Debuffs – effects that are harmful to whomever happens to be their victim. They may directly injure the target or make it more vulnerable to others' attacks.
See also:[]
AI manipulation[]
Amok | ||
Amok causes a state of great rage and confusion in its target.When a creature is amoked, they will attack whatever is near them, whether they be friend or foe. Turns of amok remaining: X |
Amok enemies will actually prioritize hitting their allies over their enemies and in addition will not attempt to avoid hazards. This means that they will walk into chasms and traps between them and their target.
- Getting zapped by wand of corruption (
6 + staff lvl * 3
turns, one of possible major debuffs) or its elemental blast - Getting hit by Battlemage's staff of corruption (
4 + staff lvl * 2
turns,(staff lvl + 1) / (staff lvl + 4)
chance) - Being affected by scroll of rage (5 turns)
Charmed | ||
A charm is manipulative magic that can make enemies temporarily adore eachother.Characters affected by charm are unable to directly attack the enemy they are charmed by. Attacking other targets is still possible however. The shock of pain will lessen the duration of charm. Turns of charm remaining: X |
Prevents affected character from directly attacking whoever applied the debuff to them. While a charmed Hero may not attack the enemy it was charmed by with melee attacks, he can still deal damage and kill them by other means, such as using thrown weapons, wands or consumable items.
Taking damage reduces duration by 5 turns, death of the character who caused the charm cleanses it instantly. Ring of elements and magic immunity will protect against this effect.
The Succubi will attempt to charm the Hero, and then heal HP on each next landed hit while the Hero is under the influence of this effect.
- Succubi melee attacks
- Friendly curse effect
- Scroll of siren's song
- Glyph of affection
- Getting zapped by wand of transfusion or its elemental blast
Corrupted | ||
Corruption seeps into the essence of a being, twisting them against their former nature.Corrupted creatures will attack their allies, and ignore their former enemies. Corruption is damaging as well, and will slowly cause its target to succumb. Corruption is permanent, its effects only end in death. |
- Wand of corruption overcoming creature's resistance
- Corrupting enchantment procking on creature's death
Dread | ||
A terror so great that it will cause its target to flee the dungeon entirely!Creatures affected by dread will run from their opponent at high speed, and will disappear from the dungeon entirely once they are out of sight. Enemies that are disposed of this way will not award any items or experience. The shock of pain will lessen the duration of dread. Turns of dread remaining: X. |
Enthralled | ||
This creature has been bewitched by the magic of a scroll of siren's song.An enthralled character is permanently your ally, and will fight any enemies they encounter. | ||
- Being affected by a scroll of siren's song
Terrified | ||
Terror is manipulative magic which forces its target into an uncontrollable panic.Terrified characters are forced to run away from their opponent, trying to put as many doors and walls between them as possible. The shock of pain will lessen the duration of terror, however. Turns of terror remaining: X |
Forces affected character to run away from whoever caused the debuff. The Hero can never be affected by it.
Taking damage reduces duration by 5 turns, death of the character who caused the fear cleanses it instantly.
- Being affected by stone of fear, scroll of terror or scroll of dread
- Fear of the Reaper
Damage over time[]
Bleeding | ||
That wound is leaking a worrisome amount of blood.Bleeding causes damage every turn. Each turn the damage decreases by a random amount, until the bleeding eventually stops. Current bleed damage: X |
This effect will deal it's damage every turn and Enemies with the "inorganic" property are immune to this effect.
- Getting hit by Albino rat (
1 do 4
dmg, 50% chance) - Falling down chasms (
max HP / (6 + (6 * (HP / max HP)))
dmg, dying to it counts as death by falling) - Sacrificial curse effect (
1 to max HP / 6
dmg,1 in 12
chance) - Hitting a target wearing armor of thorns (
armor lvl + 4
dmg,(armor lvl + 2) / (armor lvl + 12)
chance) - Getting hit by tomahawk (
(6 to 15) * 0.6
dmg) - Stepping on gripping trap (
2 + depth
dmg) or flasning trap (4 + depth
dmg), unlike in other cases the damage is reduced by armor - Ripper demon jumping onto you (
(12 to 25) * 0.75
dmg) - For rotting fist, any damage it takes is converted into bleeding
Burning | ||
Few things are more distressing than being engulfed in flames.Fire will deal damage every turn until it is put out by water or it expires. Fire can be extinquished by stepping into water, or from the splash of a shattering potion.Additionally, the fire may ignite flammable terrain or items that it comes into contact with. Turns of burning remaining: X |
Deals 1 to 3 + depth / 4
damage every turns, removes chilled debuff. If the Hero is burning, there is a (turnsBurning - 3) / 3
chance for a random scroll to be destroyed (unless it's in the scroll holder) or mystery meat to be cooked.
