but no less hungry...

  • HP: 500
  • Damage: 55-115 (melee)
  • Accuracy: 55
  • Attack delay: 1.5 (after two attacks, one attack turn is missed)
  • Evasion: 35
  • Armor: 32
  • Immune to: Amok, Terror
  • XP: 22

Grey Onis have only a strong melee attack and give 22 XP but drop nothing and they are practically a grey stronger version of the (Green) Onis from the Book of the Living depth. Fighting the enemies of this depth can be very tough for a hero that has still their main weapon upgraded just to the dew level cap (+13/+14), but with the help of the Haste & Invisibility buffs of the dew vial when he/she gets surrounded by Grey Onis and Spectral Rats, and by eating Moon berries while attacking Shadow Yogs he/she will perhaps manage to survive this depth. Nevertheless, players are advised to use some Scrolls of Magical Infusion that the Wraiths will have dropped on a Tier-5 weapon or Spork to get it to around level +40 - +50. In this case a weapon with a Lucky enchantment (that will pierce the Onis' high armor) or a Vampiric enchantment (that will keep the hero's HP at a safe level), wil be the most useful of all.

There are ten Shadow Yogs, but they do not spawn until the hero steps out of the vestibule in the center. The hero must be walking to trigger the spawn; if he/she is levitating they won't spawn, so he/she should splash him/herself after stepping outside of the vestibule and getting them appear (one step outside is enough for them to appear, and the player should not wait to actually see Shadow Yogs before the hero starts splashing him/herself). Splashing will also help the hero avoid stepping the Summoning traps that this depth is crowded with and that spawn Grey Onis and Shadow Rats (alternatively, he/she can map from the beginning the depth). Shadow Yogs usually sleep until disturbed. When the hero gets one down to about 1/8 of its total HP, it will most probably teleport away, spawning more Rats and Onis around it. It is not necessary to track it and finish it off before moving on to another Shadow Yog target, but the depth can't get completed without all of them dead. As mentioned before, Huntresses with a highly upgraded melee weapon with a Vampiric enchantment and the Mind Vision buff can clear this depth within seconds, as the vampiric effect will replenish their lost HP, and can spam all the enemies of the depth with Spectral Blades successively. Mage's Molten Earth is much weaker against the depth's enemies, but can help the Mage to weaken all of them. When the last Shadow Yog dies, all of the remaining Rats and Onis will die as well, but will start slowly respawning immediately after. Also heroes with an upgraded Ring of Frost can also freeze all the enemies of the depth for many turns after drinking a potion of Mind Vision, and they can afterwards focus on killing the Shadow Yogs.


Upon defeat, the last Shadow Yog drops the Orb of Zot (the player will also earn the "Orb of Zot obtained!" badge). The hero may need to search around for the Orb, as Shadow Yogs sometimes teleport right before they die, and the Orb may also be hard to get noticed because it has a dark red color and the floor's background is black. The Orb of Zot can be used as an even more powerful Mr. Destructo than Mr. Destructo 2.0, but its main purpose is to get broken for the Otiluke's Journal Dolyahaven page to drop and the hero to start having access to the Dolyahaven surface and the Mines below it. If the player wants the hero to stock up on meat, he/she should not leave the depth before killing some Spectral Rats, as they have a 50% chance to drop meat and spawn constantly.

Stone Golem Otiluke (Depth 62)[]

IMPORTANT: The generation of his depth gets bugged in some runs, and instead of the depth with the enemies that follow, the Otiluke's Journal Vault or the "What are you doing here?!" depth 34 are generated. Players who want to be sure that they will avoid triggering this bug, should not visit the Otiluke's Journal Dragon Cave and Vault depths even once as visiting them seems to trigger this depth generation bug.

Stone Golem Otiluke
Powerful magic has turned Otiluke into a guardian of this level.

  • HP: 7,000
  • Damage: 250 (ranged)
  • Accuracy: 250
  • Evasion: 50
  • Armor: 9
  • Special: Causes weakness to the hero with his shadow bolts
  • Resistant to: Practically everything
  • XP: 101

This entire depth appears after going down from the last Dolyahaven Mines depth (most of the times from depth 61, but in a few runs there might be also Dolyahaven Mines depths 63, 64, and even 65 before the Stone Golem Otiluke depth, but never more than that). It is ridden with dangerous Guardians (Animated Statues), Lightning Towers and the all powerful Otiluke, transformed to a statuelike Stone Golem. The hero will be able to return to the previous depth if he/she has not made even one step inside this depth. After that first step, he/she will have to defeat Stone Golem Otiluke first in order to be able to leave the depth, as the Dolyahaven Return Beacon will stop working and there wil be no ladder leading back to the previous depth. The Dolyahaven Return Beacon will start working again, even if the hero hasn't obtained yet the Palantir (so he will be able to return to the surface, heal, etc. and go back to continue the fight against the Guardians).

