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While most enemies have seen few changes since Shattered branched off of the original PD, most of them have had their stats or behavior tweaked.

General AI changes[]

Enemies will now attempt to replicate their victim's exact footsteps when chasing them, even if that is not the shortest path to the target. This change makes it much easier to kite them and escape or reposition the fight.

General Mob Information[]

All non-boss enemies have an EXP cap (maxLvl in code) which is the maximum level the hero can be in order to receive EXP from the monster's death. In addition, a non-boss enemy will not drop any loot if the hero is more than 2 levels above the EXP cap. For example: albino rats will cease to be able to drop mystery meat once the hero is level 8 or above, regardless of how many albino rats they kill.

Sewers enemies[]

Marsupial rat[]

Marsupial Rat gif
Marsupial Rat
Marsupial rats are aggressive but rather weak denizens of the sewers. They have a nasty bite, but are only life threatening in large numbers.

HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
8 0–1 8 2 1 - 4 1 5 -

Rats are basic enemies in the Sewers. There's nothing really notable about them.

Albino rat[]

Albino Rat gif
Albino Rat
This is a rare breed of marsupial rat, with pure white fur and jagged teeth.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
15 0–1 8 2 1 - 4 1 5 -

A rare variant of the marsupial rat with higher health. Can cause bleeding for damage dealt on hit with 50% chance.

It drops a mystery meat when defeated.

Sewer snake[]

Sewer Snake
These oversized serpents are capable of quickly slithering around blows, making them quite hard to hit. Magical attacks or surprise attacks are capable of catching them off-guard however.
You can perform a surprise attack by attacking while out of the snake's vision. One way is to let a snake chase you through a doorway and then strike just as it moves into the door.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
4 0 10 25 1 - 4 2 7 -

Sewer Snakes have very low HP but comparably insane evasion, making them incredibly difficult to hit without surprise attacks or wands.

You can surprise it by hiding behind doors, attacking with ranged weapon before it notices you or by using the Cloak of Shadows if you're playing as the Rogue. It can be also easily dispatched with a wand.

Has a 25% chance to drop a random seed when defeated.

Gnoll scout[]

Gnoll Scout gif
Gnoll Scout
Gnolls are hyena-like humanoids. They dwell in sewers and dungeons, venturing up to raid the surface from time to time. Gnoll scouts are regular members of their pack, they are not as strong as brutes and not as intelligent as shamans.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
12 0–2 10 4 1 - 6 2 8 -

Gnoll Scouts are another fairly standard enemy, though it does have high enough stats to be a minor threat early

Has a 50% chance to drop gold on death.

Sewer crab[]

Sewer Crab gif
Sewer Crab
These huge crabs are at the top of the food chain in the sewers. They are extremely fast and their thick carapace can withstand heavy blows.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
15 0–4 12 5 1 - 7 4 9 -

Crabs have quite high health, very high armor for early game and deal the highest raw damage out of all Sewers creatures. It also moves twice as fast as the Hero, making ranged weapons or surprise attack more difficult to use.

You should equip a T2 weapon and armor before entering depth 3 where it can spawn, if possible. If not, try avoiding this enemy or using harmful potions/scrolls against it.

Has a 16.7% (16) chance to drop mystery meat when defeated.


Slime gif
Slimes are strange, slightly magical creatures with a rubbery outer body and a liquid core. The city sewers provide them with an ample supply of water and nutrients.
Because of their elastic outer membrane, it is difficult to deal more than 6 damage to slimes from any one attack.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
20 0 12 5 2 - 5 4 9 -

Slimes have decent HP and no armor, but they're resistant to high amounts of damage, anything that deals over 5 damage is reduced by the following formula:

In other words, the damage it will actually take based on the damage the Hero deals looks like this.

Dealt Damage 7 10 14 19 25 32 40 49 59 70 82 95 109 124 140
Actual Damage 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Unlike armor, which works best against low damage attacks, this form of damage reduction is most effective against high damage attacks. As you can see from the table above, you would need a 140 damage hit to one-shot this enemy and with weapons available in the sewers you will likely need at least 5 hits to kill it. Most instant kill methods won't be very effective against it as they deal damage equal to creature's health which will, in this case, be significantly reduced. However, DoT effects are quite powerful against it as they deal per tick is quite low and therefore not subjected to damage reduction.

It has a 20% chance to drop a random T2 weapon. The chance is reduced by 12 for every weapon obtained from this enemy so far to prevent farming.

Caustic slime[]

Caustic slime gif
Caustic Slime
This slime seems to have been tainted by the dark magic emanating from below. It has lost its usual green color, and drips with caustic ooze.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
20 0 12 5 2 - 5 4 9 Acidic

Caustic slime is a rare variant of regular slime. They have the same damage reduction effect the regular slime has, and has 50% chance to apply caustic ooze on hit. It is therefore a good idea to stand in water while fighting this enemy to get rid of the debuff easily.

Caustic slime drops a single blob of Goo when defeated.

Swarm of flies[]

Swarm gif
Swarm of Flies
The deadly swarm of flies buzzes angrily. Every non-magical attack will split it into two smaller but equally dangerous swarms.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
50 0 10 5 1 - 4 3 9 Flying

The Swarm of Flies has significantly higher health than any other sewer enemy. After taking physical damage, if there's any empty space in a cardinal direction from where it's located, the swarm will split into two, each with half the HP it had after the attack. They also float, so they can move over chasms and armed traps.

Try luring this enemy into a hallway before fighting it to ensure your Hero won't get surrounded. Wands aren't very effective against it, unless you make it split a few times and use a wand that can harm multiple enemies.

It has a 16.7% (16) chance to drop a potion of healing, decreasing every time it splits (to 17, 18, etc). This chance is reduced for every dropped potion obtained this way. Swarms of flies can drop up to 5 potions in total per game. You might to want split the swarm as many times as possible to increase your chance of getting the potion. However, due to the drop cap it's not feasible to use it for potion farming like in vanilla.

