Pixel Dungeon Wiki

The Wand of Magic Missile is a wand.

Its class name in the save files is "com.​watabou.​pixeldungeon.​items.​wands.​WandOfMagicMissile".


Wand of Magic Missile
Wand of Magic Missile
This wand launches missiles of pure magical energy, dealing moderate damage to a target creature.


Shooting an enemy with the Wand of Magic Missile will deal magic damage. Battlemages can use it as a melee weapon and deal additional damage.


Magic missile zap

Disenchant Process[]

An upgraded Wand of Magic Missile can be used to upgrade another wand, by pressing the "Disenchant" button. (The Wand of Magic Missile will be lost.)
It takes 2 turns to disenchant this wand onto another wand.


The Wand of Magic Missile is the wand that the Mage class starts with in each run. It can only be obtained by the Mage, or by the Mage leaving it in a Hero's remains.


  • Think before you sell this wand, as you won't find another one in the same run.
  • If you plan to later disenchant your Wand of Magic Missile, do not upgrade it above +1, as the wand you upgrade this way will only gain +1, and the additional levels of upgrade will be lost.

Damage details[]

The Magic Missile's damage is uniformly distributed between 1 and 6+Level×2

Level Min Max Avg
+0 1 6 3.5
+1 1 8 4.5
+2 1 10 5.5
+3 1 12 6.5
+4 1 14 7.5
+5 1 16 8.5
+6 1 18 9.5
+7 1 20 10.5
+8 1 22 11.5
+9 1 24 12.5

Durability rate[]

This chart displays the rate at which the Wand of Magic Missile degrades at each upgrade level.

Level Durability
+0 96
+1 90
+2 84
+3 78
+4 72
+5 66
+6 60
+7 54
+8 48
+9 42
+10 36
+11 30
+12 24
+13 18
+n 6×(16-n)