Pixel Dungeon Wiki
Pixel Dungeon Wiki

Water can be found throughout the dungeon.


Water changes in appearance and description as you descend deeper into the dungeon.

Image Stage Name
Water sewers Sewers Murky water
Water prison Prison Dark cold water.[sic]
Water caves Caves Freezing cold water.
Water city Dwarven City Suspiciously colored water
Water halls Demon Halls Cold lava



  • Prior to acquiring the Scroll Holder, leaving scrolls on water can keep them from getting burned while you explore a depth.
  • You can't put out fire in water while levitating.


Update Change
0.2.3 Changed: Now, it's impossible for water tiles to douse fire while the Hero is levitating
0.5 Added: New water tiles
1.7.0 Added: New water textures