Screenshot 20170726-090859

Map Overlay of Stone Golem Otiluke depth

Upon the hero first arriving on the depth, this message is displayed: "The power of the Palantir has caused Zot to lose his mind. I have managed to trap him inside and set guardians. I will now sacrifice myself to create a powerful stone golem that will protect the Palantir, Zot's prison." The hero will find him/herself in rather small chamber with pathways and no enemies, which only contains a chest with an iron key, that unlocks the door to the main area of the depth, where all the enemies are located. As long as the hero remains in this room and does not step outside, the whole depth will be safe. After the hero enters the main area, to the left is a ring of very powerful lightning towers that are Invulnerable and will one-shot the hero, so the hero should not approach the left part of the room before defeating Stone Golem Otiluke, and with a 5x5 array of Guardians (Animated Statues) surrounding the item that can teleport later the hero to Zot, the Palantir. To the right of the hero is a similar array, with no lightning towers and the Stone Golem Otiluke instead of the Palantir in the center.

Lightning Tower[]

Lightning Tower
The lightning shell crackles with electric power. It's powerful lightning attack is drawn to all living things in the lair.

  • HP: 600 (Practically invulnerable because of its evasion and armor. It can only get deactivated by defeating Stone Golem Otiluke)
  • Damage: Most often one-shots the hero (ranged)
  • Accuracy: 100 (Practically it never misses)
  • Evasion: 1000 (Practically invulnerable)
  • Armor: 1000 (Practically invulnerable)
  • Resistant to: Electricity/Lightning, Grim Enchantment, Scroll of Psionic Blast
  • Becomes deactivated after Stone Golem Otiluke is defeated
  • Immune to: Confusion Gas, Terror, Toxic Gas
  • XP: 25

The fight doesn't begin until the hero hits a Guardian, all of which have +10 enchanted weapons. Rarely, after the hero has approached the cohort, Stone Golem Otiluke might first call the Gurdians to attack the hero by saying: "Arise my protectors!", but only one or two wil get activated. Upon defeating Stone Golem Otiluke the Lightning Towers will get deactivated and the hero can collect the Palantir, teleport back to the surface and proceed to fight Zot. Unlike all other Animated Statues in the dungeon, the Guardians can teleport away from the hero and back in melee range to the hero. There are 80 Guardians on the map, but most of them will remain passive until they get attacked. If the hero has obtained the Spectacles, he/she can map the depth and also sense all the enemies (mind vision also does not work specifically on this depth without the Spectacles equipped, but works on all the other Otiluke's Journal depths).


You would think that it's just another one of this dungeon's ugly statues, but its red glowing eyes give it away.

While the statue itself is made of stone, the (Weapon Name) it's wielding, looks real.

Although they are named Guardians on this depth, they are Animated Statues, just with the highest stats possible in Sprouted, as the HP, Armor and Evasion of Animated Statues in general are calculated according to the dungeon depth, and this is depth 62, and the damage of the Animated Statues in general is the damage of the weapon they have equipped, and all Guardians have enchanted weapons of level +10 or higher.

  • HP: 511
  • Damage: Damage of the specific +10 or higher equipped weapon possibly enhanced by the effect of its enchantment (melee)
  • Accuracy: 71 * Accuracy of equipped weapon
  • Attack Delay: Delay of the equipped weapon
  • Evasion: 126
  • Armor: 62
  • Special: Unlike all the other Animated Statues of the dungeon, they can teleport next to the hero, and will teleport away when in low health and teleport back later. They can also apply the debuff of their equipped weapon.
  • Resistant to: Grim Enchantment, Poison, Toxic Gas
  • XP: 25

