Pixel Dungeon 维基
第49行: 第49行:
{{Description|看着就很重的这件装甲,让战士可以向目标地点施展一记英勇跃,沉猛的下坠让周遭所有敌人被击昏。|[[File:Warrior armor.png]]}}
{{Description|看着就很重的这件装甲,让战士可以向目标地点施展一记英勇跃,沉猛的下坠让周遭所有敌人被击昏。|[[File:Warrior armor.png]]}}
英勇跃是战士的职业技能,It is a teleport that can be cast anywhere in line of sight, but cannot be used to bypass enemies in the way.
* 即使在悬浮状态下,以陷阱为目标下落也会将之触发。
Upon “landing”, it stuns all [[Enemy|enemies]] for 2 [[turn]]s in a 1-tile radius of the destination tile. Like all epic armor abilities, Heroic Leap costs half the Hero's current hit points to use.
* 在玩家愿意承受风险的前提下,狂战士副职阶可以通过交替地眩晕和攻击来对皮厚血厚的敌人造成非常可观的伤害。吸血附魔武器十分合适这种情况。
* Even with a [[Potion of Levitation]], slamming onto a [[trap]] will trigger it.
* The [[Berserker]] sub-class can be used to inflict some serious damage on tough enemies by alternating stuns and hits, if you can risk the HP loss. [[Vampiric]] [[weapon]]s might pair nicely here.

2014年8月31日 (日) 20:48的版本




  • 战士的初始力量值为11(其他职业为10);
  • 战士的初始武器为一把独特的短剑,其可在升级后被“重铸”来升级另一把近战武器(使用后此短剑消失。此升级不会破坏武器附魔效果)。;
  • 战士不善于使用投掷式武器;
  • 任何食物均可回复小量体力;
  • 力量药水在一开始就是已鉴定状态;

  • 战士初始获得8枚飞镖
  • 进食的体力恢复量为5。





在进入连击状态后,后续不停顿地击中会累加连击数,连击数越高,状态内下一次攻击的伤害越高。 使用指虎这样的高速度武器,用研磨石增加手上武器的速度,都对这个职业非常有益。




角斗士 与 狂战士

To get the damage bonus of the Gladiator you have to get a minimum of 3 consecutive hits, which could be hard to achieve because of mechanics like dodge, parry and block from the enemies or simply killing it in three hits or less. On the other hand the combo can be easy to start if you: have ring of accuracy or haste or use accurate or fast hitting weapons. Notice that the fast hitting weapons (knuckleduster or mace) might be the best weapons for Gladiator as they will be both hard-hitting and fast when Combo is active, other weapons can miss often or kill the mob before giving Combo much use, making the sub-class perk ineffective. In general the Gladiator can be very effective with the right equipment.

When choosing the Berserker you can deal very high damage, at later levels with good weapons you can reach around 40-50 damage with one hit. The cons of Berserker is that you need to be below 40% max HP to trigger the effect creating a need of risk in order to use the perk, but consider that the extra damage will often save you in 1v1 fights. Something very positive about the sub-class is that if you wear a good armor or use Earthroot, mobs will deal little damage per turn allowing you to stay some or many turns in Berserk mode, with the risk of dying actually being small while benefiting from the high damage increase. In general the Berserker gives a reward in exchange of a risk, but this risk can be reduced by using strategies.


在击败第二个敌方首领(侏儒王)后,英雄会获得一份甲胄改造包。 改造包能让英雄将他的一件甲胄改造为附有特殊能力的职业装。

File:Warrior armor.png 看着就很重的这件装甲,让战士可以向目标地点施展一记英勇跃,沉猛的下坠让周遭所有敌人被击昏。


  • 即使在悬浮状态下,以陷阱为目标下落也会将之触发。
  • 在玩家愿意承受风险的前提下,狂战士副职阶可以通过交替地眩晕和攻击来对皮厚血厚的敌人造成非常可观的伤害。吸血附魔武器十分合适这种情况。