Pixel Dungeon Wiki

Work In Progress

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Wand of Reach
The appearance of this wand is randomized each run
The appearance of this wand is randomized each run
Vital statistics
Type Non-Battle Wand; Utility
Effects Same as Wand of Telekinesis, but switches places with enemies, rather than push them back.
Source Randomly generated in the dungeon
Cost to buy Cannot be bought
Cost to sell 50g

The Wand of Reach is a wand.

Its class name in the save files is "com.​watabou.​pixeldungeon.​items.​wands.​WandOfReach".


Wand of Reach
This utility wand can be used to grab objects from a distance and to switch places with enemies. Waves of magic force radiated from it will affect all cells on their way triggering traps, trampling high vegetation, opening closed doors and closing open ones.


The main use of this wand is to retrieve items and trigger traps from a safe distance.
Another use is to cast it on enemies, to switch places with them.

The item containers it can open are:

  • (Unlocked) Chests
  • Mimics (bypasses Mimic summon?)
  • Tombs
  • Skeletal remains


The Wand of Reach can be found randomly in generated depths.
A random wand has a 6/113 (5.31%) chance of being the Wand of Reach.



Update Change
1.9.0 ADDED to the game

(Replaces Wands of Telekinesis)