This fight can be extremely easy for all Huntresses with a highly upgraded main weapon (120+, and perhaps below that, but not below +100), with a Vampiric enchantment or a stock of healing potions, and also Spectacles in their inventory as they can step one tile inside the big room, go back behind the wall of the smaller chamber to be safe from the Lightning Towers, drink a potion of Mind Vision ith the Spectacles equipped and spam repeatedly all the enemies of the depth with Spectral Blades (the Vampiric enchantment will replenish the lost HP, but some healing potions will do the trick also, if this is not the weapon's enchantment). That is the quickest way for a Huntress to complete the depth, if she has a highly upgraded main weapon and the Spectacles. Without the Spectacles she will follow the strategy for all other heroes just below, and will either fight with the depth's enemies one-to-one, or spam the enemies in her line of sight with Spectral Blades. Although there is a commonly held opinion that this depth cannot get completed with any weapon other that Tier-6, Huntresses can accomplish that easily with a highly upgraded Glaive, War Hammer, Spork or Boomerang (this tactic has been tested and works). As a matter of fact, a highly upgraded Tier-6 weapon, but not above +100 can not easily accomplish this result in contrast.

All the rest of the classes, who should also have a highly upgraded main weapon, should avoid mass damage effects from mushrooms, the Molten Earth special ability of the Mage etc., as it will activate all the enemies of the depth at the same time, and it will be their turn to spam the hero with their attacks instead. Dumpling bombs from the grain of rice are an easy way to cheese the depth due to them keeping statues deactivated while carving out a path so that the hero can melee Stone golem Otiluke. These even work on lightning towers, but what happens then is up to luck.

Possible Strategy[]

This strategy also works for a Huntress without Spectacles. Huntresses with Spectacles should better follow the strategy of the paragraph above.

  1. If equipped, unequip a Ring of Haste of level +10 and above, as it is bugged in high levels with many enemies and might freeze the hero for a lot of turns, while enemies attack him/her endlessly. If they are available, equip rings that benefit the hero's class and subclass abilities (Rings of Accuracy/Furor for the Gladiator, Ring of Tenaciity for the Berserker, Ring of Evasion for Rogues Ring of Magic for Mages, Ring of Sharpshooting for Huntresses etc.). A Ring of Elements will help all classes against most of the Guardians' debuffs. Glyphs of Metabolism and Viscosity can be very useful, but are not necessary. The main weapon must be upgraded above +100 at least, and all other items should have at least the max possible upgrades with dew (+16/+17). A Tier-6 weapon will deal double damage against the depth's enemies, a Tier-6 Horrifying Jupiter's Wrath quadruple, and a Sprok from regular up to quadruple damage, but this depth can be also completed with a highly upgraded Tier-5 weapon. The Drawing enchantment of the Ares Sword and the Vampiric enchantment of any Tier-5 weapon and specifically of the Spork can be also very useful.
  1. Splash with the Dew Vial for Haste and Invisibility. Obviously the Dew Vial should be full.
  2. Don't get even close to the left cohort of Guardians and the Lightining Towers.
  3. Go near to the right cohort and attack a Guardian to activate some more Guardians around it. Do not attack randomly Guardians, as most probably all their neighbors will get activated as well. After these first Guardians are taken down, attack one more Guardian in the same part of the cohort, to repeat the process and start creating a path to the Stone Golem Otiluke in the center. When Stone Golem Otiluke leaves the center of the cohort do not search for him at the left part of the depth, as the Lightning Towers will remain active.
  4. Stone Golem Otiluke might remain in the center of the cohort but most probably will wander around the depth. Wait for him to locate in a safe distance from the Lightning Towers (ideally near the far right part of the depth) and get in melee range with him to prevent him from using his Shadow Bolts. The most important part of this fight is to defeat him, as this will deactivate the Lightning Towers and the whole depth will be much safer.
  5. Stay healthy with dew, sungrass plants, or healing potions. After Stone Golem Otiluke is defeated, the hero wil be able to use the Dolyahaven Return Beacon again, even if he/she hads not obtained the Palantir yet.
  6. Defeat Stone Golem Otiluke, go invisible, get the Palantir and teleport away with the Dolyahaven Return Beacon. This depth can be visited again as many times as the player wants, by just using the Return Beacon again.

Apparently this depth can get completed in other ways, but definitely not a) by the hero starting with the left cohort and trying to destroy the lightning towers, or b) by the hero attacking randomly Guardians and activating most of them, and then trying to fight against all of them in the middle of the room, with all surrounding tiles occupied by Guardians.