 Prison enemies[]


Skeleton gif
Skeletons are composed of corpses bones from unlucky adventurers and inhabitants of the dungeon, animated by emanations of evil magic from the depths below. After they have been damaged enough, they disintegrate in an explosion of bones.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
25 0–5 12 9 2 - 10 5 10 Undead

Skeletons are the most common prison enemy. When it dies, it explodes, dealing 6 to 12 damage to anything in a 3x3 area. Armor is twice as effective against damage dealt by this explosion.

When entering the prison you should have an armor that blocks at least 4 dmg on average to reliably protect you from the explosion unless you have a way to kill the skeleton before it gets to you.

It has a 16.67% chance to drop a random weapon. The chance is reduced by 12 for every weapon obtained from this enemy to prevent farming.

Crazy thief[]

Thief Green gif
Crazy Thief
Though these inmates roam free of their cells, this place is still their prison. Over time, this place has taken their minds as well as their freedom. Long ago, these crazy thieves and bandits have forgotten who they are and why they steal.
These enemies are more likely to steal and run than they are to fight. Make sure to keep them in sight, or you might never see your stolen item again.
After stealing: The thief is carrying a (stolen item). Stolen obviously.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
20 0–3 12 12 1 - 10 5 11 Undead

This enemy attacks twice per turn and attempts to steal an item from player's inventory with each attack.

  • It cannot steal unique, progression or upgraded items.
  • Trying to steal a honeypot causes the pot to shatter and a golden bee will spawn to attack the thief.
  • If the thief steals an item in a stack, they will take only 1 item of this type from it.

After successfully stealing an item, thieves try to run away from the Hero. However, they only move at 56 speed while holding an item, making it easier to catch up or corner them. Getting hit while running away causes them to drop a single gold coin. If the hero or another enemy blocks the thief's escape, red text appears above them with garbled text as a replacement for an unknown swear word. If the thief steals something from you, try your best to cripple, block, or kill them, in that order of priority.

It drops the stolen item when defeated. However, if they manage to get out of the Hero's FOV for several turns, they teleport and the stolen item is lost. They also has a 3% chance to drop a random ring or artifact. The chance is reduced by 23 for every ring or artifact obtained from this enemy to prevent farming.

Crazy bandit[]

Thief Purple gif
Crazy Bandit
Though these inmates roam free of their cells, this place is still their prison. Over time, this place has taken their minds as well as their freedom. Long ago, these crazy thieves and bandits have forgotten who they are and why they steal.
These enemies are more likely to steal and run than they are to fight. Make sure to keep them in sight, or you might never see your stolen item again.
After stealing: The thief is carrying a (stolen item). Stolen obviously.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
20 0–3 12 12 1 - 10 5 11 Undead

A rare variant of the crazy thief. Upon a successful steal, inflicts cripple for 3 to 8 turns, poison for 5 to 7 turns and blinds the Hero for 2 to 5 turns.

Has the same drops as its common variant, however initial ring/artifact drop chance is 100%.


Necromancer gif
These apprentice dark mages have flocked to the prison, as it is the perfect place to practise their evil craft.
Necromancers will summon and empower skeletons to fight for them. Killing the necromancer will also kill the skeleton it summons.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
40 0–5 - 14 2-10* 7 14 Undead

Necromancers unlike most enemies in the game, cannot directly attack the Hero or any other enemies. Instead, they summon skeletons to do their bidding.

When an enemy is in view, the Necromancer begins their summoning spell. After 1 turn, the spell completes and a Skeleton spawns where the spell was channeled. If something is on top of where the skeleton will be summoned, they'll be pushed away. If there's nowhere for the target to be pushed away to, they will begin taking 2-10 damage every turn until there's an open space, this damage cannot be reduced except through a Ring of Tenacity.

If a skeleton is already summoned, the Necromancer heals it instead. The healing spell restores 5 HP and can pass through characters between the necromancer and its skeleton. It also applies adrenaline buff for 3 turns to a skeleton on full HP. If the skeleton ever gets separated from the Necromancer and an enemy is in view, the Necromancer will recall the skeleton to itself.

It has a 20% (15) chance to drop a potion of healing. The chance is reduced for every previously dropped potion to prevent farming. Necromancers can drop up to 6 potions in total per game.

Spectral necromancer[]

Spectral necromancer gif
Spectral necromancer
While Skeletons are a necromancer’s bread and butter, some prefer to look into other less corporeal minions. Spectral necromancers have chosen wraiths as their minion of choice!
Individual wraiths aren't as strong as skeletons, but these necromancers aren't afraid to summon a bunch of them!
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
40 0–5 - 14 2-10* 7 14 Undead

A rare variant of the necromancer. Unlike a regular necromancer, who only has one skeleton at a time, this enemy can summon a limitless number of wraiths. Wraith's stats are calculated as if they spawned in floor 0, which makes them very weak, but still very hard to hit with regular attacks.

It always drops a scroll of remove curse in addition of possibly dropping a potion of healing.

Prison guard[]

Prison Guard
Prison Guard
Once keepers of the prison, these guards have long since become no different than the inmates. They shamble like zombies, brainlessly roaming through the halls in search of anything out of place, like you!
They carry chains around their hip, possibly used to pull in enemies to close range.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
40 0–7 12 10 4 - 12 7 14 Undead

Prison guard has the highest stats of all prison enemies, which makes it very hard to kill especially on earlier floors. It also has a 1-time use chain pull move, which will bring the Hero to melee distance and cripple for a few turns, which makes it very difficult to use ranged weapons against it. The chain cannot pull things into chasms, however it can chain you into a hidden trap.

Consider using harmful scrolls/potions/seeds against this enemy if your gear isn't strong enough. Just be careful with harmful plants and blobs as you can get pulled into them.

It has a 20% chance to drop a random armor piece when defeated. The chance is reduced by 12 for every armor piece obtained from this enemy so far to prevent farming.


