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Weapons are the main source of damage along with battle wands. There are two categories of weapons: Melee weapons and Ranged weapons.

A weapon will become identified after 20 successful hits.

Melee weapons and the Boomerang can be upgraded and enchanted.

For information on weapon generation, exact damage output and enchantment probabilities visit Game mechanics/Weapons.

Melee weapons

The Melee weapons are rated on a tier system which determines how powerful the weapon is.

When a Scroll of Upgrade is used on a weapon, the maximum damage goes up by its tier, the minimum damage goes up by one, the strength requirement goes down by one, but the tier, accuracy, and delay values remain the same.

If the required strength is less than the Hero's, an additional damage uniformly distributed between 0 and heroStrength-requiredStrength is applied to the attack. This bonus only applies if the Hero class is not Huntress.

As with armor, rings, melee-equipped wands, and the Boomerang, melee weapons also degrade after extensive use, and will "break", once their durability bar turns fully red, making them perform as if they were at level 0 (the upgrade value will remain the same, however - e.g. +3 Sword → "Broken +3 Sword"). They will then need to be repaired to be of effective use again.


Short sword

Main article: Short sword
Short sword
It is indeed quite short, just a few inches longer,[sic] than a dagger.

This Short sword is tier-1 melee weapon. Its typical average damage is 5 points per hit; and it usually requires 10 points of strength.

Tier Base strength Base damage Accuracy Delay Buy price Sell price
1 10 5 1 1 Cannot be bought 20


Main article: Dagger
A simple iron dagger with a well worn wooden handle.

This Dagger is tier-1 melee weapon. Its typical average damage is 4 points per hit; and it usually requires 10 points of strength. This is a rather accurate weapon.

Tier Base strength Base damage Accuracy Delay Buy price Sell price
1 10 4 1.2 1 Cannot be bought 20


Main article: Knuckleduster
A piece of iron shaped to fit around the knuckles.

This Knuckleduster is tier-1 melee weapon. Its typical average damage is 3 points per hit; and it usually requires 10 points of strength. This is a rather fast weapon.

Tier Base strength Base damage Accuracy Delay Buy price Sell price
1 10 3 1 0.5 Cannot be bought 20



Main article: Quarterstaff
A staff of hardwood, its ends are shod with iron.

This Quarterstaff is tier-2 melee weapon. Its typical average damage is 7 points per hit; and it usually requires 12 points of strength.

Tier Base strength Base damage Accuracy Delay Buy price Sell price
2 12 7 1 1 400 40


Main article: Spear
A slender wooden rod tipped with sharpened iron.

This Spear is tier-2 melee weapon. Its typical average damage is 10 points per hit; and it usually requires 12 points of strength. This is a rather slow weapon.

Tier Base strength Base damage Accuracy Delay Buy price Sell price
2 12 10 1 1.5 400 40



Main article: Mace
The iron head of this weapon inflicts substantial damage.

This Mace is tier-3 melee weapon. Its typical average damage is 7 points per hit; and it usually requires 14 points of strength. This is a rather fast weapon.

Tier Base strength Base damage Accuracy Delay Buy price Sell price
3 14 7 1 0.8 1200 80


Main article: Sword
The razor-sharp length of steel blade shines reassuringly.

This Sword is tier-3 melee weapon. Its typical average damage is 9 points per hit; and it usually requires 14 points of strength.

Tier Base strength Base damage Accuracy Delay Buy price Sell price
3 14 9 1 1 1200 80



Main article: Longsword
This towering blade inflicts heavy damage by investing its heft into every cut.

This Longsword is tier-4 melee weapon. Its typical average damage is 13 points per hit; and it usually requires 16 points of strength.

Tier Base strength Base damage Accuracy Delay Buy price Sell price
4 16 13 1 1 3200 160

Battle axe

Main article: Battle axe
Battle axe
Battle axe
The enormous steel head of this battle axe puts considerable heft behind each stroke.

This Battle axe is tier-4 melee weapon. Its typical average damage is 11 points per hit; and it usually requires 16 points of strength. This is a rather accurate weapon.

Tier Base strength Base damage Accuracy Delay Buy price Sell price
4 16 11 1.2 1 3200 160


War hammer

Main article: War hammer
War hammer
War hammer
Few creatures can withstand the crushing blow of this towering mass of lead and steel, but only the strongest of adventurers can use it effectively.

This War hammer is tier-5 melee weapon. Its typical average damage is 15 points per hit; and it usually requires 18 points of strength. This is a rather accurate weapon.