After Stone Golem Otiluke gets defeated, the hero must collect the Palantir and it would be good to collect as many weapons as he/she can carry, because they can either be sold for thousands of gold or get transmuted to Violet Upgrade Goos, as they are all +10 level or above. The hero can return to collect more weapons as many times as the player wants, by using the Dolyahaven Return Beacon (he/she should at least take the equivalent number of weapons to their Upgrade Eater seeds, and enough weapons to sell in order to buy all the Healing potions and Scrolls of Upgrde left in the Dolyahaven shops on the surface). The Dolyahaven Return Beacon will again stop working after the hero defeats Zot and Otiluke is rescued, but there will be no use for it anyway at that point.

Soul Collect Stone SPS-PD
The ancient powerful scrying device. Zot is trapped inside.

Zot (Depth 99)[]


  • HP: 10,000
  • Damage: 300-400 (ranged)
  • Accuracy: 350 (practically he never misses)
  • Evasion: 70
  • Armor: 100
  • Speed: 2
  • Special: Paralyzes hero, Regenerates rapidly his health, Teleports randomly around the depth, Spawns minions after each successful hit by the hero.
  • Resistant to: Practically everything
  • XP: 20

The depth can be accessed by using the Palantir from the Stone Golem Otiluke depth and it contains the final boss Zot and his minions: Zot Phases and Enchanted Evil Eyes. Upon the hero's first arrival on the depth, this message is displayed: "You break the Palantir" and immediately after: "You gaze into the Palantir. You are sucked into the power of the sphere. You sense a great evil lurking nearby." The hero's goal is to defeat Zot himself. This is the only depth that can't be completed with highly upgraded weapons other than Tier-6 weapons and the Spork or highly upgraded Wands of Firebolt or Disintegration, as Zot has very high resistance to all non Tier-6 weapons apart from the Spork, and his regeneration is too quick for their below average damage (also all the other battle wands deal very little damage against all enemies, and even less against Zot).

Even though all these Tier-5 weapons' damage is quartered (and also the damages of the Huntress' "Spectral Blades" and of the Horrifying Jupiter's Wrath's "Explode" special ability), all of Zot's minions still die easily from highly upgraded Tier-5 weapons, so heroes with highly upgraded Tier-5 weapons with Vampiric enchantment might want to switch between the Tier-5 weapon for vampiric healing and the Tier-6 weapon for damage against Zot. The 2-in-1 solution will be the heroes to have a very highly upgraded Vampiric Spork (especially Gladiators should not highly upgrade any other weapon than the Spork). That having been said, a +100 to +120 Tier-6 weapon or battle wand combined with Moon Berries is enough to defeat Zot and can be rather easily accomplished with the Scrolls of Upgrade that Wraiths drop with a highly upgraded Ring of Wealth, some Violet Upgrade Goos and the Scrolls of Upgrade that the Dolyahaven shop sells, and also players can just apply all or most of their upgrades to a Spork. So there is really no need for players to spend hours farming Phase Pitchers from the Book of Heavens to turn all Scrolls of Magical Infusion to Scrolls of Upgrade and obtain the super-weapon of +250 level, unless they enjoy the procedure of farming/grinding and having heroes that equip super-weapons.

Zot depth Sprouted PD

Zot will not appear until the hero gets out of the central room he spawns at first. Zot will spawn Enchanted Evil Eyes and Zot Phases each time he is attacked successfully, and Zot Phases can also spawn by themselves (usually sleeping at first) but at the very beginning there will be only he and the hero on the depth. Unless the hero has the Spectacles in the inventory and equips them, this depth will block both scrolls of Magic Mapping and potions of Mind Vision.

Zot Phase[]

Zot [Phase]

  • HP: 1,000
  • Damage: 115-161 (ranged, Lightning bolts)
  • Accuracy: 100
  • Attack Delay: 0.5 (2 attacks per turn)
  • Evasion: 41
  • Armor: 4
  • Speed: 2
  • Resistant to: Electricity/Lightning
  • XP: 36

Zot Phases are named also just "Zot" in the game description (they are named "Phases" in the game code), but they are much weaker versions of him, and killing them doesn't have any effect on completing the depth, as they are minions and respawn. As they look almost the same with Zot in the floor's dark brown background, the player will distinguish them by the way they attack (they zap Lightning bolts, while Zot has a unique ranged attack that its beam is similar to that of the Wand of Telekinesis), and if the hero has the Spectacles equipped and drinks a potion of Mind Vision, the player will also find the real Zot by tapping on the enemies' sprites until he/she finds a sprite which is not transparent and has golden details in its clothing (all will be named "Zot" though). Also when Zot Phases first spawn they are sometimes sleeping, something that Zot never does. In contrast Zot often regenerates his health, which Zot Phases will never do. They have a 33% chance to drop a common scroll.