DM100 gif
The DM-100 is an early model of dwarven 'defense machine' which was designed to protect dwarven miners in the caves below this prison. Their electrical shocks proved too weak however, and so they were gifted to the human city above. They went unused for years and eventually found their way to the prison, where the warden initially deemed them too cruel to use. However, as the prisoners became more unruly they became a necessity.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP cap Properties
20 0–4 11 8 Melee: 2 - 8

Magic: 3 - 10

6 13 Inorganic, Electric

This enemy resembles the vanilla gnoll shaman, just with a different name and sprite and slightly modified stats. It attacks from a distance using lightning bolts whenever its target is not in melee range, dealing 3-10 magic damage. This lightning attack doesn't arc to adjacent characters nor gets more powerful in the water.

It has 33% chance to drop a random scroll when defeated.

Caves enemies[]

Vampire bat[]

Vampire Bat gif
Vampire Bat
These brisk and tenacious inhabitants of the caves are much more dangerous than they seem. They replenish their health with each successful attack, which allows them to defeat much larger opponents.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
30 0–4 16 15 5 - 18 7 15 Flying

The most common enemy in caves that occasionally spawns in prison as well. After this enemy attacks, it heals itself for (damage - 4) HP. It can also fly and moves two tiles per turn, making ranged weapons and surprise attacks more difficult to use against it.

This makes it nearly impossible to kill without a good enough melee weapon or armor as it can heal faster than the hero can damage it. Armor that blocks at least 6 dmg is needed to reliably prevent its healing.

It has a 16.67% (16) chance to drop a potion of healing. The chance is reduced for every previously dropped potion to prevent farming. Bats can drop up to 7 potions in total per game.

Gnoll brute[]

Gnoll Brute gif
Gnoll Brute
Brutes are the largest, strongest, and toughest of all gnolls. When mortally wounded, they go berserk, gaining temporary shielding and a large boost to damage.

HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
40 0–8 20 15 5 - 25; 15-40 when enraged 8 16 -

When the brute's health is reduced to 0, it becomes enraged. This doesn't happen if it's killed by falling or if corruption enchantment procs on its death.

Brute Rage
A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.
This gnoll brute is dying, but wants to take you with it! The brute will die when its shielding wears off, either due to time or if it is damaged. In the meantime, it will deal hugely increased damage, so watch out!

Shield remaining: X

When enraged, it gains 24 points of shielding, becomes immune to terror and its damage increases greatly. However, it loses 4 shield points every turn and therefore dies 6 turns after it enters this state. To avoid taking a hit from an enraged brute you can usually just run from it until it dies for good.

It has a 50% chance to drop a pile of gold when defeated.

Armored brute[]

Shattered-Armored brute gif
Armored Brute
The most senior gnoll brutes often wear powerful armor to show their status. The armor makes these brutes much more resilient to physical damage, and their greater discipline means they can rage for much longer before succumbing to their wounds.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
40 6–10 20 20 5 - 25; 15-40 when raging 8 16 -

A rare variant of gnoll brute with much higher armor. It gains the same shielding when raging, but it only loses one shield point every 3 turns and can therefore survive for 72 turns before dying for good. If you don't want to fight it when enraged, get out of its FOV and hope you won't stumble upon it again before it dies.

It drops a random mail armor(34 chance) or plate armor(14 chance) when defeated.

Gnoll shaman[]

In Shattered PD, gnoll shamans only appear in the Caves and are much stronger than in vanilla. They cast magic bolts when their targets are not in melee range, effects of which depend on the color of the mask they are wearing.

It has a 3% chance to drop a random wand. The chance is reduced by 23 for every wand obtained from this enemy so far to prevent farming.

Red shaman[]

Gnoll Shaman gif
Gnoll Shaman
Gnoll shamans are intelligent gnolls who use battle spells to compensate for their lack of might. They have a very respected position in gnoll society, despite their weaker strength.
This shaman is wearing a red mask, and will use magic that temporarily weakens your attacking power.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
35 0–6 18 15 Melee: 5 - 10

Magic: 6-15

8 16 -

A common variant of the gnoll shaman (40% chance to spawn) wearing a red mask. Its magic bolt has a 50% chance to apply weakness debuff on target decreasing its physical damage by 33% for 20 turns.

Blue shaman[]

Blue shaman gif
Gnoll Shaman
Gnoll shamans are intelligent gnolls who use battle spells to compensate for their lack of might. They have a very respected position in gnoll society, despite their weaker strength.
This shaman is wearing a blue mask, and will use magic that temporarily increases the damage you take.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
35 0–6 18 15 Melee: 5 - 10

Magic: 6-15

8 16 -

A common variant of the gnoll shaman (40% chance to spawn) wearing a blue mask.

Its magic bolt has a 50% chance to apply the vulnerable debuff on target, increasing physical damage taken by 33% for 20 turns.

Purple shaman[]

Purple shaman gif
Gnoll Shaman
Gnoll shamans are intelligent gnolls who use battle spells to compensate for their lack of might. They have a very respected position in gnoll society, despite their weaker strength.
This shaman is wearing a purple mask, and will use magic that temporarily reduces your accuracy and evasion.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
35 0–6 18 15 Melee: 5 - 10

Magic: 6-15

8 16 -

An uncommon variant of the gnoll shaman (20% chance to spawn) wearing a purple mask.

Its magic bolt has a 50% chance to apply the hexed debuff on target, decreasing its accuracy and evasion by 20% for 30 turns.

Cave spinner[]

Cave Spinner gif2
Cave Spinner
These greenish furry cave spiders try to avoid direct combat. Instead they prefer to wait in the distance while their victim struggles in their excreted cobweb, slowly dying from their venomous bite. They are capable of shooting their webs great distances, and will try to block whatever path their prey is taking.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
50 0–6 20 14 10 - 20 9 17 -

This enemy has the ability to shoot webs at the Hero in order to block their path, and can apply the poisoned debuff. If it does so, it will attempt to flee from the Hero until the poison wears off. It has a 12.5% chance to drop a mystery meat when defeated.