Characters with the "fiery" property, giant piranha, mirror image and prismatic image are immune to this effect, soiled fist is resistant to it. The Hero can also become immune by wearing armor with glyph of brimstone or having imbued with fire buff. Ring of elements will also protect against this effect.
It's possible to get rid of this debuff by standing in water (only for non flying creatures and the Hero if he is not levitating), getting splashed by a potion or getting chilled.
- Standing on a burning tile
- Getting zapped by wand of fireblast, dragon breath, elemental blast (wand of fireblast must be imbued) or fire elemental's /burning fist's ranged attack
- Being attacked by fire elemental (50% chance), gnoll trickster or blazing champion
- Getting hit by blazing weapon or incendiary dart
- Eating mystery meat (20% chance)
- Anti-entropy curse effect procing (on armor or cursed wand)
Caustic Ooze[]
Caustic Ooze | ||
This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.Ooze will deal consistent damage over time, but can be immediately washed off in water. Turns of ooze remaining: X |
Deals depth / 5
damage every turn (has 50% chance to deal 1 damage if depth < 5
) until it is washed away, or until the target waits through a maximum of 20 turns.
The debuff can be detached by standing in water for a full turn, or by throwing a potion (preferrably non-harmful one) on the target. Enemies with "acidic" property are immune against this effect, ring of elements will protect against this effect.
- Acidic slime's, fetid rat's, Goo's or rotting fist's attack
- Attacking or being attacked by acidic scorpio
- Caustic brew
- Corrosion curse effect procing
- Staff of corrosion on-hit effect
- Ooze Trap
Corrosion | ||
Powerful acid melts away flesh, metal, and bone at an alarming rate.Corrosion damage increases over time, as the target continues to melt away. Turns of corrosion remaining: XCurrent corrosion damage: Y |
The main source of this debuff are different kinds of corrosive clouds, such as the ones spawned by a wand of corrosion or potion of corrosive gas. The damage applied by this buff increases in severity the longer the target is affected by it. Starting damage depends on the source of the gas (or debuff), but regardless of starting value it is increased by 1 every turn it is actively refreshed, and lasts for 1 extra turn after leaving the harmful cloud.
Enemies with "acidic" property are resistant against this effect, ring of elements will protect against this effect.
- Standing in corrosive gas
- Getting hit by rot dart
- Getting zapped by elemental blast (wand of corrosion)
Deferred Damage[]
Deferred Damage | ||
Damage is being dealt slowly over time instead of immediately. Deferred damage remaining: X. |
- Getting hit by physical attack while wearing armor of viscosity
- For rusted fist or dwarf king in phase 3 any damage taken is converted into deferred damage
Poisoned | ||
Poison works its way through the body, slowly impairing its internal functioning.Poison deals damage each turn proportional to how long until it expires. Turns of poison remaining: X |
Deals (turnsLeft / 3) + 1
damage each turns until it ends.
Characters with the "inorganic" property are immune to this effect, the Hero can become immune with imbued with toxicity debuff. Ring of elements will also protect against this effect.
- Stepping on sorrowmoss
- Being attacked by gnoll trickster or cave spinner
- Being hit by poison dart or poison dart trap
- Drinking a potion of healing when pharmacophobia challenge is active
Starving | ||
You're so hungry it hurts.Hunger slowly increases as you spend time in the dungeon, eventually you will begin to starve. While starving you will slowly lose health instead of regenerating it. Rationing is important! If you have health to spare starving isn't a bad idea if it means there will be more food later. Effective rationing can make food last a lot longer! |
Starving will periodically deal 1 point of damage until enough satiation is restored to reach the "hungry" state again. The debuff will damage the Hero more often at higher experience levels (and thus at higher maximum HP) in order to remain a relatively relevant threat for the whole game.
- Running out of satiety (150 turns after becoming hungry)
Stat reduction[]
Blinded | ||
Blinding turns the surrounding world into a dark haze.While blinded, a character can't see more than one tile infront of themselves, rendering ranged attacks useless and making it very easy to lose track of distant enemies. Additionally, a blinded hero is unable to read scrolls or books. Turns of blindness remaining: X |
Reduces character's vision range to a single tile. Prevents the Hero from using scrolls and unstable spellbook.