Enchanted Evil Eye[]

Enchanted Evil Eye
One of this demon's other names is Orb of Hatred, because when it sees an enemy, it uses its deathgaze recklessly, often ignoring its allies and wounding them.

  • HP: 404-407
  • Damage: 50-100 (ranged, Death rays)
  • Accuracy: 30
  • Attack Delay: 1.6 (after approximately 2 turns, they miss an attack turn)
  • Evasion: 41
  • Armor: 71
  • Special: Zaps the hero with Lightning bolts.
  • Resistant to: Disintegration rays, Grim and Vampiric enchantment
  • Immune to: Terror
  • XP: 16

Apart from their different name and color, they are very similar to the Demon Halls Magic Eyes, just with much higher stats. They have a 5% chance to drop a Potion of Mending.

Possible Strategy[]

Before the fight:

  • Have a Full Moon berry, Moon berries, Starflower seeds, and every other available seed and potion. Drink and use them when needed all throughout the fight. The hero won't need any of them after, as defeating Zot is the one step left to complete the game fully. Also have a full Dew Vial plus all the Ankhs that the hero has obtained throughout the game. Having torches and lighting them will improve the hero's range of vision and will help him/her in finding Zot quickly.
  • Have a Tier-6 relic weapon or a Spork at least of level +100. Previously don't use the Violet Upgrade Goo, the Blacksmith's reforge and most/all of the Scrolls of Upgrade on any other weapon than a Tier-6 weapon or Spork (follow the link on details about getting Violet Upgrade Goo). Use all of the upgrading items available left on the hero's equipment, as this is the last fight left before completing the game fully. Do all that before the hero teleports to Zot's depth, as he/she will not be able to teleport back until Zot is defeated. Apparently upgraded rings are useful for battle, like the Rings of Accuracy and Furor for all classes or the Ring of Sharpshooting for Huntresses can be very useful in this fight.

During the fight:

  • If the hero has the Spectacles, find him by drinking a potion of Mind Vision. If the hero does not have the Spectacles and so mind vision is blocked, have the hero Splash himself for Haste and Invisibility, light a torch and wander around the depth while you tap on any Zot-like sprite which is not sleeping. Zot has a non-transparent sprite with golden details on his clothes and never sleeps. He also attacks differently, with a unique bolt that is similar to that of the Wand of Telekinesis, and in addition, he displays randomly the "+" symbol of regeneration.
  • When you find him, eat a Moon berry, have the hero Splash him/herself for the attack speed buff, and attack him as much as you can while the hero keeps eating Moon berries. Drink potions of Purification and throw potions of Paralytic Gas at the area to have him available for more hits while not being able to fight back. Keep chasing him after he teleports away, repeating the previous step. Don't bother with his clones; they are useless for completing the depth, they respawn constantly and will all get destroyed after he is defeated.

OR there is a Huntress only strategy which requires way less preparations:

Before the fight:

  • All you need is a tier 5 weapon upgraded to at least +150, a Huntress Cloak that provides damage absorption up to at least 800 (this can be found in the armor's description), a wand of Blink upgraded to +12, a few scrolls of Recharging (at least 3) and a ring of Furor upgraded to at least +10.

During the fight:

  • Find the real Zot, use the wand of Blink to teleport right next to him and then just spam Spectral Blades until he teleports away. If he teleports inside your field of view then just do the same thing again. If he teleports outside your field of view then you have to look for particles, mostly the regeneration heart particles, to find out where he teleported and teleport to him again. In this way the fight takes quite a lot of time but the preparations take way less time so it pays off.
  • If the hero has the Spectacles and equips them, mind vision will not be prohibited and teleporting close to Zot with a wand of Blink won't be necessary, but in this case the hero will need to have a stock of potions of Mind Vision (because in this way the fight lasts for long, more than 50-60 is the advised amount).


Unlike all the other boss fights, there is no item reward after this one is completed, apart from the scroll and potion drops from Zot's minions which will be anyway useless for the hero one step before completing the game fully. Nevertheless, the player earns the "Otiluke Rescued!" badge, and Otiluke thanks the hero and invites him/her back to Dolyahaven, where he/she will receive the Pudding Cup from him, the final game reward and a symbolic token that shows that the game is fully completed.