DM200 gif
The DM-200 is the second generation of dwarven 'defense machine', which was designed to protect dwarven miners in the caves and city below. They are much larger and bulkier than their predecessors, and attack with devastating hydraulic fists.
Their increased size is also their primary weakness, as they are unable to fit into the narrow tunnels and doorways of the dungeon. The dwarves were able to compensate for the DM-200's lack of mobility by allowing them to vent their toxic exhaust fumes at distant enemies, or enemies they cannot reach.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage Exp EXP Cap Properties
80 0–8 25 8 10-25 9 17 Large, Inorganic

This enemy can use gas attack against targets it cannot reach, creating 100 units of toxic gas on each tile on the path to the target's position with a 30 turn cooldown.

It has a 12.5% chance to drop a weapon or random armor piece using Dwarf City tier distribution. The chance is reduced by 12 for every armor piece obtained from this enemy so far to prevent farming.


DM201 gif
The dwarves briefly experimented with more heavily emphasizing the DM-200's lack of mobility and created some DM models that are entirely stationary. The DM-201 is a retrofitted DM-200 which acts as a sentry turret that has no movement ability. In exchange for the lack of mobility, DM-201s have significantly more durability and attacking power.
As DM-201s have no engine to vent exhaust from, the dwarves instead outfitted them with corrosive gas grenades! DM-201s are careful with these grenades however, and will only lob them when attacked from a distance.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage Exp EXP Cap Properties
120 0–8 25 8 15-25 9 17 Immovable, Inorganic, Large

A rare version of DM-200. This enemy is immobile, but uses a ranged attack which creates corrosive gas at enemy position and around it dealing 8 damage initially.

It drops a cursed metal shard when defeated.

Dwarven Metropolis enemies []

Dwarven ghoul[]

Dwarven ghoul gif
Dwarven Ghoul
As dwarven society slowly began to collapse, and the current king of the dwarves seized absolute power, those who were weak or who resisted him were not treated well. As the king grew more adept at wielding dark magic, he bent these dwarves to his will, and now they make up the footsoldiers of his army.
Ghouls are not especially strong on their own, but always travel in groups and are much harder to kill in large numbers. When a ghoul is defeated, it will rise again after a few turns as long as another ghoul is nearby.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
45 0–4 24 20 16-22 5 20 Undead

The most common enemy in Dwarven City that occasionally spawns in caves as well. While ghouls have lower HP than other city enemies, they make up for it by always moving through the dungeon in pairs.

A ghoul won't die immediately after getting its HP reduced to 0 as long as there is another ghoul in its FOV. Instead, they will kneel and wait until they recover. This doesn't happen if it is corrupted or killed by a chasm. It rises back to life with X HP after 5 turns, increasing by 5 every time it rises. When it is defeated for good, it has a chance to drop a pile of gold.


There are multiple types of elementals, each having different weaknesses and resistances and applying different debuffs on attack.

Fire elemental[]

Elemental gif
Fire elemental
Elementals are chaotic creatures that are often created when powerful occult magic isn't properly controlled. Elementals have minimal intelligence, and are usually associated with a particular type of magic.
Fire elementals are a common type of elemental which deals damage with fiery magic. They will set their target ablaze with melee attacks, and can occasionally shoot bolts of fire as well.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
65 0–5 25 20 20 - 25 10 20 Fiery, Flying

A common variant of elemental (39.2% chance to spawn). Its ranged attacks sets the target on fire. Its melee and ranged attacks have a 50% chance to set the target on fire.

The fire elemental takes a lot of bonus damage from chill effect.

It has a 12.5% chance to drop a potion of liquid flame when defeated.

Frost elemental[]

Frost Elemental gif
Frost Elemental
Elementals are chaotic creatures that are often created when powerful occult magic isn't properly controlled. Elementals have minimal intelligence, and are usually associated with a particular type of magic.
Frost elementals are a common type of elemental which weakens enemies with chilling magic. They will chill their target with melee and occasional ranged attacks. Their magic is much more effective in water.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
65 0–5 25 20 20 - 25 10 20 Icy, Flying

A common variant of elemental (39.2% chance to spawn). Its ranged attacks chill the target for 3 turns or 5 turns if the target is in water. It's melee attack chills with 33% chance like the ranged attack.

The frost elemental takes a lot of bonus damage from fire effects.

It has a 12.5% chance to drop a potion of frost when defeated.

Shock elemental[]

Shock elemental gif
Shock Elemental
Elementals are chaotic creatures that are often created when powerful occult magic isn't properly controlled. Elementals have minimal intelligence, and are usually associated with a particular type of magic.
Shock elementals are a less common type of elemental which disrupts its enemies with electricity and flashes of light. In melee they will arc electricity to nearby enemies, and deal bonus damage to their primary target if they are in water. They will also occasionally focus a ranged blast of light at their target, temporarily blinding them.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
65 0–5 25 20 20 - 25 10 20 Electric, Flying

An uncommon variant of elemental (19.6% chance to spawn). Its ranged attacks blinds the target for 5 turns. Its melee also damages nearby creatures by 40% of initial damage and deals 40% extra damage if attacked target is in water.

It has a 25% chance to drop a scroll of recharging when defeated.

Chaos elemental[]

Chaos Elemental gif
Chaos Elemental
Elementals are chaotic creatures that are often created when powerful occult magic isn't properly controlled. Elementals have minimal intelligence, and are usually associated with a particular type of magic.
Chaos elementals are rare and dangerous elementals which haven't stabilized to a particular element. They will unleash wild unpredictable magic when they attack.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
65 0–5 25 20 20 - 25 10 20 Flying

A rare variant of elemental (2.0% chance to spawn). Its melee and ranged attacks trigger a random cursed wand effect with the elemental being the caster. Inter-level teleportation and equipment cursing has no effect on the elemental.

It drops a scroll of transmutation when defeated.

