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Pixel Dungeon Wiki

The Ring of Detection is a ring.

Its class name in save files is "com.​watabou.​pixeldungeon.​items.​rings.​RingOfDetection".


Ring of Detection
Wearing this ring will allow the wearer to notice hidden secrets - traps and secret doors - without taking time to search. Degraded rings of detection will dull your senses, making it harder to notice secrets even when actively searching for them.


The Ring of Detection can be found randomly in regular depths (not in Boss depths), in any item container, on a pedestal, or it may also be transferred between games through the Hero's remains. The Ambitious imp may also give the ring.

When worn

The Ring of Detection allows the Hero to find Traps and Hidden doors quicker, without the need for tapping the Search button as often (though not automatically as the description might suggest).
This ring will also increase the Hero's Search radius by 1 tile, for each upgrade on the ring.


Effect of a Ring of Detection +3


This chart displays the rate at which the Ring of Detection degrades at each upgrade level.

Level Durability

+0 1600
+1 1500
+2 1400
+3 1300
+4 1200
+5 1100
+6 1000
+7 900
+8 800
+9 700
+10 600
+11 500
+12 400
+13 300
+n 100×(16-n)

Search area table

Level Search Area
+0 3 × 3
+1 5 × 5
+2 7 × 7
+3 9 × 9
+4 11 × 11
+5 13 × 13
+6 15 × 15
+7 17 × 17
+8 19 × 19
+9 21 × 21
+10 23 × 23
+11 25 × 25
+12 27 × 27
+13 29 × 29
+14 31 × 31


Update Change
1.7.0 Fixed: [Misnomer/Terminology] Description typo