This effect can be cured by potion of healing or frozen carpaccio. Tengu and King of dwarves are immune to this effect.
- Reading a scroll of retribution or its exotic variant, scroll of psionic blast (prolongs by 10 turns)
- Getting hit by blinding dart (10 truns), flashbang (prolongs by 10 truns) or Warrior's improvised projectile
- Stepping on flashing trap (10 turns)
- Getting hit by crazy bandit (prolongs by 5 turns, only if it manages to steal an item)
- Getting hit by bright fist's light beam (prolongs by 5 turns) or shock elemental's ranged attack (5 turns)
- The bright fist always blinds the Hero when reduced to 50% HP (15 turns) and when killed (30 turns) regardless of what caused the damage.
- Stepping on a blindweed plant unless you are a Warden (prolongs by 10 turns)
- Being next to Rogue when he uses smoke bomb ability (prolongs by 10 turns)
- Getting zapped by wand of prismatic light (prolongs by
2 + wand lvl * 0.333
turns,(2 + wand lvl) / (5 + wand lvl)
chance) or its elemental blast
Crippled | ||
You're pretty sure legs aren't meant to bend that way.Crippled halves movement speed, making moving a tile usually take two turns instead of one. Turns of cripple remaining: X |
Reduces movement speed by 50%.
- Falling down a chasm
- Scorpio/acidic scorpio attacks
- One of wand of corruption's effects
- Staff of prismatic light on-hit effect
- Fear of the Reaper
Hexed | ||
Dark magic which saps focus, making the target slightly disoriented.Hexing reduces accuracy and evasion by 20%, making the target less effective in combat. Turns of hex remaining: X |
Reduces accuracy and evasion by 20% (after every other modifier has been applied).
Ring of elements and magic immunity will protect against this effect.
- Getting hit by purple shaman's spell
Weakened | ||
Everything suddenly seems much heavier.Weakening magic reduces a character's physical strength, causing them to deal 33% reduced damage. Turns of weakness remaining: X |
Reduces dealt physical damage by 33% before any other modifiers are applied.
Ring of elements and magic immunity will protect against this effect.
- One of wand of corruption's effects (minor)
- Stepping onto weakening trap
- Getting zapped by red shaman's magic attack
Other debuffs[]
Chilled | ||
Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.Chilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed. Turns of chill remaining: XSpeed is reduced by: Y% |
Slows down all actions by 10%, removes burning debuff. This debuff stacks with itself when reapplied up to 5 times resulting in up to 50% speed reduction.
Besides for slowing down targets, this debuff reduces the damage of wand of frost bolts. Enemies with "icy" property are immune against this effect, ring of elements will protect against it.
- Staff or frost on-hit effect
- Being attacked by frost elemental or a creature with frost imbued buff
- Getting zapped by wand of frost or frost elemental's ranged attack
- Getting hit by chilling weapon
- Standing in chilling air
Degraded | ||
Powerful dark magic is sapping the strength that scrolls of upgrade have applied to your equipment!While degraded, upgraded gear will be treated as if it is a lower level than it actually is. Every upgrade after +3 becomes exponentially weaker than the last one. The descriptions of your items will change to reflect their reduced power level.Degradation does not affect strength requirements, wand charges, durability of thrown weapons, or artifacts. Turns of degradation remaining: X. Using a scroll of upgrade or remove curse will end degradation immediately. |
Reduces level of all items in Hero's possession except for artifacts according to table below. Other characters can't be affected by this debuff.
Original level | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 | +6 | +7 | +8 | +9 | +N |
Degraded level | +1 | +2 | +3 | +3 | +4 | +4 | +5 | +5 | +5 | sqrt(2 * (N - 1)) + 1
Ring of elements and magic immunity will protect against this effect. It can also be removed by using a scroll of upgrade or a scroll of remove curse.
- Getting zapped by dwarf warlock's shadow bolts (30 turns)
Doomed | ||
It's hard to keep going when it seems like the universe wants you dead.Doomed characters will receive double damage from all sources. Doom is permanent, its effects only end in death. |
Doubles all incoming damage after it has been reduced by armor and most other forms of damage resistance.
A special-case debuff, it can only be applied to bosses and minibosses in place of corruption. This debuff lasts indefinitely and is impossible to remove.