Dwarf warlock[]

Warlock gif
Dwarf Warlock
As the dwarves' interests shifted from engineering to arcane arts, warlocks came to power in the city. They started with elemental magic, but soon switched to demonology and necromancy. The strongest of these warlocks seized the throne of the dwarven city, and his cohorts were allowed to continue practising their dark magic, so long as they surrendered their free will to him.
These warlocks possess powerful disruptive magic, and are able to temporarily hinder the upgrade magic applied to your equipment. The more upgraded an item is, the more strongly it will be affected.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
70 0–8 25 18 Melee: 16 - 22

Magic: 12 - 18

11 21 Undead

Dwarf warlocks have a chance to inflict the degraded debuff onto the Hero, temporarily degrading the player's items, making them function as if they had a lower upgrade level. This will not, however, heighten the strength requirement of equipment, or lower the amount of charges of wands and the Mage's staff. It has a 50% chance to drop a random potion when defeated.

Dwarf monk[]

Monk gif
Dwarf Monk
These monks are fanatics, who have devoted themselves to protecting their king through physical might. So great is their devotion that they have totally surrended their minds to their king, and now roam the dwarven city like mindless zombies.
Monks rely solely on the art of hand-to-hand combat, and are able to use their unarmed fists both for offense and defense. When they become focused, monks will parry the next physical attack used against them, even if it was otherwise guaranteed to hit. Monks build focus more quickly while on the move, and more slowly when in direct combat.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
68 0–2 30 30 12 - 25 11 21 Undead

Monks build up focus when they become alerted. While focused, they can parry every physical attack the Hero uses (including thrown weapons), regardless of whether or not the attack was guaranteed to hit. Attacking them lowers their focus until it is low enough for them to get hit. They build focus faster while moving. They may drop a Ration of Food once defeated.

Senior monk[]

Senior Monk gif
Senior Monk
These monks are fanatics, who have devoted themselves to protecting their king through physical might. So great is their devotion that they have totally surrendered their minds to their king, and now roam the dwarvern city like mindless zombies.
This monk has mastered the art of hand-to-hand combat, and is able to gain focus while moving much more quickly than regular monks. When they become focused, monks will parry the next physical attack used against them, even if it was otherwise guaranteed to hit. Monks build focus more quickly while on the move, and more slowly when in direct combat.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
68 0–2 30 30 16 - 25 11 21 Undead

A rare variant of the dwarf monk that deals slightly higher damage and builds focus twice as fast as standard monks. It has a 100% chance to drop a pasty when defeated.

Stone golem[]

ShatteredPD golem gif
Stone golem
Golems are an attempt to correct the previous flaws in dwarven machinery via the dwarves newfound use of magic. they are much more compact and efficient compared to the DM-300 while still being very deadly.
While golems are still too large to fit into passageways, the dwarves have given them new magical abilities to compensate. Golems can teleport themselves between rooms, and teleport enemies to them when they are out of reach.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
120 0–12 28 15 25 - 30 12 22 Inorganic

Golems have the highest attack, HP and armor of the normal Dwaven City enemies. They can't walk through corridors, but may teleport to other rooms in search of the Hero if it's actively searching for them. It can also directly teleport the Hero to a nearby tile if they're hiding in a doorway. It has a 12.5% chance to drop a weapon or random armor piece using Demon Halls tier distribution. The chance is reduced by 12 for every weapon or armor piece obtained from this enemy so far to prevent farming.

Demon Halls enemies[]


Succubus gif
Succubi are shapeshifting demons that manipulate the minds of their prey. This one has taken the form of a pale gothic humanoid, perhaps to attract dwarven warlocks?

Succubi may temporarily charm their enemy when they attack, making their enemy unable to directly attack them. When succubi attack a charmed enemy, they will steal some of their life essence.

HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
80 0–10 40 25 25 - 30 12 25 Demonic

Succubi will teleport to the Hero upon noticing them (if it's at least 3 tiles away from the target) and will attempt to charm while fighting in melee. If the Hero is hit by them while charmed, the Succubi gain shielding equal to the damage dealt. If it's at least 3 tiles away from its target it will instantly teleport to a tile adjacent to their location. This attack is NOT telegraphed however, meaning that the Hero must be cautious when fighting these enemies at a distance. They have a 33% chance to drop a random scroll when defeated. However, all scrolls are equally likely to be dropped regardless of rarity except scroll of upgrade and Scroll of Identify.

Evil eye[]

Eye gif
Evil Eye
Evil Eyes are floating balls of pent up demonic energy. While they are capable of melee combat, their true strength comes from their magic.
After building energy for a short time an Evil Eye will unleash a devastating beam of energy called the deathgaze. Anything within the Evil Eye's sights will take tremendous damage, wise adventurers will run for cover.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
100 0–10 30 20 Melee: 20 - 30

Magic: 30 - 50

13 26 Demonic, flying

Evil Eyes will start charging up their deathgaze after either spotting the Hero at range, or after a turn or two of physical combat. While charging, they will take 75% less damage from all sources. After 1 turn, the charging up is finished and a deathgaze is fired at the location where its target was last seen. The beam itself will burn flammable tiles similar to a Wand of Disentigration, but it doesn't grow in strength the more it pierces. Evil Eyes will fire even if other enemies are standing on the path between them and the Hero, dealing damage to their allied units.

It drops two dewdrops (50% chance), a random runestone (25% chance) or random seed (25% chance) when defeated. Evil Eyes take reduced damage from the wand of disintegration.


Scorpio gif
These huge arachnid-like demonic creatures avoid close combat by all means, firing crippling serrated spikes from long distances.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
110 0–16 36 24 30 - 40 14 27 Demonic

Scorpios shoot ranged spikes and behave similarly to the Gnoll Trickster. They attempt to run from the Hero if adjacent, lack a melee attack, and deal physical ranged damage which can be blocked by the Hero's armor stat. Its succesful attacks have a chance to criple the target. It has a 50% chance to drop a random potion when defeated. However, all potions are equally likely to be dropped regardless of rarity except potion of healing and potion of strength.

