Tipped darts can be bought in shop or created by combining a 1 or 2 normal darts with a seed in inventory (click/tap on a dart and select "tip" action). Tipped dart still deals the same amount of damage, but now has an additional effect on target, some helpful, others harmful. This effect can stack with an enchantment provided by a Crossbow or the Shared Enchantments talent. Tipped darts don't stick to allies, meaning if you hit your companion with one, you don't have to wait for it to die to get the dart back.
Tipped dart generally have only 2 uses unless boosted by Durable Projectiles or Durable Tips talent. However, when they "break" you still get a regular dart back and you can tip it again. It's also possible to "cleanse" a tipped dart if the effect is not desired anymore, getting rid of all remaining uses.
Harmful darts[]
These darts are intended to be used on enemies, as they apply nasty debuffs or have other negative effects on target.
Incendiary Dart[]
Incendiary Dart | ||
These darts are tipped with a firebloom-based compound which will burst into brilliant flames on impact. | ||
This dart is crafted by tipping a dart with Firebloom seed and sets the target tile on fire for 4 turns.
Paralytic Dart[]
Paralytic Dart | ||
These darts are tipped with an earthroot-based compound which will paralyze their target for a short time. | ||
This dart is crafted by tipping a dart with Earthroot seed and applies Paralysis debuff to target for 5 turns.
Poison Dart[]
Poison Dart | ||
These darts are tipped with a sorrowmoss-based compound which will poison their target. | ||
This dart is crafted by tipping a dart with Sorrowmoss seed and applies Poison debuff to target for 3 + depth/2
Rot Dart[]
Rot Dart | ||
These wicked darts are tipped with an acidic rotberry-based compound, which will aggressively eat through anything the dart comes into contact with. Powerful foes will resist most of the effect, but the corrosion is strong enough to easily kill most standard enemies. These last longer than other tipped darts, but their durability cannot be boosted. | ||
This dart is crafted by tipping a dart with Rotberry seed and applies Corrosion debuff to target, with a duration and damage depending on the enemy type:
- 5 turns if the target is a boss or miniboss, with damage starting at depth∕3.
- 10 turns otherwise, with starting damage equal to the current
. Deals enough damage to kill any regular enemy.
Rot darts have 5 uses, but the durability can't be increased.
Shocking Dart[]
Shocking Dart | ||
These darts are tipped with a stormvine-based compound which will deliver a nasty shock to their target. | ||
This dart is crafted by tipping a dart with Stormvine seed and deals 5 + depth/4
to 10 + depth/4
extra damage to target, this damage ignores armor.
Blinding Dart[]
Blinding Dart | ||
These darts are tipped with a blindweed-based compound which will blind their target for a short time. They do not disorient however, so an enemy will still know where they last saw you. | ||
This dart is crafted by tipping a dart with Blindweed seed and applies Blindness debuff to target for 10 turns.
Chilling Dart[]
Chilling Dart | ||
These darts are tipped with an icecap-based compound which will significantly chill their target. | ||
This dart is crafted by tipping a dart with Icecap seed and applies Chilled debuff to target for 6 turns, or 10 turns if the target is standing in water.
Displacing Darts[]
Displacing Dart | ||
These darts are tipped with a fadeleaf-based compound which will teleport their target a short distance away. | ||
This dart is crafted by tipping a dart with Fadeleaf seed and teleports its target 8 to 10 tiles away. If the enemy ends up outside of the Hero's FoV, they gain 5 turns of mind vision on that enemy.
Support darts[]
The following darts have helpful effects instead of harmful ones and are intended to be used on allies. They deal no damage to them, but still deal normal damage to enemies. Adrenaline and cleansing dart still apply harmful effects to enemies in addition to buffing allies and holy darts deal extra damage to undead and demonic enemies instead of buffing them.
Adrenaline Dart[]
Adrenaline Dart | ||
These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will boost the movement and attack speed of allies, or briefly lower the movement speed of enemies. The dart itself is still harmful to enemies, but will not harm allies. | ||
This dart is crafted by tipping a dart with Swifthistle seed and applies Adrenaline buff to allies for 10 turns. Enemies hit by the dart will instead be crippled for 5 turns.
Adrenaline allows its target to move at 2x speed and attack at 1.5x regular speed.
Healing Dart[]
Healing Dart | ||
These darts are tipped with a sungrass-based compound which grants a burst of healing to their target. The dart itself is still harmful to enemies, but will not harm allies. | ||
This dart is crafted by tipping a dart with Sungrass seed. It restores 0.5 * max HP + 30
HP as well as cures the same debuffs as a Potion of Healing.
Holy Dart[]
Holy Dart | ||
These darts are tipped with a starflower-based compound which infuses holy energy into their target. Allies and regular enemies will become blessed, but undead or demonic enemies will take heavy damage. The dart itself is still harmful to enemies, but will not harm allies. | ||
This dart is crafted by tipping a dart with Starflower seed and applies Blessed buff to target for 30 turns. Undead and demonic enemies hit by the dart will take 10 + depth/3
to 20 + depth/3
Cleansing Dart[]
Cleansing Dart | ||
These darts are tipped with a mageroyal-based compound which will temporarily make allies immune to all negative effects, or will cleanse positive effects from enemies. Enemies may even briefly forget that they are attacking or fleeing from you. The dart itself is still harmful to enemies, but will not harm allies. | ||
This dart is crafted by tipping a dart with Mageroyal seed and cleanses all debuffs from an ally while also making the target immune to them for 10 turns. Enemies hit by the dart will instead have all buffs removed with the exception of Champion buffs. It's worth noting this doesn't remove alignment changing debuffs (corrupted, enthralled) making it safe to use on converted enemies.