- Applied to a creature instead of corruption if immune (bosses, minibosses, champions)
Frozen | ||
Not to be confused with freezing solid, this more benign freezing simply encases the target in ice.Freezing acts similarly to paralysis, making it impossible for the target to act. Unlike paralysis, freezing is immediately cancelled if the target takes damage, as the ice will shatter. Turns of freeze remaining: X |
Prevents affected character from taking any action.
Enemies with "icy" property are immune against this effect, ring of elements will protect against this effect. If the character takes damage, then the debuff will end.
- Drinking or being hit by potion of snap freeze
- Anti-entropy curse effect procing (on armor or cursed wand)
- Standing in chilling air for too long
- Getting hit by frost bomb or elemental blast (wand of frost)
Hungry | ||
You can feel your stomach calling out for food, but it's not too urgent yet.Hunger slowly increases as you spend time in the dungeon, eventually you will begin to starve. While starving you will slowly lose health instead of regenerating it.Rationing is important! If you have health to spare starving isn't a bad idea if it means there will be more food later. Effective rationing can make food last a lot longer! | ||
The hunger buff is completely neutral to the player, and serves more as an indicator of when has the Hero last eaten, or how filling the eaten piece of food was. Health regeneration will continue as normally until the Hero starts starving.
Lost Inventory[]
Lost Inventory | ||
Your inventory has been lost somewhere in the dungeon! You won't be able to pick up or use most items until you retrieve it. | ||
- Being resurrected by unblessed ankh
Marked for Death[]
Marked for Death | ||
This enemy has been marked, causing them to take 25%% bonus damage, but also rendering them unable to die until the mark ends. Turns remaining: X |
- Being targetted by death mark
Paralysed | ||
Oftentimes the worst thing to do is nothing at all.Paralysis completely halts all actions, forcing the target to wait until the effect wears off. The pain from taking damage can cause characters to resist paralysis, breaking them out of the effect. Turns of paralysis remaining: X |
Prevents affected character from taking any action.
Ring of elements will protect against this effect. Unlike with being frozen or being in magical sleep, taking damage only has a chance to end this effect making it much more dangerous.
- Standing in paralytic gas, stench gas or electricity
- Being knocked back into a wall
- Getting hit by shockwave, elemental blast (wand of lightning), shock bomb or rockfall trap
- Getting zapped by wand of fireblast (3 charges)
Rooted | ||
Roots (magical or natural) grab at the feet, forcing them down to the ground.Roots lock a target in place, making it impossible for them to move, but other actions are not affected. Turns of root remaining: X |
Roots prevent the target from moving. For the Hero, attempting to move under duration of this effect will trigger a screenshake visual effect and cancel the action without a turn penalty.
- Getting zapped by wand of regrowth or its elemental blast
- Soiled fist's ranged attack
- Using footwear of nature
- Stepping in cave spinners' webs
- Very rare cursed wand effect - forest fire
The effect can be broken by drinking a potion of levitation.
Slowed | ||
Slowing magic affects the target's rate of time, to them everything is moving super-fast.A slowed character performs all actions in twice the amount of time they would normally take. Turns of slow remaining: X |
Slows down all actions by 50%
- Eating raw meat
Talent Cooldown[]
Talent Cooldown | ||
You have recently used this talent, and must wait before using it again. Turns remaining: %d. |
Prevents certain talent from triggering untill the debuff ends.
- Specific talent taking effect
Vertigo | ||
Walking in a straight line can be difficult when the whole world is spinning.While under the effects of vertigo, characters who attempt to move will go in a random direction, instead of the one they intended to go in. Turns of vertigo remaining: X |
Causes the character to walk in random direction whenever it tries to move, possibly stepping onto a trap or falling into a chasm.
- Being affected by confusion gas
- Confusion gas trap
- Throwing a potion of levitation
- Stepping on stormvine seed
Vulnerable | ||
Vulnerability magic increases all physical damage that a character takes by 33%, after that damage has been reduced by armor. Turns of vulnerable remaining: X. |
Increases incoming physical damage by 33% after being reduced by armor and armor like effects.
Ring of elements and magic immunity will protect against this effect.
- One of wand of corruption's effects (minor)
- Getting zapped by blue shaman's magic attack
- Pickaxe's "Pierce" ability (exclusive to the Duelist)
Related badges[]
Icon | Name | Description | Rarity |
Burned | Die from fire | Bronze | |
Poisoned | Die from poison | Bronze | |
Starved | Die from starvation | Bronze | |
Yet another sad death | Die to fire, poison, toxic gas, hunger, deferred damage, and falling | Gold |
- Main article: SPD - Status effects