Acidic scorpio[]

Acidic Scorpio gif
These huge arachnid-like demonic creatures avoid close combat by all means, firing crippling serrated spikes from long distances. This one appears to be dripping with corrosive ooze.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
110 0–16 36 24 30 - 40 14 27 Demonic, Acidic

A rare variant of the scorpio. Its ranged spikes not only give the crippled debuff, but also caustic ooze. It also has a chance of afflicting the Hero with caustic ooze when hit with a physical attack. It drops a potion of experience when defeated.

Ripper demon[]

Ripper demon gif
Ripper Demon
These horrific creatures are the result of the many dwarven corpses in this region being put to use by demonic forces. Rippers are emaciated ghoulish creatures that resemble dwarves, but with broken bodies and long sharp claws made of bone.
Ripper demons are not particularly durable, but they are agile and dangerous. They are capable of leaping great distances to quickly reach targets before goring them with their claws.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
60 0–4 30 22 15-25 9 -2 Demonic, Undead

This enemy attacks at double speed. If it's at least 3 tiles away from its target it will leap at a tile adjacent to the target's location. This attack is telegraphed, giving the Hero 1 turn to move away. If the ripper demon leaps onto its target, it causes bleeding for 75% of its attack damage. The demon cannot leap towards its target destination if there is an enemy on it, and will "bounce" off of them to an adjacent tile instead of landing at the telegraphed tile. The ripper demon can select chasm tiles as their telegraphed attack's destination. When they do so and there is not another flying enemy on that tile, they instantly die.

It doesn't spawn naturally, only originating from demon spawners. Their enemy cap per level is separate from the one used for regular enemies.

You can block the exit door to the demon spawner room with a sleeping enemy, making it so that you will not encounter ripper demons roaming that level unless the enemy wakes up from taking damage or activating a scroll of rage or a scroll of challenge, or a trapped ripper demon targets a leap attack towards an enemy in sight that is outside of the demon spawner room.

Demon spawner[]

Demon spawner gif
Demon Spawner
This twisting amalgam of dwarven flesh is responsible for creating ripper demons from the dwarves that have died in this region. Clearly the demons see no issue with using every resource they can against their enemies.
While visually terrifying, demon spawners have no means of moving or directly defending themselves. Their considerable mass makes them hard to kill quickly however, and they will spawn ripper demons more quickly when they are under threat.

Demon spawners seem to be connected to some central source of demonic power. Killing them may weaken it.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
120 0–12 - 0 - 15 29 Immovable, Miniboss, Demonic

You can find this enemy in a unique room type, one per each depth of demon halls. It doesn't do anything besides spawning ripper demons every 60 turns in depth 21, 53.33 turns in depth 22, 46.66 turns in depth 23 and 40 turns in depth 24. Taking damage reduces demon spawning cooldown. It is however possible to prevent it from spawning more demons by occupying every tile adjacent to it. It doesn't spawn over time, only during level generation. It caps maximum damage taken at once at 20 similarly to the slimes in sewers. While the damage resistance and miniboss property prevents the Hero from killing it too quickly, a pitfall trap can kill it instantly like every other non flying creature.

It is advised to kill as many demon spawners as possible, because each of them gives the Yog a 25% chance to spawn a ripper demon instead of god's larva during the final fight. It also always drops a potion of healing when defeated.

Non-standard enemies[]

Enemies that do not follow the regular spawning rules or can appear in multiple chapters (areas) of the game. Their stats usually depend on the depth they spawn on.

Animated statue[]

Animated Statue gif
Animated Statue
You would think that it's just another one of this dungeon's inanimate statues, but its red glowing eyes give it away.
While the statue itself is made of stone, the <weapon> it's wielding looks real.

HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
15 + 5 D 0 to D (9 + L) * Acc 4 + L W 0 0 Inorganic
  • D - Depth
  • W - Weapon damage
  • Acc - Weapon accuracy modifier

Animated statues spawn in special Statue Rooms, and will stay passive until they take damage. The weapon they have equipped will always be enchanted, and will always be identified.

Armored statue[]

Armored statue gif
Animated Statue
You would think that it's just another one of this dungeon's inanimate statues, but its red glowing eyes give it away.
While the statue itself is made of stone, the <weapon> and <armor> it's wielding looks real.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
30 + 10 D (0 to D) + A (9 + L) * Acc 4 + L W 0 0 Inorganic
  • D - Depth
  • A - Armor blocking
  • W - Weapon damage
  • Acc - Weapon accuracy modifier

Animated statues have a 1/10 chance to spawn wearing random enchanted armor. These statues have the same base armor, but it's increased by the armor they are wearing and their health is doubled. This makes them incredibly hard to kill.

Giant piranha[]

Piranha gif
Giant Piranha
These carnivorous fish are not natural inhabitants of underground pools. They were bred specifically to protect flooded treasure vaults.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
10 + 5 D 0 to D 20 + 2 D 10 + 2 D D to (4 +2 D) 0 0 -
  • D - Depth

This enemy can be found guarding chests in flooded vaults, as well as rarely in certain regular rooms with pools in the middle. Unlike most enemies, it does not wake up if the Hero is out of its attack range. It will die instantly if it's out of water for 1 turn, and will always drop mystery meat. If a fishing spear is used against it, it can deal more damage than normally; between its standard damage and up to 50% of piranha's current HP.

Phantom Piranha[]

Shattered-phantom piranha
Phantom Piranha
Phantom piranhas are a rare breed of piranha with magical abilities and eerie translucent bodies. They are capable of teleporting as they are being attacked, either to escape or to quickly get close to their enemy!

While they are annoying to fight, their meat is prized for its magical properties.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
10 + 5 D 0 to D 20 + 2 D 10 + 2 D D to (4 +2 D) 0 0 -
  • D - Depth

This rare variant of Piranha which has 2% chance to replace a regular one. Any damage it takes is reduced by 50% unless it comes from an adjacent attacker. Also, any attacks from distance cause it to teleport onto a random water tile. Pulling it onto dry land causes them to teleport as well; instead of dying. This makes killing phanton piranhas from distance very slow and annoying. It's generally better to fight them head on after killing other piranhas in the same pool. They drop Phantom Meat on death, which makes defeating them usually worth it.


