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The Wand of Avalanche is a wand.

Its class name in the save files is "com.​watabou.​pixeldungeon.​items.​wands.​WandOfAvalanche".


Wand of Avalanche
When a discharge of this wand hits a wall (or any other solid obstacle) it causes an avalanche of stones, damaging and stunning all creatures in the affected area.


Using this wand will deal damage and has the chance to stun if near a wall. If the Hero is too close to the enemy while using the wand, s/he will get stunned too.


The Wand of Avalanche can be found randomly in generated levels. A random wand has a 5/113 or 4.42% chance of being the Wand of Avalanche



Avalanche zap

  • When upgraded, the area-of-effect of this wand grows, making it very difficult to use without getting caught in the rock slide.
    • Do not use the wand in an enclosed small room. Fire as far from enemies as possible (or always from outside the area-of-effect, at least 3-4 tiles from impact point).
  • The only time it's relatively 'safe' to be Paralyzed is when the Hero is already Starving.
    (The debuff 'ends sooner' when starving, and 'lasts longer' when satiated.)
  • If needing to fire from within the area-of-effect, make sure to drink a Potion of Purification immediately beforehand, to avoid the Paralyzed debuff. (This doesn't, however, protect the Hero from damage.)
  • The Huntress can paralyze an enemy from afar, and then finish it off with her boomerang.

Damage details[]

The damage from this wand is dependent on the target's distance from point of impact and the wand's level.
Enemies further away from the impact point take fewer damage and are less likely to be paralyzed. Increasing the level of the wand increases the size of the blast (area-of-effect), but does not increase the chance of inflicting paralysis.

  • Damage is from 2 to 6+(size-d)*2
    • Where d is distance from impact point and size = 1+floor(wandLevel/3)
    • Minimum damage remains constant at 2 regardless of level.
  • Paralysis:
    • Chance of inflicting paralysis is 1/(3+d) where d is distance from the impact point.
      This means you have a 1/3 (33%) chance of paralyzing enemies that are standing beside a targeted solid tile. (The passable tile the beam traveled over last is considered d=0.)
    • Duration of paralysis is a random 2-6 turns and not increased by wand level.
Wand Level Min Damage Max Damage by Distance From Point of Impact
0 1 2 3 4 d
0 2

8 6 4 2 0 6+(1 - d)*2
1 2

8 6 4 2 0 6+(1 - d)*2
2 2

8 6 4 2 0 6+(1 - d)*2
3 2

10 8 6 4 2 6+(2 - d)*2
4 2

10 8 6 4 2 6+(2 - d)*2
5 2

10 8 6 4 2 6+(2 - d)*2
6 2

12 10 8 6 4 6+(3 - d)*2
7 2

12 10 8 6 4 6+(3 - d)*2
8 2

12 10 8 6 4 6+(3 - d)*2
9 2

14 12 10 8 6 6+(4 - d)*2
10 2

14 12 10 8 6 6+(4 - d)*2
11 2

14 12 10 8 6 6+(4 - d)*2
12 2

16 14 12 10 8 6+(5 - d)*2

Durability rate[]

This chart displays the rate at which the Wand of Avalanche degrades at each upgrade level.

Level Durability

+0 96
+1 90
+2 84
+3 78
+4 72
+5 66
+6 60
+7 54
+8 48
+9 42
+10 36
+11 30
+12 24
+13 18
+n 6×(16-n)


Update Change
1.9.1 Changed: Wand of Avalanche "presses" affected tiles
1.9.2 Changed: Buffed!