Tier Base strength Base damage Accuracy Delay Buy price Sell price
5 18 15 1.2 1 8000 320


Main article: Glaive
A polearm consisting of a sword blade on the end of a pole.

This Glaive is tier-5 melee weapon. Its typical average damage is 17 points per hit; and it usually requires 18 points of strength.

Tier Base strength Base damage Accuracy Delay Buy price Sell price
5 18 17 1 1 8000 320

Other weapons


Main article: Pickaxe
This is a large and sturdy tool for breaking rocks. Probably it can be used as a weapon.
Required strength Average hit Accuracy Delay
14 7 1 1

Missile weapons

Missile weapons can be used to attack an enemy from afar or equiped in the weapon slot if the Hero is either Huntress or Rogue. All missile weapons except Boomerang cannot be upgraded nor enchanted, are stackable, and are destroyed upon hitting the enemy (if the attack misses, the weapon will just fall on the ground).

All missile weapons just like melee weapons have strength requirements. If Hero's strength is too low, missile weapons will be 1.2 times slower and 1.5 times less accurate for each missing strength point. Required strength is essentially 3 points higher for Warrior (affects only accuracy) and 2 points lower for Huntress. Therefore Warrior needs 20 points of strength use Tomahawks normally, while for Huntress 15 points is enough.

If the required strength is less than the Hero's, an additional damage uniformly distributed between 0 and heroStrength-requiredStrength is applied to the attack. This bonus only applies if the Hero class is Huntress.


Main article: Dart
These simple metal spikes are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist.

Average damage of this weapon equals to 2 points per hit.

Required strength Average damage Accuracy Delay Sell price
10 2 1 1 2

Incendiary dart

Main article: Incendiary dart
Incendiary dart
Incendiary dart
The spike on each of these darts is designed to pin it to its target while the unstable compounds strapped to its length burst into brilliant flames.

Average damage of this weapon equals to 1 points per hit.

This weapon applies Burning Burning debuff to the target.

Required strength Average damage Accuracy Delay Sell price
12 1 1 1 10


Main article: Shuriken
Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades do significant damage when they hit a target. They can be thrown at very high rate.

Average damage of this weapon equals to 4 points per hit.

Required strength Average damage Accuracy Delay Sell price
13 4 1 0.5 15

Curare dart

Main article: Curare dart
Curare dart
Curare dart
These little evil darts don't do much damage but they can paralyze the target leaving it helpless and motionless for some time.

Average damage of this weapon equals to 2 points per hit.

This weapon applies Paralyzed Paralyzed debuff to the target.

Required strength Average damage Accuracy Delay Sell price
14 2 1 1 12


Main article: Javelin
This length of metal is weighted to keep the spike at its tip foremost as it sails through the air.

Average damage of this weapon equals to 8 points per hit.

This weapon applies Crippled Crippled debuff to the target.

Required strength Average damage Accuracy Delay Sell price
15 8 1 1 15


Main article: Tomahawk
This throwing axe is not that heavy, but it still requires significant strength to be used effectively.

Average damage of this weapon equals to 12 points per hit.

This weapon applies Bleeding Bleeding debuff to the target.

Required strength Average damage Accuracy Delay Sell price
17 12 1 1 20


Main article: Boomerang
Thrown to the enemy[sic] this flat[sic] curved wooden missile will return to the hands of its thrower[sic]

Average damage of this weapon equals to 2.5+level×1.5 (integer part displayed) points per hit.

Required strength Average damage Accuracy Delay Sell price
10 2.5+level×1.5 (integer part displayed) 1 1 Cannot be sold

Weapon Generation


Main article: Weapon Generation


  • Equipping weapons that are too heavy will slow the Hero down, allowing enemies to strike more than once, and the Hero will likely miss most of the time.
    However, as Marsupial rats do little damage, melee-ing them can help identify a new weapon, at low risk, even if the Hero may often miss.
  • Farming:
    • You can slay Skeletons; they drop all kinds of weapons.
      A good drop can give you a high-tier upgraded weapon, but this is rare.
    • If you need an enchanted weapon, you can find and slay an Animated statue.
      The statue will drop a pre-identified enchanted weapon.
  • Degradation:


Update Change
0.2.2 Changed: Now, melee weapons do less damage without enhancement*, more with enhancement* (upgrades*)

ADDED Missile Weapons to the game

0.5.2 Changed: Excessive strength doesn't grant bonus damage for Missile Weapons
0.5.3 Fixed: Bug with throwing equipped Missile Weapons
1.9.0 Added: Auto-targeting for missile weapons