Wraith gif
A wraith is a vengeful spirit of a sinner, whose grave or tomb was disturbed. Being an ethereal entity, it is very hard to hit with a regular weapon.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
1 0 10 + D 50 + 5 D 1 + D/2 to 2 + D 0 0 Undead, Flying


This enemy can be found:

  • when a tomb, Skeletal Remains or Hero's Remains are disturbed;
  • when summoned by a Spectral Necromancer, a rare variant of a Prison enemy.

They can also be encountered upon killing enemies when the Warlock's Necromancer's Minions talent is active, where they will spawn corrupted, as Hero's allies.

They are the most evasive enemy in the game, having more than double the evasion of a sewer snake/succubus even at depth 1; using surprise attacks is highly advised.


ShatteredPD mimic gif
Mimics are magical creatures which can take any shape they wish. In dungeons they almost always choose a shape of a treasure chest, in order to lure in unsuspecting adventurers.
Mimics have a nasty bite, but often hold more treasure than a regular chest.

HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
6 + 6 D 0 to 1 + D/2 Normal: 6 + D

Surprise: inf

2 + D/2 Normal: 1 + D to 2 + 2 D

Surprise: 2 + 2 D

0 0 Demonic
  • D - Depth

Before being discovered:

Something about this chest feels off... Walking up and trying to open it might be a bad idea.

An enemy that pretends to be a chest. They can be distinguished from real chests in a number of ways: their lock is located slightly higher than on regular chests, their outline has far less opacity, and they will occasionally stick their tongue out.

Golden mimic[]

Golden Mimic gif
Golden Mimic
Mimics are magical creatures which can take any shape they wish. In dungeons they almost always choose a shape of a treasure chest, in order to lure in unsuspecting adventurers.
Golden mimics are tougher mimics which try to attract the strongest adventurers. They have better loot, but are also much stronger than regular mimics.

HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
6 + 6 D 0 to 1 + D/2 Normal: 6 + D

Surprise: inf

2 + D/2 Normal: 1 + D to 2 + 2 D

Surprise: 2 + 2 D

0 0 Demonic
  • D - Depth * 1.33

More powerful version of mimic, disguised as a golden chest. Can be distinguished in the same ways as a regular mimic. Item dropped by it is never cursed and has 50% chance to have an extra upgrade.

Crystal mimic[]

Crystal Mimic gif
Crystal Mimic
Mimics are magical creatures which can take any shape they wish. In dungeons they almost always choose a shape of a treasure chest, in order to lure in unsuspecting adventurers.
Crystal mimics are trickier than their regular cousins, and prefer to avoid conflict while stealing loot. They will attempt to sprint away once discovered, and have the ability to reposition enemies when they attack.

HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
6 + 6 D 0 to 1 + D/2 Normal: 6 + D

Surprise: inf

2 + D/2 Normal: 1 + D to 2 + 2 D

Surprise: 2 + 2 D

0 0 Demonic
  • D - Depth

This rare variant of mimic has a 10% chance to replace one of the two crystal chest in the vault room. It can be distinguished in the same ways as the other mimics. In addition to dealing maximum damage and having infinite accuracy, its surprise attack can steal a random item from Hero's backpack (like a crazy thief, but with much greater chance of success). After being alerted to the Hero's presence, the mimic gains haste buff for two turns and tries to run away with its content (even if it didn't steal any item). If it gets outside of the player's field of view for a few turns, it will disappear for good. Aside from the surprise attack it only fights when cornered and its attack will teleport the target away. As such, stepping in its way is unlikely to stop its escape. The player will probably need a powerful enough ranged attack or a way to slow down/immobilize it to defeat this tricky enemy.

When defeated, the crystal mimic drops one of the 3 types of items present in crystal chest rooms: a wand, a ring or an artifact. Item dropped by it is never cursed. As getting the reward from the mimic doesn't require a crystal key, the player will be able to get both items from the vault.

Golden bee[]

Golden bee
Golden Bee
Despite their small size, golden bees tend to protect their home fiercely. This one is very mad, better keep your distance.
HP Armor Accuracy Evasion Damage EXP EXP Cap Properties
8 + 4 D 0 9 + D 9 + D (2 + D) * 2/5 to 2 + D 0 0 Flying
  • D - Depth

When a potion of honeyed healing is used:

This one has been placated, and seems to want to follow you.

Golden bees do not spawn naturally outside of secret honeypot rooms. Upon shattering a honeypot, a bee will spawn and attack any entity within its FOV; otherwise it will passively hover above its honeypot. If any entity is holding a shattered honeypot, the bee will start following and attacking it while in range. If a crazy thief, crazy bandit or crystal mimic steals the honeypot, it will instantly be broken, releasing the bee and leaving a shattered honeypot in its place.

Throwing a potion of honeyed healing at one will placate it, making it non-aggressive to you. Placated bees are considered intelligent allies, and will follow you wherever you go.


Version Change
v0.2.3 Changed:
  • Enemies drop less potions of healing over time to make farming more difficult
v0.2.4 Added (from vanilla):
  • Golden bee (non-standard enemy); unlike in the original, it will defend the shattered honeypot it came from and hit anything that comes near it.
v0.3.0 Changed:
  • Mimic are now less common, but stronger and give better loot
v0.3.1 Changed:
  • Monks now always disarm after 4 to 8 hits instead of having a constant 1/6 chance to disarm
v0.3.2 Added:
  • Prison guard (prison enemy)


  • Gnoll shaman's ranged attack can now be used every turn
  • Thieves can now escape with a stolen item
  • Marsupial rats damage reduced to 1-4 from 1-5, evasion reduced to 2 from 3
  • Gnoll scout accuracy reduced to 10 from 11
  • Sewer crabs less likely to spawn on floor 3, exp reward increased to 4 up from 3
  • Swarm of flies health reduced to 50 down from 80, accuracy reduced to 10 down from 12, moved to sewers
v0.4.1 Changed:
  • Lategame enemies now deal more damage to compensate for more powerful and reliable armor
  • Evil eye's deathgaze now much stronger, but takes 2 turns to cast and has cooldown
v0.4.2 Changed:
  • Skeletons are no longer immune to grim
v0.4.3 Changed:
  • Improved pathfinding
v0.6.1 Changed:
  • New sprite for mimics
  • Improved pathfinding
v0.6.3 Added:
  • New enemy properties to handle resistances and immunities


  • Enemy resistances now always provide 50% damage/duration reduction
  • Animated statue no longer immune to vampiric, now inorganic
  • Vampire bat no longer resistant to vampiric
  • Cave spinner no longer immune to rooting
  • Evil eye no resistant to vampiric
  • Scorpio no longer resistant to poison and vampiric, acidic scorpio now ACIDIC
  • Fire elemental no longer immune to wand of fireblast or healed by burning, now fiery, not demonic
  • Skeleton and stone golem now inorganic
  • Crazy thief and prison guard now undead, no longer demonic
  • Golden bee now immune to poison and amok
v0.6.4 Changed:
  • Healing potion dropchance reduction is now more harsh
  • Enemies killed by falling only award 50% exp
v0.6.5 Changed:
  • Skeleton explosion damage increased to 6-12 from 2-10, but armor is now twice as effective against it
  • Skeleton weapon drop chance reduced from 20% to 12.5%
v0.7.0 Changed:
  • Succubus now heals upon hitting a charmed enemy to compensate for charm being nerfed
  • Crazy thief can drop any ring/artifact instead of only master thief's armband
  • Golden bee can now be turned into an ally with elixir of honey healing
v0.7.3 Changed:
  • Golden bees will now protect the nearest available shattered honeypot rather than only the one they came from.
v0.7.5 Added:
  • Snake (sewer enemy)
  • Slime and its rare variant cautic slime (sewer enemy)
  • Necromancer (prison enemy)


  • Enemy spawns now much more consistent
  • Guard exp reward increased to 7 from 6, but it no longer drops potions of healing
  • Crab damage reduced to 1-7 down from 1-8
  • Albino rat exp reward increased to 2 from 1 and it now drops mystery meat
  • Skeletons no longer rarely spawn in the sewers
v0.8.0 Added:
  • DM-100 (replaces gnoll shaman in prison)
  • DM-200 and its rare variant DM-201 (caves enemy)
  • Multiple variants of gnoll shaman
  • Dwarven ghoul (city enemy)
  • Multiple variants of elemental
  • Demon spawner and ripper demons (halls enemies)
  • Armored statue, rare variant of animated statue
  • Crystal mimic, rare variant of mimic


  • Prison guard accuracy reduced to 12 from 14, armor reduced to 0-7 from 0-8
  • Necromancer evasion increased to 13 from 11
  • Vampire bat damage reduced to 5-15 from 5-18, heals only for damage - 4 after a succesful attack
  • Gnoll brute damage reduced to 5-25 from 6-26 it starts raging at 0 HP, gains shielding upon raging and raging damage reduced to 15-40 from 15-45, only immune to terror when raging
  • Shielded brute renamed to armored brute, evasion reduced to 15 up from 20, armor increased to 6-10 from 0-10, survives raging longer than normal brute, now drops scale or plate armor
  • Gnoll shaman completely reworked, now spawns in caves only
  • Cave spinner accuracy increased to 22 from 20, evasion increased to 17 from 14, now can shoot web at tiles next to target
  • Fire elemental health reduced to 60 from 65, can now ignite target from distance, potion drop chance increased to 12.5% from 10%
  • Dwarf monk now builds up focus to parry attacks instead of disarming, no longer immune to amok and terror
  • Senior monk now builds up focus faster than normal monk instead of causing paralysis, drops pasty
  • Warlock melee damage reduced to 12-18 from 16-22, magic attack applies degraded debuff instead of weakened, no longer resistant to grim
  • Stone golem reworked, now large, can teleport attackers and itself
  • Succubus no longer immune to sleep, scroll drop chance reduced to 33% from 50%, but can now drop any scroll excep upgrade and identify
  • Evil eye exp cap increased to lvl 26 from lvl 25, no longer resistant to grim, now always drops 2 dewdrops (50%), random seed (25%) or random runestone (25%) rather than just 1 dewdrop
  • Scorpio exp cap increased to lvl 27 from lvl 25, potion drop chance increased to 50% from 20% and removed drop cap, can now drop any potion excep strength and healing
  • Acidic scorpio now applies cautic ooze on any attacker or target instead of reflecting damage to attacker, always drops potion of experience
  • Golden bee now immune to poison and amok
  • Mimic reworked, can now be distinguished from a normal chest
  • Super mimic replaced by golden mimic, can now spawn upon floor generation like normal mimic
  • Wraith no longer immune to grim and terror
v0.8.1 Changed:
  • Slime weapon drop chance increased to 20% from 10%, but is reduced with each drop, weapon can now be upgraded
  • Crazy bandit now blinds for 5 turns up from 2-5 turns
  • Skeleton weapon drop chance increased to 16.67% from 12.5%, but is reduced with each drop, weapon can now be upgraded
  • DM-100 scroll drop chance reduced to 25% from 33%
  • Prison guard armor drop chance increased to 20% from 16.67%, but is reduced with each drop, armor can now be upgraded
  • DM-200 now has a 12.5% chance (decreasing with each drop) to drop a weapon or random armor piece using Dwarf City tier distribution
  • Dwarven ghoul now has a 20% chance to drop a pile of gold
  • Dwarf warlock potion drop chance reduced to 50% from 83%
  • Stone golem now has a 12.5% chance (decreasing with each drop) to drop a weapon or random armor piece using Demon Halls tier distribution
  • Succubus now charms for 5 turns up from 3-4 turns
v0.8.2 Changed:
  • Evil eye no longer immune to terror